; Messin' with H-HAS-MC-3.010 ;

Messin' with H-HAS-MC-3.010

; This is file: ~dd/idl/xrcf/acis_mc_cc_play.pro
; This file contains commands that could be executed at the IDL
; command line to play with the ACIS MC data.
; Starting from scratch it can be run by doing:
;  IDL> astrolib
;  IDL> @acis_mc_cc_play
; Note: The procedures pre_print_sqr(etc.) and post_print are used to create
; .ps files instead of screen display.  They are in ~dd/idl/useful/
; The pre_print, post_print lines can be commented out and STOP command
; added after desired plot for interactive use.


Reading-in and calibrating X,Y, and E

; Where is the FITS data file? ; At SAO this file is in: /data/pipes/p/113/H-HAS-MC-3.010/i001/acil1/out_R1U9.4/ ; Thanks to Anastasia for processing it! file_name = '/spectra/d6/970423/acis_hhasmc3010i001n000_evt.fits' ; read it in with ASTROLIB routine ; This line can be commented out for repeat playings with same data ; as all variables here are still at command line. ev = mrdfits(file_name, 2) ; Show all the TAGS of ev: print, 'TAGs of ev (FITS columns) : ', tag_names(ev) ; The output TAGs are: ; TIME EXPNO CCD_ID CHIPX CHIPY TDETX TDETY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI GRADE FLTGRADE ; Form an ACIS PHA histogram of all events ; Looks like pi is in units of eV pha_hist = histogram(ev.pi,MIN=0,MAX=15000,BINSIZE=10) pha_es = 10.0*(1.+indgen(n_elements(pha_hist))) ; eV pre_print_sqr plot_oo, pha_es/1000.0, pha_hist, PSYM=10, $ XRANGE=[0.1, 10.], YRANGE=[1.,1.E4], $ TITLE = 'ACIS-S spectrum of all events, H-HAS-MC-3.010', $ XTITLE = 'ACIS Energy (keV) [~pi/1000]', $ YTITLE='counts per 10 eV' ; Label the Al, and W peaks xyouts, 1.48, 2000.0, 'Al-K' xyouts, 1.78, 1000.0, 'W-M' post_print, 'acis_mc_pha.ps' ; Turn the X,Y,and E values into "real" mm,mm,keV units ; with (X,Y) = (0.,0.) at zero-order ; E : looks like 1 eV per unit acis_e = ev.pi/1000.0 ; X,Y : put in the offsets to get zero-order at zero ; These offsets were derrived iteratively by looking at the ; following plots and playing with the data acis_x = ev.X - 4094.0 acis_y = ev.Y - 4677.0 ; Blur them by a "pixel" width ; Discrete (integer) values of X,Y will cause all sorts of problems ; with spectral binning and event plotting acis_x = acis_x + RANDOMU(SEED,n_elements(acis_x)) - 0.5 acis_y = acis_y + RANDOMU(SEED,n_elements(acis_y)) - 0.5 ; Plot the events in physical space ; Zero in on zero-order... with cross hairs... ; Adjust the acis_y correction above to get events on the line. pre_print_sqr plot, acis_x, acis_y, PSYM=3, XRANGE=[-500.,500.], YRANGE=[-500.,500.], $ TITLE='Close-up of Zero-order Region w/crosshairs', $ XTITLE='ACIS_X (ASC pixels)', YTITLE='ACIS_Y (ASC pixels)' oplot, [-500.,500.],[0.,0.] oplot, [0.,0.],[-500.,500.] post_print, 'acis_mc_zeroin.ps' ; Calculate the floating time ; The TIME is a big number (1.E8 say) but is ; managable if the min value is subtracted off... ftime = ev.time ftime = ftime - MIN(ftime) ; Plot the acis_x event location vs ftime: ; shows dropped frames! of S3 chip after ftime ~140. ; Can also plot ACIS_X vs EXPNO: plot, ev.expno, acis_x, PSYM=3 pre_print_sqr plot, ftime, acis_x, PSYM=3, TITLE='Events plotted as ACIS_X vs. Time', $ XTITLE='Time ( TIME - MIN(TIME) )', YTITLE='ACIS_X w.r.t 0-order (ASC pixels)' post_print, 'acis_mc_XvsTime.ps' ; Look at Plus and Minus all-order spectra ; For this continous-clocking data use these plots to find zero-order in X ; by getting the Al-K lines to overlap (by adjusting the ; acis_x offset constant above.) pre_print_sqr !p.multi=[0,1,2] ; put two plots on one page x_range = [0.,max(ABS(acis_x))] ;;x_range = [1450.,1490.] <-- uncomment to zero-in to Al-K lines ; Plus side... x_hist = histogram(acis_x,MIN=0.,MAX=3000.,BINSIZE=1.) y_range = [1., max(x_hist(x_range(0):(x_range(1) < n_elements(x_hist)-1)))] plot_io, x_hist, XRANGE=x_range,YRANGE = y_range, PSYM=10, $ TITLE='Plus all-order events', XTITLE='ACIS_X w.r.t. zero-order', $ YTITLE='events per ASC pixel' ; indicate the Al-K line xyouts, 1465., 300., 'Al-K' ; Negative side... x_hist = histogram(-1.*acis_x,MIN=0.,MAX=3000.,BINSIZE=1.) plot_io, x_hist, XRANGE=x_range, YRANGE=y_range, PSYM=10, LINESTYLE=2, $ TITLE='Minus all-order events', XTITLE='ACIS_X w.r.t. zero-order', $ YTITLE='events per ASC pixel' xyouts, 1465., 300., 'Al-K' !p.multi=0 post_print, 'acis_mc_pmspec.ps' ; Zooming in with x_range above yields a central channel of HEG Al line at 1465. ; The equivalent mm per pixel is defined to have this be 1.4867 keV. ; The COS(5 degrees) is thus included in this pixel value... mmperpix = 8782.8*((12.3985/1.4867)/2000.95)/1465.0 ; dispersed um / pixel print, 'mm per "dispersed pixel" is :', mmperpix ; which comes out to 25.0 - 0.0013 um. FYI the Cu MC data gave a ; value of mmperpix = 25.0047 um per ASC pixel ; Now put the acis event locations into dispersed mm s : acis_x = mmperpix * acis_x acis_y = mmperpix * acis_y ;

Extracting the dispersed spectrum

; Now we're all set to extract the spectrum ; Extraction parameters width = 1.0 ; mm about dispersion axis offset = 0. ; mm shifts mask up or down (useful to get off pile up ; in non-cont colocking data) e_width = 1.0 ; fraction of E that dispersed_E and acis_E have to agree to lam_bin = 0.05 ; bin size in A to bin spectrum ftime_max = 135. ; use only the beginning data that has no S3 drop outs ; HEG-specific parameters angle = 0.0 ; 0.0 because it is continous clocking! period = 2000.95 ; kind of by definition of mm above... ; Calculate the dispersion based energy assuming 1st order disp_E = 12.3985/(period*(ABS(acis_X) > 0.1)/8782.8) ; Selection criteria for first-order photons disp_select = where( acis_y LT offset+acis_x*SIN(!DTOR*angle)+width/2.0 AND $ acis_y GT offset+acis_x*SIN(!DTOR*angle)-width/2.0 AND $ acis_E LT disp_E*(1.+e_width/2.0) AND $ acis_E GT disp_E/(1.+e_width/2.0) AND $ ftime LT ftime_max) ; For the selected events plot Y vs. X ; and plot E vs. X pre_print_sqr plot, acis_x(disp_select), acis_y(disp_select), PSYM=3, $ TITLE='Y vs. X plot of selected First-order events', $ XTITLE='ACIS_X (mm)', YTITLE='ACIS_Y (mm)' post_print, 'acis_mc_YvsX.ps' pre_print_sqr plot, acis_x(disp_select), acis_E(disp_select), $ PSYM=3, YRANGE=[0.,10.], $ TITLE='E vs. X plot of selected First-order events', $ XTITLE='ACIS_X (mm)', YTITLE='ACIS_E (keV)' post_print, 'acis_mc_EvsX.ps' ; OK, now make the MC spectrum ; a histogram of these events' dispersed wavelengths ; (because wavelength bins are basically spatial bins so have const ; resolution...) disp_lam_hist = histogram(12.3985/disp_E(disp_select), MIN=0., MAX=40.0, BINSIZE=lam_bin) disp_lams = lam_bin*(1.+indgen(n_elements(disp_lam_hist))) pre_print_sqr plot_oo, 12.3985/disp_lams, disp_lam_hist, YRANGE = [10.,1.E4], PSYM=10, $ XRANGE = [1.0,10.], TITLE = 'HEG MC C Spectrum, H-HAS-MC-3.010', $ XTITLE = 'Dispersed Energy (keV)', YTITLE='counts/bin (bins ='+$ STRING(lam_bin,FORMAT='(F6.3)')+' A)' post_print, 'acis_mc_spectrum.ps' ; Convert it to a Spectrum with units of counts/keV ; ; counts/keV = ( lambda^2 / hc ) * counts/A ; spec_per_kev = ((disp_lams^2)/12.3985) * (disp_lam_hist/lam_bin) spec_es = 12.3985/disp_lams pre_print_sqr plot_oo, spec_es, spec_per_kev, YRANGE = [100.,1.E5], PSYM=10, $ XRANGE = [1.0,10.], TITLE = 'HEG MC C Spectrum, H-HAS-MC-3.010', $ XTITLE = 'Dispersed Energy (keV)', YTITLE='counts/keV' post_print, 'acis_mc_speckev.ps' ;

Adding Predicted Curve

; OK, now make the MC spectrum with model ; curve using: ; - Dave H's HEG effective area that includes FI and BI, real gratings, ; and mirror (counts cm^2 / photon) ; - my Source simulation s/w for source spectrum (photons/cm^2/s/keV) ; read in the rdb version of Dave's HEG-ACIS-S Effective Area heg_ea = rdb_read(!DDLOOKUPS+'/EA_HEG-AS.rdb') ; Read in the ACIS-phase CMDB and simulate the spectrum cmdb_file_path = '~dd/idl/cmdb/Phase2/' cmdb_file = 'req_run_2honly.cmdb' cmdb_load @cmdb_trw_integers ; Find where this measurement is this_mc = where(cmdb_fields(*,c_id) EQ 'H-HAS-MC-3.010',nfound) ; simulate the spectrum xss_sim, this_mc(0)+1 ; Interpolate the smooth spectrum to Dave's grid source_spec = INTERPOL(lx_tubespec, lx_es, heg_ea.energy) ; Multiply them and a time to get predicted counts / keV predicted = heg_ea.area * source_spec * 135.0 pre_print_sqr plot_oo, spec_es, spec_per_kev, YRANGE = [100.,1.E5], PSYM=10, $ XRANGE = [1.0,10.], $ TITLE = 'HEG-ACIS-S "Molecular Contamination Test" Spectrum and Prediction', $ XTITLE = 'Dispersed Energy (keV)', YTITLE='counts/keV' oplot, heg_ea.energy, predicted, THICK=2 ; Add some labels etc. xyouts, 2.5, 5.E4, 'Solid curve - prediction, full HEG, t=135s' xyouts, 2.5, 3.5E4,' Histogram - XRCF data, H-HAS-MC-3.010' xyouts, 2.7, 1900.0, 'chip gap' xyouts, 1.4, 7.E4, 'Al-K' post_print, 'acis_mc_specwmod.ps' ;