PRO mgk_images ; Make a .gif image with several images in it... ; Loop over the iterations (defocus values)... for it=0,5 do begin it_str = STRING(it,FORMAT='(I1)') ; - - - - - ; Read in the LEG,MEG,HEG in-focus images ('001,002,003) for ii = 1,3 do begin ii_str = STRING(ii,FORMAT='(I1)') hsi = xrcf_hsi_read('/spectra/d6/970116/hsi10900'+ ii_str + $ 'i'+it_str+'.fits',/FAC,/PBLU) ; Select 0.8mmx0.6mm region ; The +/- 0.8 mm gives one HSI gap-to-gap region sel = where(ABS(hsi.y) LT 800. AND ABS(hsi.z) LT 600.) ; Save the events if (ii EQ 1) AND (it EQ 0) then begin ytot = 1700.*(ii-1.0)+hsi(sel).y ztot = hsi(sel).z + 1300.0*(5.0-it) ptot = hsi(sel).pha end else begin ; shift over the other images... ytot = [ytot, 1700.*(ii-1.0)+hsi(sel).y] ztot = [ztot, hsi(sel).z + 1300.0*(5.0-it)] ptot = [ptot, hsi(sel).pha] end end ; - - - - - end ; of loop over it ; Now make the image... xye_image, ytot/1000., ztot/1000., ptot, $ XBIN=0.010, YBIN=0.010, ONE=0.7, $ GIF_FILE='mgk_dF.gif' RETURN END