Availability of LR and X-GEF Data --------------------------------- Dan Dewey, 1/23/96 Data Organization ----------------- The original test data on the HETG flight gratings are organized into 3 main pieces at the moment: - NE80 spread sheet of gratings received, etc. Maintained by Dick Elder in NE80 on his Macintosh in Excel format. - LR data files Raw LR data files are all in ~tgs/lr/dat. - X-GEF data files Raw data files are analyzed in /nfs/caliber/dN and then stored in "compressed" format (no PSPC events*) in /nfs/bodicea/dN (and, as they grow, in /nfs/spectra/dN). As gratings are aligned to the HESS an additional data set may be generated. Tab-delimited files ------------------- Representative LR and X-GEF results have been written out to tab-delimited files with the same number of lines as the (current) version of Dick's spreadsheet. These three tab-delimited files can be accessed from both Mac and unix machines. unix Acess: Go to either ~tgs/results or /nfs/caliber/d1/tgs/results and the three files are GratingStatus960102.txt (or a more recent datecode) GratingStatus.lr.txt GratingStatus.xgef.txt Mac Acess: The same three files are available over AppleShare from: CSR-SIX-A ; Dewey 37-635 ; Guest login ; dd * HETG * in folder Grating Database (though they might not be as up to date.) These three tab-delimited files have some indication of the contents of the various columns; ask Dick and Dan for more specifics. IDL Acess --------- IDL's convenient programming language and graphics capabilities makes it a useful medium to do "meta" analysis on the three data sets. To this end, routines and common variables have been added to allow reading in and using the data in the GratingStatus files. Copy the file ~dd/idl/meta/wave_start.pro into a directory. (You may want to rename it idl_start.pro if this is the default startup file for your IDL environment to aviod the next step. This startup file allows LR analysis, X-GEF analysis, as well as access to these text data files and sets a wide path. All the s/w needed for the gs_ examples below is in ~dd/idl/useful, however.) Type: @wave_start to the IDL prompt you should receive the prompt: Meta> Load the current values of the three text files with the command: Meta> gs_load_all [gs = "GratingStatus"] View the enormity of the data now available with the command: Meta> gs_list [works best with w i d e small-type window) Variables with the data are now available at the command line. The variables are arrays with length equal to the number of lines in the NE80 spread sheet. The variables available are: from NE80 spread sheet columns: gs_data.Entry unique Entry number per grating gs_data.Frame Frame ID gs_data.NE80 Date at NE80 gs_data.Wafer Wafer ID code gs_data.Type Orientation code (A,B,C,D,E,F) gs_data.ErrSML SML measured alignment error in degrees gs_data.Acoustic Acoustic ressonant frequency, Hz gs_data.Thermal Thermal test date gs_data.XGEF X-GEF date and test codes gs_data.NoFly text here (without a ?) indicates clear non-flight grating, e.g. due to puncture. from X-GEF and LR analysis results: gs_xgef_dir directory where data is gs_xgef_thk average line thickness, A gs_xgef_line average line width, A gs_xgef_1keV average 1 keV efficiency gs_xgef_4keV 4 gs_xgef_8keV 8 gs_lr_file lr data file name gs_lr_pave average period, A gs_lr_dpop dp/p over whole facet gs_lr_validfrac fraction of all LR points that are valid gs_lr_macver LR data taking s/w version code gs_lr_rollrms LR full region roll rms value, arc seconds gs_active_Pave Array of Pave values in active regions corresponding to -13 deg. to +13 deg. gs_active_dpop Same for dp/p for active regions. Their values can be typed to the screen with: Meta> print, gs_xgef_thk [all values typed] Meta> print, gs_xgef_thk(150) [single line] Meta> print, gs_data.Frame Meta> print, gs_data(150).Frame [gs_data is a structure so the array subscript is as shown.] Plot the grating periods (versus line number): Meta> plot, gs_lr_pave, PSYM=4 and plot them vs Entry number: Meta> plot, gs_data.Entry, gs_lr_pave, PSYM=4 Plot bar thickness vs Entry: Meta> plot, gs_data.Entry, gs_xgef_thk, PSYM=4 Plot acoustic frequency vs plated thickness: Meta> plot, gs_xgef_thk, gs_data.Acoustic, PSYM=4 only for MEGs: Meta> just_megs = where(gs_lr_pave GT 3000.) Meta> plot, gs_xgef_thk(just_megs), gs_data(just_megs).Acoustic, PSYM=4 Plot the SML alignement error: -1000 is used to signal no value so plot around zero only: Meta> plot, gs_data.ErrSML, PSYM=4, YRANGE=[-1.0,1.0] Plot scatter plot of X-GEF efficiency data for HEGs and MEGs using procedure that exists already: Meta> gs_effic_scatter, 2000. [scatter plot of HEG effics] Meta> gs_effic_scatter, 4000. [scatter plot of HEG effics] The set of all gs_variables are defined in ~dd/idl/useful/ gs_common.pro. One of them, gs_data, is a structure and is defined in ~dd/idl/useful/gs_structure_defn.pro. The gs_ variables can be accessed in an IDL procedure by including the line: @gs_common. See, for example, ~dd/idl/meta/gs_effic_scatter.pro Counting of flight gratings is done with a variety of routines, eg: Meta> gs_count_em Meta> gs_flight_spec Updating of the various plots is done with gs_update_all, etc. Given the evolution of the selection process many such routines will no doubt appear in ~dd/idl/meta. . . . . . . *Regarding X-GEF analysis see also: ~dd/text/XGEF/X-GEF-007_SW_update.txt -------- this file: ~dd/text/LRXGEF_data.txt