Definition of X-GEF FITS files ------------------------------ for ELLIPSIS s/w ---------------- File: ~dd/text/XGEF/XGEF_fits.txt Revision History ---------------- 11/2/94 dd Initial release in response to 10/19/94 meeting. file: ~dd/text/XGEF/fits_keywords.txt 11/15/94 dd Slight modifications suggested by Jonathan McD. 1/27/95 jcm Major rev to match stuff agreed to with ACIS. 2/10/95 dd Keywords that Mac s/w must supply. Non-Mac keywords start with TAB character. Any modification to keywords from the 1/27/95 version are indicated by a /* comment. 3/17/95 dd Modified for Ellipsis purposes: Ellipsis will use text files from HETG as input to their s/w. The s/w will read these "FITS definition files" and when recognized keywords are identified the s/w will add the value of that keyword to the output file. [Dave&Todd - you're geniuses!] Lines with unrecognized keywords or comments will be passed through. Five definition file types are defined: X-GEF HDU PSPC HDU SSD HDU SMD HDU Other HDU All Macintosh created raw X-GEF FITS files will have the format: o X-GEF HDU (with EXTEND = T) (no "image" data) o PSPC_HDU or SSD_HDU or SSD_HDU or SMD_HDU or Other_HDU o binary data (padded to 2880 byte boundary) o EOF Note that each file includes the X-GEF HDU and that only one set of binary data is present in each FITS file and this data is always in the single extension. The FITS file will be named by the detector and a date/time number field, e.g., pspc.950317115347 . The XGEF HDU will be the same for all detectors, e.g., if PSPC and SMD exposures were requested from a given test item the FITS files for these exposures would have identical XGEF HDUs. One implication of this is that the keyword INSTRUME in the X-GEF HDU will be set to 'SEE EXTENSION'. 3/17/95 dd Received column requirements for the header information from jcm: --------------FITS column location requirements------------- From the FITS standard, section 5.3.2: = in col 9 col 10 is a space. String cards: Closing quote no earlier than column 20 Opening quote must be in column 11. Logical : T or F in column 30 Numeric: value right justified in cols 11-30. From section Space between the value and the slash recommended. So in general, you should have the / in col. 32 or later. 1 2 3 4 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Good: EXAMPLE1= 1.0234 / Very simple example EXAMPLE1= 1.02340 / Extra space before slash EXAMPLE2= 'This string is a very long one ' / somewhere far right, but EXAM2 = 'This string ' / I think headers look nicer with all / in / col 30(sic 32) where possible. -----------end--FITS column location requirements------------- 3/18/95 dd Lots of work to remove TABs from the file and include results of discussions with Ellipsis. Any modification to keywords,etc. from the 1/27/95 version are indicated by a / * comment. 3/21/95 dd A few more changes from Jonathan: In Standard AXAF file keywords: In X-GEF HDU, INSTRUME should be 'PSPC' etc or omitted. OBS_ID will be just a string version of TEST_CNT OBI_NUM can be included and will be equal to TESTITEM Omit DATE-END, TIME-END, and MJD-OBS Remove OBI_NUM from Observation details sections. Remove "OGIP PHA..." sections and HDUCLASS keywords. Removed the / * symbols for comments that were changed. 4/12/95 dd Changed SSD and SMD to be 4-byte 4-byte tables. 7/24/95 dd Slight changes to agree with real files. ------------BEGIN XGEF HDU---------------------- SIMPLE = T / FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / Binary Data NAXIS = 0 / No data in X-GEF Data unit EXTEND = T / Extensions have the data COMMENT --------------- COMMENT Standard AXAF file keywords (repeat in each extension) COMMENT --------------- MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission name TELESCOP= 'X-GEF ' / Facility name INSTRUME= 'detector' / Instrument name; prefer to be correct or omit. OBS_MODE= 'GROUND ' / Observation mode (Ground, Pointing, etc) OBS_ID = '1 ' / String of TEST_CNT OBI_NUM = 1 / Same as test item TEST_CNT= 1 / Unique integer for each X-GEF test initiated TESTCODE= 'MANUAL ' / Eight character test procedure identifier TESTITEM= 1 / Test item of the procedure SRC_ID = 'Manson Model 5' / Source identification FILTER = 'None ' / Source filter GRATING = 'HX131 ' / Sample under test OBJECT = 'Al S/N 1' / Source Anode identification OBSERVER= 'Dan Dewey' / Operator name DATE-OBS= '12/01/95' / Date (dd/mm/yy) of the data start time (UT) TIME-OBS= '14:04:26' / Time (hh:mm:ss) of the data start time (UT) CREATOR = 'Ellipsis X-GEF s/w' / Entity that compiled the data in this file HETGVER = '1.0 ' / HETG version of X-GEF Mac FITS s/w (Ellipsis to supply) ASCVER = 'XGEF_RAW_1.0' / ASC file version control info ORIGIN = 'HETG/MIT' / Origin of FITS file DATE = '23/01/95' / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy) CONTENT = 'RAW_DATA' / File contains unprocessed X-GEF data COMMENT --------------------- COMMENT X-GEF Source keywords COMMENT --------------------- SRC_ANOD= 'Al S/N 1' / Source Anode identification SRC_ANG = 45.0 / Source take-off angle for main beam, deg. SRC_SMD = 45.0 / Source take-off angle for monitor beam SRC_FILT= 'None ' / Source filter SRC_HV = 9000.0 / Source HV, volts SRC_CURR= 0.100 / Source current, mA SRC_CEL = 7.5 / Source Cathode Emmission limit setting SRC_HGT = 0.5 / Height of source spot, mm SRC_WDTH= 0.5 / Width of source spot, mm SRC_VAC = 1.0E-5 / Source Vacuum level, torr COMMENT --------------------- COMMENT X-GEF Sample keywords COMMENT --------------------- GRAT_SEL= 'Sample A' / (Grating) Sample selected GRAT_A = 'HX131 ' / Sample A ID GRAT_B = 'MA004 ' / Sample B ID REF_HEG = 'None ' / Ref. HEG ID REF_MEG = 'None ' / Ref. MEG ID COMMENT --------------------- COMMENT X-GEF Lab keywords COMMENT --------------------- GRAT_X = 0.0 / Beam X location on grating, mm GRAT_Y = 0.0 / Beam Y location on grating, mm GRAT_ANG= 0.0 / Grating normal w.r.t. beam centerline, deg. GRAT_T = 22.0 / Ambient temp, C GRAT_VAC= 5.0E-5 / Grating(Optic) Chamber Vacuum level, torr PUMP_CUR= 4.0 / Grating(Optic) Chamber pump current, mA AC_FLAG = F / AC was interupted flag DET_VAC = 1.0E-4 / Detector Vacuum from TC gauge, torr COLLIMAT= 'Slit ' / Collimation method CSLIT = '0.2 MM ' / Collimating Slit width, mm OSLIT = 'OPEN ' / Optic Slit width, mm OPTIC_ID= 'IR S/N 2' / Optic Identification OPTICANG= 1.5 / Optic graze angle, deg. OPTIC_T = 22.0 / Ambient temp, C ZERO_OFF= 0.0 / Zero-order offset, mm FOC_OFF = 0.0 / Focus offset value, microns SLIT_OFF= 0.0 / Optic slit offset, mm PIN_HOLE= F / Pin-hole in place? HOLESIZE= 0.051 / Diameter of pinhole, mm COMMENT --------------------- COMMENT X-GEF Lab Geometry COMMENT --------------------- D_SO = 8789.0 / Distance Source-Optic, mm D_OG = 203.0 / Distance Optic Grating D_GSSD = 8572.5 / Distance Grating to SSD D_GPSPC = 8613.8 / Distance Grating to PSPC D_GOTHER= 8600.0 / Distance Grating to Other detector D_AO = 254.0 / Distance Aperture to Optic D_BO = 330.0 / Distance Baffle to Optic D_SP = 521.0 / Distance Source to Pin-hole END ------------END XGEF HDU---------------------- ------------BEGIN PSPC HDU---------------------- XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Photon event list BITPIX = 8 / Binary data, each item is a 16 bit signed int. NAXIS = 2 / Table is a matrix NAXIS1 = 8 / Width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 39424 / Number of entries in table PCOUNT = 0 / Random parameter count (?) GCOUNT = 1 / Group count (required keyword) TFIELDS = 4 / Columns are X,Y,E,Ramp(t) COMMENT ---------------- COMMENT PSPC Event data table COMMENT ---------------- EXTNAME = 'RAW_EVENTS' / Extension name EXTVER = 1 / Version number of table data TFORM1 = '1I ' / Format of binary data in the column TTYPE1 = 'DETX ' / Name of the data in the column TUNIT1 = 'mm ' / Units of the (rescaled) data TDISP1 = 'F8.2 ' / Display format (after rescaling I assume) TCRPX1 = 1024 / Reference raw data value TCRVL1 = 0.0 / Reference rescaled value TCDLT1 = 80.56E-3 / Delta in mm/one_count TFORM2 = '1I ' / Format of binary data in the column TTYPE2 = 'DETY ' / Name of the data in the column TUNIT2 = 'MM ' / Units of the (rescaled) data TDISP2 = 'F8.2 ' / Display format (after rescaling I assume) TCRPX2 = 1065 / Reference raw data value TCRVL2 = 0.0 / Reference rescaled value TCDLT2 = 29.565E-3 / Delta in mm/one_count TFORM3 = '1I ' / Format of binary data in the column TTYPE3 = 'E ' / Name of the data in the column TUNIT3 = 'KEV ' / Units of the (rescaled) data TDISP3 = 'F8.2 ' / Display format (after rescaling I assume) TCRPX3 = 0 / Reference raw data value TCRVL3 = 0.0 / Reference rescaled value TCDLT3 = 4.395E-3 / Delta in keV/one_count TFORM4 = '1I ' / Format of binary data in the column TTYPE4 = 'Ramp ' / Name of the data in the column TUNIT4 = 'V ' / Units of the (rescaled) data TDISP4 = 'F8.2 ' / Display format (after rescaling I assume) TCRPX4 = 0 / Reference raw data value TCRVL4 = 0.0 / Reference rescaled value TCDLT4 = 2.441E-3 / Delta in volts/one_count COMMENT --------------- COMMENT Standard AXAF file keywords (repeat in each extension) COMMENT --------------- MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission name TELESCOP= 'X-GEF ' / Facility name INSTRUME= 'PSPC ' / Instrument name; prefer to be correct or omit. OBS_MODE= 'GROUND ' / Observation mode (Ground, Pointing, etc) OBS_ID = '1 ' / String of TEST_CNT OBI_NUM = 1 / Same as test item TEST_CNT= 1 / Unique integer for each X-GEF test initiated TESTCODE= 'MANUAL ' / Eight character test procedure identifier TESTITEM= 1 / Test item of the procedure SRC_ID = 'Manson Model 5' / Source identification FILTER = 'None ' / Source filter GRATING = 'HX131 ' / Sample under test OBJECT = 'Al S/N 1' / Source Anode identification OBSERVER= 'Dan Dewey' / Operator name DATE-OBS= '12/01/95' / Date (dd/mm/yy) of the data start time (UT) TIME-OBS= '14:04:26' / Time (hh:mm:ss) of the data start time (UT) CREATOR = 'Ellipsis X-GEF s/w' / Entity that compiled the data in this file HETGVER = '1.0 ' / HETG version of X-GEF Mac FITS s/w (Ellipsis) ASCVER = 'XGEF_RAW_1.0' / ASC file version control info ORIGIN = 'HETG/MIT' / Origin of FITS file DATE = '23/01/95' / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy) COMMENT ------------------ COMMENT Observation details COMMENT ------------------ RAW_DATA= '940211132456.PSPC' / Filename of raw test data DET_TIME= 20. / Desired expos. time, sec. Not same as LIVETIME COMMENT ------------------ COMMENT PSPC Keywords COMMENT ------------------ DET_XLOC= 0.0 / X position of detector in chamber, mm DET_YLOC= 0.0 / Y position of detector in chamber, mm DET_HV = 1806.0 / PSPC HV, volts DET_PRES= 760.0 / PSPC Gas Pressure, torr DET_T = 22.0 / Ambient Temp, C DET_YAW = 0.0 / PSPC Yaw angle, deg. RAMP_PER= 8.192 / Period of Ramp, sec. DET_MAT = 'Ar-90% CH4-10%' / PSPC gas (material) DET_THK = 12.5 / PSPC depth, mm DET_WIND= 'Ordela Kapton #1' / PSPC window identification SIM_DATA= F / Simulated data? END ------------END PSPC HDU---------------------- ------------BEGIN SMD HDU---------------------- XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 8 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 1024 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 2 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'CHANNEL ' / Pulse Height Analyser (PHA) Channel TFORM1 = '1J ' / data format of the field: 4-byte INTEGER TTYPE2 = 'COUNTS ' / Counts per second per channel TFORM2 = '1J ' / data format of the field: 4-byte INTEGER TUNIT2 = 'COUNT ' / physical unit of field EXTNAME = 'SPECTRUM' / name of this binary table extension COMMENT --------------- COMMENT Table limits COMMENT --------------- TLMIN1 = 0 / Lowest legal channel number TLMAX1 = 1023 / Highest legal channel number COMMENT Approx conversion to energy. Roughly Emax/1023 TCRPX1 = 0 / Reference pixel TCRVL1 = 0.0 / Value at ref pixel TCDLT1 = 0.009775 / keV per pixel TCUNI1 = 'KEV ' / Units along axis COMMENT --------------- COMMENT Standard AXAF file keywords (repeat in each extension) COMMENT --------------- MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission name TELESCOP= 'X-GEF ' / Facility name INSTRUME= 'SMD ' / Instrument name; prefer to be correct or omit. OBS_MODE= 'GROUND ' / Observation mode (Ground, Pointing, etc) OBS_ID = '1 ' / String of TEST_CNT OBI_NUM = 1 / Same as test item TEST_CNT= 1 / Unique integer for each X-GEF test initiated TESTCODE= 'MANUAL ' / Eight character test procedure identifier TESTITEM= 1 / Test item of the procedure SRC_ID = 'Manson Model 5' / Source identification FILTER = 'None ' / Source filter GRATING = 'HX131 ' / Sample under test OBJECT = 'Al S/N 1' / Source Anode identification OBSERVER= 'Dan Dewey' / Operator name DATE-OBS= '12/01/95' / Date (dd/mm/yy) of the data start time (UT) TIME-OBS= '14:04:26' / Time (hh:mm:ss) of the data start time (UT) CREATOR = 'Ellipsis X-GEF s/w' / Entity that compiled the data in this file HETGVER = '1.0 ' / HETG version of X-GEF Mac FITS s/w (Ellipsis) ASCVER = 'XGEF_RAW_1.0' / ASC file version control info ORIGIN = 'HETG/MIT' / Origin of FITS file DATE = '23/01/95' / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy) COMMENT ---------- COMMENT SMD observation details COMMENT ---------- RAW_DATA= '950324180423.smd' / Filename of raw test data DET_TIME= 120. / Desired expos. time, sec. Not same as LIVETIME DET_HV = 1495.8 / Detector HV, volts DET_MAT = 'Ar-90% CO2-10%' / Detector gas (material) DET_THK = 20.0 / Detector diameter, mm DET_WIND= 'NS VYNS #3' / Det. window identification SIM_DATA= F / Simulated data? COMMENT ------------- COMMENT SMD specific keywords COMMENT ------------- DET_PRES= 760.0 / SMD Gas pressure, torr DET_T = 22.0 / SMD Temp., C SOLIDANG= 3.56E-7 / SMD solid angle subtended, steradians END ------------END SMD HDU---------------------- ------------BEGIN SSD HDU---------------------- XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 8 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 1024 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 2 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'CHANNEL ' / Pulse Height Analyser (PHA) Channel TFORM1 = '1J ' / data format of the field: 4-byte INTEGER TTYPE2 = 'COUNTS ' / Counts per second per channel TFORM2 = '1J ' / data format of the field: 4-byte INTEGER TUNIT2 = 'COUNT ' / physical unit of field EXTNAME = 'SPECTRUM' / name of this binary table extension COMMENT --------------- COMMENT Table limits COMMENT --------------- TLMIN1 = 0 / Lowest legal channel number TLMAX1 = 1023 / Highest legal channel number COMMENT Approx conversion to energy. SSD fixed at 0 - 10 keV TCRPX1 = 0 / Reference pixel TCRVL1 = 0.0 / Value at ref pixel TCDLT1 = 0.009775 / keV per pixel TCUNI1 = 'keV ' / Units along axis COMMENT --------------- COMMENT Standard AXAF file keywords (repeat in each extension) COMMENT --------------- MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission name TELESCOP= 'X-GEF ' / Facility name INSTRUME= 'SSD ' / Instrument name; prefer to be correct or omit. OBS_MODE= 'GROUND ' / Observation mode (Ground, Pointing, etc) OBS_ID = '1 ' / String of TEST_CNT OBI_NUM = 1 / Same as test item TEST_CNT= 1 / Unique integer for each X-GEF test initiated TESTCODE= 'MANUAL ' / Eight character test procedure identifier TESTITEM= 1 / Test item of the procedure SRC_ID = 'Manson Model 5' / Source identification FILTER = 'None ' / Source filter GRATING = 'HX131 ' / Sample under test OBJECT = 'Al S/N 1' / Source Anode identification OBSERVER= 'Dan Dewey' / Operator name DATE-OBS= '12/01/95' / Date (dd/mm/yy) of the data start time (UT) TIME-OBS= '14:04:26' / Time (hh:mm:ss) of the data start time (UT) CREATOR = 'Ellipsis X-GEF s/w' / Entity that compiled the data in this file HETGVER = '1.0 ' / HETG version of X-GEF Mac FITS s/w (Ellipsis) ASCVER = 'XGEF_RAW_1.0' / ASC file version control info ORIGIN = 'HETG/MIT' / Origin of FITS file DATE = '23/01/95' / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy) COMMENT ---------- COMMENT SSD observation details COMMENT ---------- RAW_DATA= '950324180423.ssd' / Filename of raw test data DET_TIME= 120. / Desired expos. time, sec. Not same as LIVETIME DET_HV = -600.0 / Detector HV, volts. Does not change for SSD. DET_MAT = 'SiLi' / Detector gas/material DET_THK = 3.0 / Detector diameter/thickness, mm DET_WIND= 'PGT OMEGA #1' / Det. window identification SIM_DATA= F / Simulated data? COMMENT ------------- COMMENT SSD specific keywords COMMENT ------------- DET_XLOC= 0.0 / X position of detector in chamber, mm DET_YLOC= 0.0 / Y position of detector in chamber, mm DET_APX = 2.0 / SSD slit (aperture) width, mm DET_APY = 6.1 / SSD slit (aperture) height, mm END ------------END SSD HDU---------------------- ------------BEGIN OTHER HDU---------------------- XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Photon event list BITPIX = 8 / Binary data, each item is a 16 bit signed int. NAXIS = 0 / No data contained here from other detector PCOUNT = 0 / Random parameter count (?) GCOUNT = 1 / Group count (required keyword) COMMENT --------------- COMMENT Standard AXAF file keywords (repeat in each extension) COMMENT --------------- MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission name TELESCOP= 'X-GEF ' / Facility name INSTRUME= 'Other ' / Instrument name; prefer to be correct or omit. OBS_MODE= 'GROUND ' / Observation mode (Ground, Pointing, etc) OBS_ID = '1 ' / String of TEST_CNT OBI_NUM = 1 / Same as test item TEST_CNT= 1 / Unique integer for each X-GEF test initiated TESTCODE= 'MANUAL ' / Eight character test procedure identifier TESTITEM= 1 / Test item of the procedure SRC_ID = 'Manson Model 5' / Source identification FILTER = 'None ' / Source filter GRATING = 'HX131 ' / Sample under test OBJECT = 'Al S/N 1' / Source Anode identification OBSERVER= 'Dan Dewey' / Operator name DATE-OBS= '12/01/95' / Date (dd/mm/yy) of the data start time (UT) TIME-OBS= '14:04:26' / Time (hh:mm:ss) of the data start time (UT) CREATOR = 'Ellipsis X-GEF s/w' / Entity that compiled the data in this file HETGVER = '1.0 ' / HETG version of X-GEF Mac FITS s/w (Ellipsis to supply) ASCVER = 'XGEF_RAW_1.0' / ASC file version control info ORIGIN = 'HETG/MIT' / Origin of FITS file DATE = '23/01/95' / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy) COMMENT ------------------ COMMENT Observation details COMMENT ------------------ RAW_DATA= '950211132456.other' / Filename of raw data: Do we send/receive? COMMENT ------------------ COMMENT "Other"-detector Keywords COMMENT ------------------ DET_XLOC= 0.0 / X position of detector in chamber, mm DET_YLOC= 0.0 / Y position of detector in chamber, mm DET_T = 22.0 / Ambient Temp, C SIM_DATA= F / Simulated data? END ------------END OTHER HDU----------------------