; IDL startup file for all of dd's IDL s/w. ; 1/7/98 dd ; This file can be put in any directory and sets paths to ; all the routines: ; IDL> @ddidl_start ; ; Define where various things are: ; - - - - - - Absolute path names here: - - - - ; path to IDL itself DEFSYSV, '!DIR', EXISTS = ie IF ie NE 1 THEN DEFSYSV, '!DIR', '/opt/idl/idl_50' ; path to dd's IDL code directories DEFSYSV, '!DDIDL', '/nfs/wiwaxia/h1/dd/idl' ; path to lookup tables used DEFSYSV, '!DDLOOKUPS', '/nfs/wiwaxia/h1/dd/idl/lookups' ; path to LR data directory DEFSYSV, '!DDLRDAT', '/nfs/fuzzy/h1/tgs/lr/dat' ; path to X-GEF ancillary data directory DEFSYSV, '!DDXGEFANC', '/nfs/wiwaxia/h1/dd/idl/xgef_anc' ; path to GratingStatus spread sheet DEFSYSV, '!DDGSDIR', '/nfs/fuzzy/h1/tgs/results' ; path CMDB and related files, etc. DEFSYSV, '!DDCMDBDIR', '/nfs/fuzzy/h1/dd/idl/cmdb/Phase2' ; path to Calibration Interface Products directory DEFSYSV, '!DDCIPSDIR', '/nfs/spectra/d6/CIP' ; and XRCF related CIPs DEFSYSV, '!DDHXDSDIR', '/nfs/spectra/d6/HXDS' ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Startup message print, '' print, 'IDL startup file for dd IDL s/w... (1/7/98)' ; everybody uses X! set_plot, 'X' ; force 256 colors window, 0, colors = 256 print, ' ' ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; OK, setup paths to all the dd IDL s/w... print, ' setting paths...' print, ' ' ; for generally useful routines: !path=!DDIDL+'/useful:'+!path ; for LR s/w: !path=!DDIDL+'/lr:'+!path ; for efficiency calculations... !path=!DDIDL+'/labxray:'+!path ; lab simulations ; for X-GEF: !path=!DIR+'/lib_irt:'+!path ; nominal IRT code !path=!DDIDL+'/cash:'+!path ; look here for most uptodate ver.s !path=!DDIDL+'/irt_useful:'+!path ; useful IRT routines by dd !path=!DDIDL+'/xrtf:'+!path !path=!DDIDL+'/fits:'+!path !path=!DDIDL+'/xgef_test:'+!path !path=!DDIDL+'/jfit:'+!path ; for sub-assembly evaluation and selection: !path=!DDIDL+'/meta:'+!path ; for XRCF planning and simulation: !path=!DDIDL+'/cmdb:'+!path ; for XRCF data analysis: !path=!DDIDL+'/xrcf:'+!path ; include the MIT IDL routines... !path='/nfs/wiwaxia/d4/ASC/lib/IDL:'+!path ; for MARX simulations, include the MARX IDL routines: !path='/nfs/wiwaxia/d4/ASC/src/marx_2.04-dist/tools/idl:'+!path ; and my IDL routines... !path=!DDIDL+'/marx:'+!path ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; and lib astro for FITS routines !path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/fits' ; add this next one for mrdfits ... !path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/structure' !path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/fits_bintable' !path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/astro' !path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/misc' !path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/jhuapl' ; these next ones needed? : ;;!path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/database' ;;!path=!path+':'+!DIR+'/lib_astro/pro/sdas' ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Now run several startup routines to initialize ; things and set commons at command line print, ' and commons...' ; LR commons and prompt .rnew lra ; X-GEF commons .run irt ; more X-GEF commons .run fits_start ; CMDB common .run cmdb_start ; and set the prompt !prompt = 'ddIDL> '