Program name: Program directory: ~dd/irt/ebrt Program Language: IDL with IRT ray-trace routines Program brief description: This program ray traces a faceted HETG with idealized HRMA and has error terms identical to those in the (Mac Excel) error budget. The various error terms are in the array eb_Ps (error budget parameters) and can be referenced by spreadsheet line number (e.g. HRMA blur = eb_Ps(7) ) or by error budget symbol ( eb_Ps(eb_B) ) with "eb_" scattered about. The error budget terms that are currently implemented are: Error Budget / Ray Trace Terms # Description Symbol Units -- Energy eb_EkeV (keV) 15 Finite Facet size eb_L mm 16 Detector defocus eb_fD mm 17 Detector tilt eb_tD arc minutes 18 Plate radius error HETG-focus dist eb_X mm HETG Rowland dia. eb_XRC mm 25 Facet-facet period var eb_dppB (x10-4) 28 Facet tilt (perp to lines) eb_aM arc minutes 29 Facet tilt (parallel to lines) eb_bM arc minutes 40 Plate decenter (perp.) eb_u1PH mm 41 Plate decenter (parall.) eb_u2PH mm 42 Plate defocus eb_vPH mm 43 Plate tilt (perp to lines) eb_e1PH arc minutes 44 Plate tilt (perp to lines) eb_e1PH arc minutes Program operation/example: cd ~dd/irt/ebrt s_idl (only needed once per window login) idl (The error budget parameters are reset to 0 and the IDL prompt appears: Reset to MEG parameters IRT,ebrt> ) ebrt (this runs the program) (The output of the program is a "spot" cross section of the rays as they hit a plane detector located at the correct axial location to be on the Rowland circle (for detector defocus and tilt = 0). In addition the error budget generated values are calculated and output for comparison with the ray-trace.) (The cross section can be viewed at different axial locations by using the movez command, e.g.:) movez, 2.0 (the 2.0 is a 2 mm delta-position) (A parameter can be modified and a new ray-trace done:) eb_Ps(eb_dppB) = 2.5 ebrt (Hard copy output can be made by typing:) pre_print (changes graphics output to postscript) movez, 0. (replots the spot pattern to .ps file) post_print (send .ps file to laser printer) Other features: This s/w contains an IDL version of the Mac error budget ( does the calculations); this error budget itself can be evaluated and plotted vs energy by typing "eb_vse". The current values of the eb_Ps are used as input parameters. The error budget parameters (eb_Ps) are initially set to 0 and also set for the MEG values (e.g., grating period). HEG parameters with zero-errors can be set with "eb_resetforrt,0" (reset for ray-tracing; replace the 0 with 1 for MEG values.) To set all (realistic) errors use "eb_reset, 0" (or 1 for MEG). The can be edited to include an energy-dependant HRMA blur in the error budget calculations. "eb_dump" types out a complete list of the error budget for term-by-term comparison with the Mac version (they should agree because it's the same equations...).