PRO log_hist, values, bin_ratio, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out ; Use log spaced bins to form a histogram ; 1/26/98 dd ; ; For example: (using ACIS XRCF Al-K data file) ; ; ddIDL> restore, '/nfs/spectra/d6/ACIS_anal/H-HAS-PI-1.001_l1.idlsav' ; ddIDL> log_hist,, 1.1, es, counts ; ddIDL> plot_oi, es, counts, PSYM=10 ; (now use only GRADE 0 events!) ; ddIDL> sel = where(l1.grade ne 7) ; ddIDL> log_hist, l1(sel).energy, 1.1, es, counts ; ddIDL> plot_oi, es, counts, PSYM=10 ; ; Catch negative values pvs = where(values GT 0.0) if n_elements(pvs) NE n_elements(values) then begin print, 'log_hist: Found negative/zero values! Ignoring them.' end lvs = ALOG(values(pvs)) ; The bin_ratio is the ratio of bin i+1 to bin i centers ; e.g., 1.1 lbinsize = ABS(ALOG(bin_ratio)) bin_counts_out = HISTOGRAM(lvs, BINSIZE=lbinsize, OMAX=lmax, OMIN=lmin) ; Calculate the log centers of the bins nbins = n_elements(bin_counts_out) lbins = lmin + (0.5+INDGEN(nbins))*(lmax-lmin)/FLOAT(nbins) bin_values_out = EXP(lbins) RETURN END