FUNCTION pella_s, Z, line_select, target_name ; if(n_elements(target_name) EQ 0) then target_name = ' ' CuK_fact = 0.27 CASE line_select OF 'Ka': BEGIN ap = 3220000. bp = 97600. dp = -0.39 ; Special for Beryllium ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV C data for this tweak, as a guess if (Z EQ 4) then begin ap = 30. * ap dp = 30. * dp end ; Special for Boron ; Copy Carbon values... if (Z EQ 5) then begin ap = 30. * ap dp = 30. * dp end ; Special for Carbon ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV C data for this tweak if (Z EQ 6) then begin ap = 30. * ap dp = 30. * dp end ; Special for MgO ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV MgO data for this tweak if (Z EQ 12 OR target_name EQ 'MgO') then begin ap = 2.4 * ap dp = 2.4 * dp end ; Special for Aluminum ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV Al data for this tweak if (Z EQ 13) then begin ap = 3.0 * ap dp = 3.0 * dp end ; For Si use Special for Aluminum ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV Al data for this tweak if (Z EQ 14) then begin ap = 3.0 * ap dp = 3.0 * dp end ; Special for Ti ; 12/21/94 Use 9kV Ti data for this tweak if (Z EQ 22) then begin ap = 1.05 * ap dp = 1.05 * dp end ; Special for Nickel - use Cu values if (Z EQ 28) then begin ap = 0.27 * ap dp = 0.27 * dp end ; Special for Copper ; 7/1/94 Use 9.8kV Cu data for this tweak if (Z EQ 29) then begin ap = CuK_fact * ap dp = CuK_fact * dp end END 'Kb': BEGIN ap = 513000. bp = 205000. dp = -0.014 ; Special for MgO ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV MgO data for this tweak if (Z EQ 12 OR target_name EQ 'MgO') then begin ap = 2.4 * ap dp = 2.4 * dp end ; Special for Aluminum ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV Al data for this tweak if (Z EQ 13) then begin ap = 3.0 * ap dp = 3.0 * dp end ; Special for Ti ; 12/21/94 Use 9kV Ti data for this tweak if (Z EQ 22) then begin ap = 1.33 * ap dp = 1.33 * dp end ; Special for Copper ; 7/1/94 Use 9.8kV Cu data for this tweak if (Z EQ 29) then begin ap = CuK_fact * ap dp = CuK_fact * dp end END 'La': BEGIN ap = 20200000. bp = 2650000. dp = 0.21 ; Special for MgO - giant kludge to do a compound! ; 6/14/94 Use 5kV MgO data for this tweak if (target_name EQ 'MgO') then begin ap = 12. * ap dp = 12. * dp end ; Special for AlO - giant kludge to do a compound! ; Upper limit to O line strength due to smd Al.941028.pha data if (target_name EQ 'AlO') then begin ap = 0.5 * ap dp = 0.5 * dp end ; Special for SiO - giant kludge to do a compound! if (target_name EQ 'SiO') then begin ap = 50. * ap dp = 50. * dp end ; Special for Ti ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Ti data for this tweak if (Z EQ 22) then begin ap = 3.6 * ap dp = 3.6 * dp end ; Special for Cr ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Cr data for this tweak if (Z EQ 24) then begin ap = 4.5 * ap dp = 4.5 * dp end ; Special for Fe ; 6/5/95 Use 10kV Fe data for this tweak if (Z EQ 26) then begin ap = 4.25 * ap dp = 4.25 * dp end ; Special for Cu ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Cu data for this tweak if (Z EQ 29) then begin ap = 4. * ap dp = 4. * dp end ; Special for Nb ; copied from Mo if (Z EQ 41) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end ; Special for Mo ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Mo data for this tweak ; 12/21/94 Use 9kV Mo data for this tweak if (Z EQ 42) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end ; Special for Ag ; copied from Mo if (Z EQ 47) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end ; Special for Sn ; copied from Mo if (Z EQ 50) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end END 'Lb': BEGIN ap = 17600000. bp = 6050000. dp = -0.09 ; Special for Ti ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Ti data for this tweak if (Z EQ 22) then begin ap = 3.6 * ap dp = 3.6 * dp end ; Special for Cr ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Cr data for this tweak if (Z EQ 24) then begin ap = 4.5 * ap dp = 4.5 * dp end ; Special for Cu ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Cu data for this tweak if (Z EQ 29) then begin ap = 4. * ap dp = 4. * dp end ; Special for Nb ; copied from Mo if (Z EQ 41) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end ; Special for Mo ; 6/16/94 Use 5kV Mo data for this tweak ; 12/19/94 data too if (Z EQ 42) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end ; Special for Ag ; copied from Mo if (Z EQ 47) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end ; Special for Sn ; copied from Mo if (Z EQ 50) then begin ap = 0.6*3.3 * ap dp = 0.6*3.3 * dp end END 'Ma': BEGIN ap = 20200000. bp = 2650000. dp = 0.21 if(Z EQ 42) then begin ap = 18. * ap dp = 18. * dp end if(Z EQ 74) then begin ap = 8. * ap dp = 8. * dp end END 'Mb': BEGIN ap = 17600000. bp = 6050000. dp = -0.09 if(Z EQ 42) then begin ap = 18. * ap dp = 18. * dp end if(Z EQ 74) then begin ap = 8. * ap dp = 8. * dp end END ELSE: BEGIN print, ' labx_linetoc: no information on line type = ',line_select return, 0. END ENDCASE fp = (ap/(bp+Z^4)+dp) RETURN, fp END