FUNCTION rdb_read, file_name, SILENT = silent, $ PHA = pha, COL_TYPES = col_types, $ HEADER=header ; ; Procedure to read in an rdb file into an ; IDL structure where the tags are the column ; names. ; ; USAGE: ; IDL> data = rdb_read('file_name') ; ; KEYWORDs: ; /SILENT will supress the print statements ; /PHA will set default column type to N ; COL_TYPES=['N','S','S'] will explicitly set ; the column type. ; HEADER = string array, one element per line of header ; ; 3/27/97 dd Initial version ; 6/23/97 modified by dph to remove spawns to unix ; 9/23/97 dd slight tweaks for CAT release ; 4/16/98 dd Modified to create function ( ; to define the structure when the EXECUTE 131 ; character limit is exceeded, a la ; in lib_astro/pro/structure. ; 1999-01-16 dd Add a HEADER keyword to provide the head to ; the calling routine. on_error, 2 ; stay here? ; Open the file OPENR, unit, file_name, /GET_LUN lines = 0L ; in case more than 32K lines sline = '' ; define a string variable for one line WHILE NOT eof(unit) DO BEGIN ; this probably takes time on big files. ; FSTAT will tell me how many bytes ; there are, but not lines. readf, unit, sline lines = lines+1L ENDWHILE if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(SILENT)) then print, $ 'File '+file_name+' has ', lines, ' lines' point_lun, unit, 0 ; "rewind" the file ; Get the column names... ; Skip any #-started lines test = 0 line_in = '' header=STRARR(1000) ih = 0 while test EQ 0 do begin READF, unit, line_in test = STRPOS(line_in,'#') header(ih) = line_in ih = ih+1 end if ih GE 2 then header = header(0:ih-2) else header=['#'] col_names = STR_SEP(line_in,STRING(9B)) if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(SILENT)) then print, col_names ; Read column data types line READF, unit, line_in line_sepped = STR_SEP(line_in,STRING(9B)) ; Are the column types specified with the call? if KEYWORD_SET(COL_TYPES) then begin ; col_types is set so need to do nothing more... end else begin ; figure out the column types... ; Set defaults for the column types if KEYWORD_SET(PHA) then begin ; MST files have --- instead of an N or S ; PHA files are all numeric ... col_types = 'N' + STRARR(n_elements(line_sepped)) end else begin col_types = 'S' + STRARR(n_elements(line_sepped)) end ; set the columns using the rdb line information ; Set N columns num_cols = where(STRPOS(line_sepped,'N') GE 0, n_num_cols) if n_num_cols GE 1 then begin col_types(num_cols) = 'N' end ; Set S columns str_cols = where(STRPOS(line_sepped,'S') GE 0, n_str_cols) if n_str_cols GE 1 then begin col_types(str_cols) = 'S' end end ; end of setting col types if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(SILENT)) then print, col_types ; a little error checking here if n_elements(col_names) NE n_elements(col_types) then begin ; bummer print, 'rdb_read: name and types with different lengths?!' RETURN, 0.0 end ; Define the structure struct_defn = '' for ic=0,n_elements(col_names)-1 do begin if ic NE 0 then struct_defn = struct_defn + ', ' type_str = "''" if STRPOS(col_types(ic),'N') GE 0 then type_str = '0.0' struct_defn = struct_defn + col_names(ic) + ':' + type_str end ; Now assemble the IDL line to create the structure define_string = 'rdb_struct_defn = {' + struct_defn + '}' ; EXECUTE only works for 131 characters or less so, following ; lead of mrd_fstruct in (lib_astro/pro/structure) ; we create and compile a little function to return the structure: if STRLEN(define_string) LE 131 then begin define_ok = EXECUTE(define_string) if define_ok EQ 0 then begin ; bummer print, "rdb_read: EXECUTE failed for structure definition." RETURN, 0.0 end end else begin ; create a temporary function... proname = 'rdb_structtemp' filenametemp = proname + '.pro' openw, lun, filenametemp, /get_lun printf, lun, 'FUNCTION '+proname printf, lun, 'RETURN, $' printf, lun, '{$' ; put in all the name, value pairs: n_col = n_elements(col_names) for ic=0,n_col-1 do begin type_str = "''" if STRPOS(col_types(ic),'N') GE 0 then type_str = '0.0' temp_defn = col_names(ic) + ':' + type_str if ic NE n_col-1 then temp_defn = temp_defn + ',' temp_defn = temp_defn + ' $' printf, lun, temp_defn end ; all done printf, lun, '}' printf, lun, 'END' free_lun, lun resolve_routine, proname, /is_function rdb_struct_defn = call_function(proname) ;; spawn, 'rm '+filenametemp end ; In anycase do the replication of the structure here with an ; EXECUTE create_string = 'rdb_struct = REPLICATE( rdb_struct_defn, lines)' create_ok = EXECUTE(create_string) if create_ok EQ 0 then begin ; bummer print, "rdb_read: EXECUTE failed for structure replication." RETURN, 0.0 end ; Read in the data from the file n_names = n_elements(col_names) id = LONG(0) while NOT( EOF(unit) ) do begin READF, unit, line_in line_sepped = STR_SEP(line_in, STRING(9B)) ; a little more error checking here if n_names NE n_elements(line_sepped) then begin ; bummer again ; Help diagnose the problem... print, ' - - - - - - rdb sleuth time - - - - - -' print, 'rdb_read: Found wrong number of columns on data-line :'+ $ STRING(id) print, ' (add 3 plus the number of comment lines to get the file line number)' print, ' Expected : ',STRING(n_names), ' columns' print, ' Found : ',STRING(n_elements(line_sepped)), $ ' tab-delimited items' print, " Here's the input line (in []s) : " print, '['+line_in+']' print, " Here's the match up name to item :" print, ' column name : value in line' for iin=0, ((n_elements(line_sepped)-1) < (n_names-1)) do begin print, col_names(iin), ' : ', line_sepped(iin) end print, ' - - - - - - good luck sleuthing - - - - - -' RETURN, 0.0 end ; Load the values in for ic=0,n_names-1 do begin if col_types(ic) EQ 'N' then begin dummy = 0.0 these_chars = line_sepped(ic) if these_chars EQ '' OR STRPOS(these_chars,'/') GE 0 OR $ STRPOS(these_chars,'?') GE 0 then begin ; no numeric data, use 0.0 dummy = 0.0 end else begin ; Useful to uncomment if a "N" column gets in trouble... ;;print, id, ic, ': ['+these_chars+']' READS, these_chars, dummy end rdb_struct(id).(ic) = dummy end else begin rdb_struct(id).(ic) = line_sepped(ic) end end id = id + 1 ; next one end close, unit free_lun, unit ; Shorten to the correct length rdb_struct = rdb_struct(0:id-1) RETURN, rdb_struct END