PRO rdb_write, filename, rdb_struct, HEADER=header, SILENT=silent ; Create an rdb file from an rdb_structure ; (and array of a structure). THe rdb ; columns get the names of the structure ; tags and the type (N or S) is determined ; as well. ; dd 970412 ; HEADER is an optional string array that ; will be printed as lines before the rdb data ; e.g. HEADER=hdr with hdr set to: ; hdr = STRARR(2) ; hdr(0) = '# Love header info' ; hdr(1) = '# LiveTime : 10.0' ; ; get the tag names tags = TAG_NAMES(rdb_struct(0)) ; create the column names and types lines names = '' types = '' type_arr = STRARR(n_elements(tags)) for ic=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do begin if ic NE 0 then begin ; TAB delimited names = names + STRING(9B) types = types + STRING(9B) end names = names + STRLOWCASE(tags(ic)) ; use lower case size_arr = SIZE(rdb_struct(0).(ic)) if size_arr(1) EQ 7 then this_type = 'S' else this_type = 'N' types = types + this_type type_arr(ic) = this_type end ; Show what's happening... if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(SILENT)) then begin print, names print, types end ; Write it out OPENW, outunit, filename, /GET if KEYWORD_SET(HEADER) then begin for ih=0,n_elements(header)-1 do begin printf, outunit, header(ih) end end else begin printf, outunit, '# created by, '+SYSTIME() end printf, outunit, names printf, outunit, types ir = LONG(0) while ir LT n_elements(rdb_struct) do begin this_line = '' for ic=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do begin if ic NE 0 then this_line = this_line + STRING(9B) if type_arr(ic) EQ 'S' then begin this_line = this_line + rdb_struct(ir).(ic) end else begin this_line = this_line + $ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(FLOAT(rdb_struct(ir).(ic))),/REMOVE) end end printf, outunit, this_line ir = ir + 1 end CLOSE, outunit FREE_LUN, outunit RETURN END