FUNCTION xrcf_hsi_read, file_name, FACILITY = facility, PBLURR = pblurr, $ EXPOSURE = exposure, RAW_HSI=raw_hsi, $ QE_DEPRESS=QE_DEPRESS, QE_INFO_STR=qe_info_str ; Thanks to Harald here's how to get HSI images... ; The FACILITY keyword causes the data to be converted to ; facility coordinates in mm w.r.t. the HSI center. ; 12/16/97 dd Added EXPOSURE keyword to return exposure time ; 4/12/99 dd Added RAW_HSI keyword to return the hsi structure ; 4/12/99 dd Added QE_DEPRESS keyword to add back in missing ; events from QE depression region. ; 4/13/99 dd Added QE_INFO_STR to return summary string about ; QE_DEPRESS effects. ; get info on the file print, '' fits_info, file_name print, '' ; read it in raw_hsi = mrdfits(file_name,1,hsi_evt_hdr) ; get the exposure time from the main header dummy = mrdfits(file_name,0,hsi_hdr) exposure = fxpar(hsi_hdr, 'EXPOSURE') print, '' ; If QE_DEPRESS is specified, then do a statistical creation ; of events lost in the QE depressed region. ; ; Values of QE_DEPRESS are passed in and can be calculated by ; the calling routine by using hsi_qe_depress(runid) . ; ; Depression Parameters are: ; - the 2D gaussian center gcy = 2043.0 ; from B-K analysis gcz = 2047.5 ; assumed ; - the sigma of the gaussian(r) in pixels gsig = 13.4 ; from B-K analysis (12.7 to 14.1) ; - the QE depression factor = QE_at_depression / QE_elsewhere qe_info_str = 'QE Depress: Not applied' if n_elements(QE_DEPRESS) EQ 0 then QE_DEPRESS = 1.0 if QE_DEPRESS LT 0.99 then begin qe_info_str = 'QE Depress:'+STRING(QE_DEPRESS,FORMAT='(F5.2)') ; OK, let's do it... ; Find all the events near the depression: near_depres = WHERE(raw_hsi.Y GT 2000 AND raw_hsi.Z LT 2100 AND $ raw_hsi.Z GT 2000 AND raw_hsi.Z LT 2100, n_near) if n_near GT 0 then begin print, '' print, ' QE_DEPRESS = '+STRING(QE_DEPRESS,FORMAT='(F6.3)')+' :' print, ' Candidates for correction: '+STRING(n_near) qe_info_str = qe_info_str + ', '+STRCOMPRESS(n_near)+ $ ' candidates' ; Candidate events to be added to event list... candids = raw_hsi(near_depres) ; Calculate the radius-squared from the depression center: cand_r2s = (candids.Y - gcy)^2 + (candids.Z - gcz)^2 ; and the resulting relative QE: cand_relqe = 1.0 - (1.0 - QE_DEPRESS)*EXP(-1.0*cand_r2s/(2.0*gsig*gsig)) ; The fraction of observed counts that should be added to ; compensate is given by: cand_extra = (1.0 - cand_relqe)/cand_relqe ; Generate uniform random variables for these cand_rand = RANDOMU(SEED,n_elements(near_depres)) ; OK, if the random value is less than the "extra" fraction ; then this event will be added to the observed events: add_em = WHERE(cand_rand LT cand_extra, n_found) if n_found GT 0 then begin print, ' Candidates added: '+STRING(n_found) qe_info_str = qe_info_str + ', '+STRCOMPRESS(n_found)+ $ ' added, '+STRING(100.0*FLOAT(n_found)/FLOAT(n_near), $ FORMAT='(F5.1)')+'%' raw_hsi = [raw_hsi, candids(add_em)] end print, '' end else qe_info_str = qe_info_str + ', No candidates' end qe_info_str = STRCOMPRESS(qe_info_str) ; rest of code uses "data" data = raw_hsi ; Convert to facility coords? if KEYWORD_SET(FACILITY) then begin x_title = 'Facility Y (microns)' y_title = 'Facility Z (microns)' ; Subtract center pixel offset data.Y = data.Y - 2048 data.Z = data.Z - 2048 ; Get HSI parameters from xrcf_params, HSI_PIXEL = hsi_pixel, HSI_ANGLE = hsi_angle temp_Y = hsi_pixel * FLOAT(data.Y) ; microns temp_Z = hsi_pixel * FLOAT(data.Z) ; microns ; do the pixel blurring if desired if KEYWORD_SET(PBLURR) then begin temp_Y = temp_Y + hsi_pixel*(RANDOMU(SEED,n_elements(temp_Y))-0.5) temp_Z = temp_Z + hsi_pixel*(RANDOMU(SEED,n_elements(temp_Z))-0.5) end ; do the rotation rads = hsi_angle * !DTOR data.Y = FIX( temp_Y*COS(rads) - temp_Z*SIN(rads) ) data.Z = FIX( temp_Y*SIN(rads) + temp_Z*COS(rads) ) x_range = 1.E3*[-10.,10.] y_range = 1.E3*[-10.,10.] end else begin x_title = 'HSI Y (pixel)' y_title = 'HSI Z (pixel)' x_range = 1.E3*[0.,4.] y_range = 1.E3*[0.,4.] end ; plot the data ;;plot, data.Y, data.Z, PSYM=3, TITLE = file_name, $ ;; XTITLE = x_title, YTITLE = y_title, $ ;; XRANGE = x_range, YRANGE = y_range RETURN, data END