PRO xrcf_sim, trw_id_in, XYZ_REAL=xyz_real, $ RUN_MARX=run_marx, ITER_SELECT=iter_select, NUMRAYS=numrays, $ POST_PROCESS=post_process, N_POST_EVENTS=n_post_events, IMAGE=image, $ NO_GRATING = no_grating, NEW_SCATTER = new_scatter, $ SKIP_SETUP=skip_setup, MARX_SIM_DIR=marx_sim_dir, QEIDEAL=qeideal, $ HXDA_DET_OFFSET=hxda_det_offset ; ; Procedure to do a MARX simulation of an XRCF measurement. ; ; Multiple iterations can occur based on: ; - POSITION: multiple exposures due to a .loc file (Phase 1) ; - SHUTTER: shutter scans ; - ENERGY: source energy scans ; - note that EE tests are simulated once, the EE iterations ; are done as a part of the post-processing (pin-hole selection). ; ; INPUTS: ; trw_id: 'H-HAS-EA-2.001' ; ; KEYWORDS: ; XYZ_REAL: specifies the actual X,Y,Z offsets of the detector, ; in (mm) from the focus. Not yet implemented - put ; in as a reminder to do it! ; RUN_MARX: ; ITER_SELECT: if present, then only the single iteration ; is considered. ; NUMRAYS: value for the MARX NumRays parameter, default 100000. ; POST_PROCESS: ; N_POST_EVENTS: Returns the number of post-prcessed events in ; the idlsav file (so calling routine can re-run ; to get desired number of counts...) ; IMAGE: Make a cute color image... ; NO_GRATING: performs same simulations except grating=NONE and ; X,Y,Z locs are set to 0,0,0. The trw_id is modified ; to be trw_idNG. ; NEW_SCATTER: no used. ; SKIP_SETUP: Do not change marx_commands in the directory, ; RUN and POST_PROCESS and IMAGE as usual. ; MARX_SIM_DIR: full path to simulation directory ; QEIDEAL: do not apply the HXDA detector QE to get more rays ; from the raytrace ; HXDA_DET_OFFSET: additional X offset to add in for non-ideal ; location of the HXDA detector focal planes ; (in mm, + places detector towards HRMA) ; COMMONS and such ; Use the CMDB as the input for the test parameters. ; ; OTHER SETUP things ; Hardwired location for the simulation results (see in code below.) ; The simulations are stored in this directory under ; the trw_id and then an iteration number, e.g., : ; marx is run in: marx_sim_dir/H-HAS-EA-8.003/i0/ ; creating output in: marx_sim_dir/H-HAS-EA-8.003/i0/marx_out/ ; Note a distribution version of marx.par is assumed to be ; in marx_sim_dir also. ; ; 9/23/98 dd Added primey stage angle of 0.0058 radian for ; HXDA simulations ; 4/07+/99 dd Modify to work with MARX 2.20p8 release. ; 4/8/99 dd Use Effic files as default for HETG and LETG ; 4/8/99 dd Update the QE files used for HXDS detectors ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Use CMDB information... @cmdb_common ; if cmdb_using_cal then begin @cmdb_cal_integers end else begin @cmdb_trw_integers end ; OTHER SETUP and XRCF CALIBRATION values, etc. ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Directory for output. marx.par must be here as well. marx_sim_dir = !DDPHASE1SIM ; MARX distribution directory marx_dist_dir = !DDMARX220 ; Locations files: loc_file_dir = !DDHETGCAL+'/data/Loc_files' ; "Calibration values": ; ; XRCF focal length xrcf_foc_len = 10.2586 ; m ; Flight focal length flight_foc_len = 10.0655 ; m ; HRMA Blur for XRCF will be in the marx.par file ; as there are many blur parameters! ; XRCF source distance and nominal spot size for MARX source_distance = 527.522 + flight_foc_len ; m ; Will use a DISK model, below. source_spot = 0.4 ; mm diameter source_radius = 0.5*source_spot/(1000.0*source_distance) ; radians source_radius = 3600.0*source_radius/!DTOR ; Rowland Spacing and Detector Offset for MARX 2.20p8: xrcf_det_x_offset = -194.832 ; mm marx_letg_rs = 8788.04 + xrcf_det_x_offset marx_hetg_rs = 8782.80 + xrcf_det_x_offset ; primey rotation angle (about Z axis): primey_rot = 0.0058 ; radians, from Brad W. ; ; Operation paramters ; numrays_default = 100000 ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Catch a null trw_id: if n_elements(trw_id_in) NE 1 then begin print, '' print, " Usage: xrcf_sim, 'H-HAS-EA-2.001' [, /RUN_MARX, ITER=2, " + $ "NUMRAYS=100000, /POST_PROCESS, N_POST_EVENTS, /IMAGE, /NO_GRATING, /SKIP_SETUP, /QEIDEAL ]" print, '' RETURN end ; Find the measurement in the CMDB this_row = where(cmdb_fields(*,c_id) EQ trw_id_in, nwhere) if nwhere EQ 1 then begin this_row = this_row(0) end else begin print, ' Found '+trw_id_in+STRING(nwhere,FORMAT='(I2)')+' times in CMDB ?!' print, '' RETURN end ; Show the CMDB summary info print, '' print, ' CMDB summary information:' cmdb_mini_list, this_row print, '' ; Set trw_id trw_id = trw_id_in if KEYWORD_SET(NO_GRATING) then begin trw_id = trw_id_in + 'NG' print, '* Simulation with NO_GRATING' print, '' end ; Flag any items not simulated... ; FAM pitch and yaw not simulated fam_pitch_str = cmdb_fields(this_row,c_five_axis_pitch) fam_yaw_str = cmdb_fields(this_row,c_five_axis_yaw) if (fam_pitch_str NE '0' AND fam_pitch_str NE 'N/A') OR $ (fam_yaw_str NE '0' AND fam_yaw_str NE 'N/A') then begin print, '* FAM pitch,yaw ignored: '+fam_pitch_str+', '+fam_yaw_str print, ' However, for non-zero HRMA Pitch and Yaw the detector' print, ' is pitched, yawed to maintain flight-like simulation.' print, '' end ; FAM iterations are not currently implemented, but the FAM choice ; is printed if non standard. ; What is the five_axis up to? fam_choice = cmdb_fields(this_row,c_five_axis_choices) if fam_choice NE 'N/A' AND fam_choice NE 'FIXED' then begin print, '* FAM choice is set for: '+fam_choice+'; not simulated!' print, '' end ; Check for iterations... ; Iterations are exclusive so set the type and number of iterations: ; it_type = [ 'NONE' | 'ENERGY' | 'SHUTTER' | 'POSITION' ] it_type = 'NONE' it_num = 1 it_str = ['i0'] it_param = 0 ; ENERGY mono_energies = cmdb_mono_energies(this_row) if n_elements(mono_energies) GT 1 then begin it_type = 'ENERGY' it_num = n_elements(mono_energies) it_str = STRARR(it_num) for it=0,it_num-1 do begin it_str(it) = 'i'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(it),/REMOVE_ALL) end it_param = mono_energies end ; SHUTTER ; (For a list of all shutter values actually used at XRCF ; see ~dd/xrcf/shutters_used.txt) ; Shutter iterations are signalled by a SCAN in the quadrant designation: ; e.g., {1,SCAN}, {ALL,SCAN}, {HEG,SCAN}. ; Get the shutter string for this trw_id shut_str = cmdb_fields(this_row, c_shutters) ; Done if shutters are closed if STRPOS(shut_str,'CLOSED') GE 0 then begin print, ' Shutters are closed - no simulation!' print, '' RETURN end ; OK, check for SCAN and, if so, fill the it_param ; with DISCRETE shutter commands as appropriate. if STRPOS(shut_str,'SCAN') GE 0 then begin it_type = 'SHUTTER' it_num = 4 ; SCAN is always the four quadrants it_str = STRARR(it_num) for it=0,it_num-1 do begin it_str(it) = 'i'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(it),/REMOVE_ALL) end it_param = STRARR(4) ; Fill it_param with the DISCRETE command ; The SCAN is done in the order T,N,B,S ; Determine the mirror set scanned: ; find the "," comma_pos = STRPOS(shut_str,',') ; start at 1 to remove the "{" shell_str = STRMID(shut_str, 1, comma_pos-1) CASE shell_str OF '1': mir_str = '1' '3': mir_str = '3' '4': mir_str = '4' '6': mir_str = '6' 'ALL': mir_str = '1346' 'HEG': mir_str = '46' 'MEG': mir_str = '13' ELSE: begin print, ' Unrecognized shell part of '+shut_str print, '' RETURN end ENDCASE ; FIll them in it_param(0) = '{DISCRETE,T'+mir_str+',N-,B-,S-}' it_param(1) = '{DISCRETE,T-,N'+mir_str+',B-,S-}' it_param(2) = '{DISCRETE,T-,N-,B'+mir_str+',S-}' it_param(3) = '{DISCRETE,T-,N-,B-,S'+mir_str+'}' end ; POSITION ; Iterations over detector positions are determined ; with a locations file, c_loclist_file: locfile = cmdb_fields(this_row, c_loclist_file) if locfile NE 'N/A' then begin ; Read-in the Loc file xrcf_loc_file_read, trw_id_in, Xloc, Yloc, Zloc, $ LOC_DIR=loc_file_dir ; if more than one point then it's an iteration ; (note that single point loc files were used ; quite often by gratings folks!) if n_elements(Xloc) GT 1 then begin it_type = 'POSITION' it_num = n_elements(Xloc) it_str = STRARR(it_num) for it=0,it_num-1 do begin it_str(it) = 'i'+STRCOMPRESS(STRING(it),/REMOVE_ALL) end ; Fill it_param with X,Y,Z locations w.r.t. best focus ; comma delimited: it_param = STRARR(it_num) xyzfmt = '(F10.3)' for it=0,it_num-1 do begin it_param(it) = STRING(Xloc(it),FORMAT=xyzfmt) + ',' + $ STRING(Yloc(it),FORMAT=xyzfmt) + ',' + $ STRING(Zloc(it),FORMAT=xyzfmt) end end end ; Make sure the top-level (TRW_ID) directory is present... found = findfile(marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/',COUNT=nfound) if nfound EQ 0 then SPAWN, 'mkdir '+marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/' ; Write a trw_id_iters.rdb file: if it_type EQ 'ENERGY' then begin one_it = {type:'', str:'', param:0.0} end else begin one_it = {type:'', str:'', param:''} end its_rdb = REPLICATE(one_it, it_num) for in=0,it_num-1 do begin its_rdb(in).type = it_type its_rdb(in).str = it_str(in) its_rdb(in).param = it_param(in) end rdb_write, marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+trw_id+'_iters.rdb', its_rdb print, '' ; Summarize the iterations, if any: if it_num GT 1 then begin print,' Simulation has multiple iterations in '+it_type for it=0, it_num-1 do begin print, ' ' + it_str(it)+' : ', it_param(it) end end else begin print,' Simulation has a single iteration, i0' end ; The above setup activities occur for all iterations ; The directory setup, marx.par creation, running of MARX ; and any post processing can be ; done on a single iteration as selected by ITER_SELECT ; keyword. if N_ELEMENTS(ITER_SELECT) GT 0 then begin it_start = ( (iter_select > 0) < (it_num-1) ) it_stop = ( (iter_select > 0) < (it_num-1) ) end else begin it_start = 0 it_stop = it_num-1 end if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(SKIP_SETUP)) then begin ; - - - - - inelegant skipping of setup to allow user to run marx then post process --- ; Make the directories and put nominal marx.par in them for it=it_start,it_stop do begin ; iteration directories it_dir = marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+it_str(it)+'/' found = findfile(it_dir,COUNT=nfound) if nfound EQ 0 then begin SPAWN, 'mkdir '+it_dir print, ' created dir: ' + it_dir end else begin print, ' output dir: ' + it_dir end ; put a copy of marx.par in there SPAWN, 'cp '+marx_sim_dir+'/marx.par '+it_dir end print, '' ; Create the spectrum file(s) ; They have the name trw_id.spec ; If the it_start one exists then skip this... found = findfile(marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+ $ it_str(it_start)+'/'+trw_id_in+'.spec',COUNT=nfound) ; If spectra have changed, etc., it can be useful to force a new ; spectral calculation: ;;nfound = 0 ; force new spectrum calc... if nfound EQ 0 then begin if it_type EQ 'ENERGY' then begin ; Run xss_sim for each selected iteration cd, '', CURRENT=save_idl_dir for it=it_start,it_stop do begin ; iteration directories it_dir = marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+it_str(it)+'/' cd, it_dir xss_sim, this_row+1, ITER = it end cd, save_idl_dir end else begin ; Run xss_sim for it_start and copy to rest cd, '', CURRENT=save_idl_dir it = it_start it_dir = marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+it_str(it)+'/' cd, it_dir xss_sim, this_row+1, ITER = it it0_dir = it_dir cd, save_idl_dir for it=it_start+1,it_stop do begin it_dir = marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+it_str(it)+'/' SPAWN, 'cp '+it0_dir + trw_id+'.* '+it_dir end end end ; making spectrum files if needed ; Write a file "marx_commands" in each iteration ; directory. This file will be sourced to do ; the actual simulation. for it=it_start,it_stop do begin it_dir = marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+it_str(it)+'/' OPENW, mcunit, it_dir+'marx_commands', /GET print, ' creating '+it_dir+'marx_commands' printf, mcunit, '# marx_commands for the simulation' printf, mcunit, '# created by ~dd/idl/marx/ ' + SYSTIME() printf, mcunit, '# this file is sourced in a directory that already has:' printf, mcunit, '# '+trw_id+'.spec' printf, mcunit, '# marx.par' printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# where is marx:' printf, mcunit, 'set MARX_DIST_DIR = '+marx_dist_dir printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# where is marx data:' printf, mcunit, 'setenv MARX_DATA_DIR $MARX_DIST_DIR/marx/data' printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# modify marx.par parameters as needed for the simulation:' printf, mcunit, '# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# Simulation Setup and Control' if n_elements(numrays) EQ 0 then numrays=numrays_default printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par NumRays='+$ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(numrays),/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par dNumRays=25000' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par ExposureTime=0.0' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par OutputDir="marx_out"' printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# Science Instrument Setup and Control' grat_string = cmdb_fields(this_row,c_grating) grat_string = STRCOMPRESS(grat_string,/REMOVE_ALL) if KEYWORD_SET(NO_GRATING) then grat_string = 'NONE' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par GratingType="'+$ grat_string+'"' cmdb_det = cmdb_fields(this_row,c_detector) CASE cmdb_det OF 'FPC2': begin marx_det_name = 'HRC-I' det_name = 'FPC' det_ideal = 'yes' end 'HSI': begin marx_det_name = 'HRC-I' det_name = 'HSI' det_ideal = 'yes' end 'SSD': begin marx_det_name = 'HRC-I' det_name = 'SSD' det_ideal = 'yes' end 'ACIS,2C0': begin marx_det_name = 'HRC-I' det_name = '2C0' det_ideal = 'yes' end 'ACIS,2C1': begin marx_det_name = 'HRC-I' det_name = '2C1' det_ideal = 'yes' end 'HRC,I': begin marx_det_name = 'HRC-I' det_name = 'HRC-I' det_ideal = 'no' end 'HRC,S': begin marx_det_name = 'HRC-S' det_name = 'HRC-S' det_ideal = 'no' end ELSE: begin if STRPOS(cmdb_det,'ACIS,I') GE 0 then begin marx_det_name = 'ACIS-I' det_name = 'ACIS-I' det_ideal = 'no' end if STRPOS(cmdb_det,'ACIS,S') GE 0 then begin marx_det_name = 'ACIS-S' det_name = 'ACIS-S' det_ideal = 'no' end end ENDCASE printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par DetectorType="'+$ marx_det_name+'"' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par DetIdeal="'+$ det_ideal+'"' ; Where is the detector? if locfile NE 'N/A' then begin ; already read in the loc file... if it_type EQ 'POSITION' then begin dX = Xloc(it) dY = Yloc(it) dZ = Zloc(it) end else begin dX = Xloc(0) dY = Yloc(0) dZ = Zloc(0) end end else begin ; get the location from CMDB info... ; Y, Z, and defocus if cmdb_using_cal then begin ystr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_offset_y) zstr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_offset_z) xstr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_defocus) end else begin if STRPOS(cmdb_fields(this_row,c_measurement_config),'HXDA') $ GE 0 then begin ; Using HXDA ystr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_HXDA_Y) zstr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_HXDA_Z) xstr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_HXDA_defocus) end else begin ; Using FAM etc. ystr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_five_axis_y) zstr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_five_axis_Z) xstr=cmdb_fields(this_row,c_five_axis_X) end end READS, ystr, dY READS, zstr, dZ READS, xstr, dX end ; dX, dY, and dZ have mm w.r.t. on-axis best focus in XRCF coord.s. ; But wait! If the HXDA was used then we need to include (simulate) ; the primey rotation effect on the X position of the detector: if STRPOS(cmdb_fields(this_row,c_measurement_config),'HXDA') $ GE 0 then begin if n_elements(HXDA_DET_OFFSET) EQ 0 then HXDA_DET_OFFSET = 0.0 dX = dX - primey_rot * dY + HXDA_DET_OFFSET end ; For the no-grating case these should all be 0: if KEYWORD_SET(NO_GRATING) then begin dX = 0.*dX dY = 0.*dY dZ = 0.*dZ end ; Convert detector coord.s to MARX coord.s dX = dX dY = -1.0 * dY dZ = -1.0 * dZ ; Now detector offset coord.s are in MARX/flight system. ; Check and adjust for non-zero HRMA pitch or yaw ; This involves i) setting the source off-axis ; ii) modifying the detector offsets ; Get the HRMA off-axis info hrma_pitch_str = cmdb_fields(this_row,c_HRMA_pitch) hrma_yaw_str = cmdb_fields(this_row,c_HRMA_yaw) ; From XRCF and MARX geometry we get that: ; Source elevation should be MINUS one times the HRMA pitch ; Source azimuth should be PLUS one times the HRMA yaw src_elev = 0.0 src_az = 0.0 if hrma_pitch_str NE '0' OR hrma_yaw_str NE '0' then begin ; i) Set the source elevation and azimuth. READS, hrma_pitch_str, src_elev src_elev = -1.*src_elev READS, hrma_yaw_str, src_az print, ' HRMA pitch, yaw --> Source elevation, azimuth: ', $ src_elev, src_az ; ii) Modify the detector offsets... ; Use HRMA xrcf focal length, xrcf_foc_len (meters), to produce ; the equivalent displacement the detector has moved to track ; the ridgid HRMA-Det motion marx_dY = xrcf_foc_len*1000.0 * !DTOR*src_az/60.0 marx_dZ = xrcf_foc_len*1000.0 * !DTOR*src_elev/60.0 ; The difference is additional motion needed to have ; marx agree with CMDB/XRCF specification: dY = dY - marx_dY dZ = dZ - marx_dZ print, ' Det location (MARX coords):', dX, dY, dZ end ; Set marx det offsets appropriately... printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par DetOffsetX=' + $ STRCOMPRESS(dX+xrcf_det_x_offset,/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par DetOffsetY='+$ STRCOMPRESS(dY,/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par DetOffsetZ='+$ STRCOMPRESS(dZ,/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# Source Spectral Parameters' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par SourceFlux=0.0' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par SpectrumType="FILE"' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par SpectrumFile="'+ $ trw_id_in+'.spec"' printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# Source Spatial Parameters' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par SourceType="DISK"' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par S-DiskTheta0='+$ '0.0' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par S-DiskTheta1='+$ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(source_radius),/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par SourceDistance='+$ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(source_distance),/REMOVE_ALL) ; Use source elevation and azimuth values here printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par SourceOffsetZ='+$ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(src_elev),/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par SourceOffsetY='+$ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(src_az),/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# XRCF Shutter Control' ; SCANs have been converted to DISCRETEs so no need to check for ; SCAN. CLOSED has also been checked, so that leaves DISCRETES and ; the following: {1,ALL},{3,ALL},{4,ALL},{6,ALL},{ALL,ALL}, ; {HEG,ALL}, {MEG,ALL} ; ; If this is a SHUTTER iteration get the string from it_param, ; otherwise from the shutter string: if it_type EQ 'SHUTTER' then begin shut_str = it_param(it) end else begin shut_str = cmdb_fields(this_row, c_shutters) end ; Convert to DISCRETEs: CASE shut_str OF '{1,ALL}': shut_str = '{DISCRETE,T1,N1,B1,S1}' '{3,ALL}': shut_str = '{DISCRETE,T3,N3,B3,S3}' '{4,ALL}': shut_str = '{DISCRETE,T4,N4,B4,S4}' '{6,ALL}': shut_str = '{DISCRETE,T6,N6,B6,S6}' '{ALL,ALL}': shut_str = '{DISCRETE,T1346,N1346,B1346,S1346}' '{HEG,ALL}': shut_str = '{DISCRETE,T46,N46,B46,S46}' '{MEG,ALL}': shut_str = '{DISCRETE,T13,N13,B13,S13}' ELSE: ENDCASE ; Now convert DISCRETE to MARX code... ; Because the XRCF coord.s are upside down w.r.t. flight(MARX) ; coord.s, the shutters are "rotated" and mapped as: ; updated 8/24/98 dd ; ShuttersX="ABCD" where: ; A = 'Bottom' (+Z MARX, -Z XRCF) ; B = 'North' (+Y MARX, -Y XRCF) ; C = 'Top' (-Z MARX, +Z XRCF) ; D = 'South' (-Y MARX, +Y XRCF) ; Make sure it is a DISCRETE... if STRPOS(shut_str, '{DISCRETE') LT 0 then begin print, ' * Unknown shutter string: '+shut_str print, ' --> All shutters left open' end else begin ; Do the by shell pieces = STR_SEP(shut_str,',') tnbs = pieces(1:4) ; These next two are not correct! ; neworder = [2,3,0,1] ; bstn = tnbs(neworder) ; correct versions: neworder = [2,1,0,3] bnts = tnbs(neworder) oneifmt = '(I1)' ; now query each shell's shutters... ; (could make this a loop over shells) shell = '1' shut_code = 1*(STRPOS(bnts,shell) EQ -1) ; 1* is to convert to integer shut_code_str = STRING(shut_code(0),FORMAT=oneifmt) for is=1,3 do shut_code_str = shut_code_str + $ STRING(shut_code(is),FORMAT=oneifmt) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par Shutters1="'+$ shut_code_str+'"' shell = '3' shut_code = 1*(STRPOS(bnts,shell) EQ -1) ; 1* is to convert to integer shut_code_str = STRING(shut_code(0),FORMAT=oneifmt) for is=1,3 do shut_code_str = shut_code_str + $ STRING(shut_code(is),FORMAT=oneifmt) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par Shutters3="'+$ shut_code_str+'"' shell = '4' shut_code = 1*(STRPOS(bnts,shell) EQ -1) ; 1* is to convert to integer shut_code_str = STRING(shut_code(0),FORMAT=oneifmt) for is=1,3 do shut_code_str = shut_code_str + $ STRING(shut_code(is),FORMAT=oneifmt) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par Shutters4="'+$ shut_code_str+'"' shell = '6' shut_code = 1*(STRPOS(bnts,shell) EQ -1) ; 1* is to convert to integer shut_code_str = STRING(shut_code(0),FORMAT=oneifmt) for is=1,3 do shut_code_str = shut_code_str + $ STRING(shut_code(is),FORMAT=oneifmt) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par Shutters6="'+$ shut_code_str+'"' printf, mcunit, '' end printf, mcunit, '# HRMA Setup' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par HRMA_Yaw=0.0' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par HRMA_Pitch=0.0' printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# Grating Setup and Control' rs_value = marx_hetg_rs if grat_string EQ 'LETG' then rs_value = marx_letg_rs printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par RowlandDiameter='+$ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(rs_value),/REMOVE_ALL) printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par UseGratingEffFiles="yes"' printf, mcunit, '' ; This is set to zero when HRC-I is being used to model an HXDS instrument if STRPOS(cmdb_det,'HRC') LT 0 then begin printf, mcunit, '# HRC Model Parameters' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/pset marx.par HRC-I-BlurSigma'+$ '=0.0' printf, mcunit, '' end printf, mcunit, '# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# finally, execute marx:' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/marx @@marx.par' printf, mcunit, '' ; For ACIS and HRC do marx2fits also if STRPOS(det_name, '-') GT 0 then begin printf, mcunit, '' printf, mcunit, '# Do marx2fits for this flight detector:' printf, mcunit, '$MARX_DIST_DIR/bin/$ARCH/marx2fits marx_out '+ $ 'marx_out.fits' printf, mcunit, '' end printf, mcunit, 'unset MARX_DIST_DIR' printf, mcunit, '' CLOSE, mcunit ; also write the det_name and the dX,dY,dZ offset values to a file OPENW, mcunit, it_dir+'det_name_xyz.txt' printf, mcunit, det_name printf, mcunit, dX, dY, dZ CLOSE, mcunit FREE_LUN, mcunit end print, '' ; - - - - end of inelegant.... end ; Now run the simulations! if KEYWORD_SET(RUN_MARX) then begin cd, '', CURRENT=save_idl_dir for it=it_start,it_stop do begin it_dir = marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+it_str(it)+'/' print, ' Running MARX for iteration '+it_str(it) print, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . start MARX . . . . . . . . . . .' cd, it_dir SPAWN, 'source marx_commands' print, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . end MARX . . . . . . . . . . .' end cd, save_idl_dir end ; Post-processing things... if KEYWORD_SET(POST_PROCESS) OR KEYWORD_SET(IMAGE) then begin for it=it_start,it_stop do begin it_dir = marx_sim_dir+'/'+trw_id+'/'+it_str(it)+'/' ; read in the detector name and dX,dY,dZ OPENR, det_unit, it_dir+'det_name_xyz.txt',/GET det_name = '' readf, det_unit, det_name readf, det_unit, dX, dY, dZ CLOSE, det_unit FREE_LUN, det_unit print, ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' print, det_name, dX, dY, dZ detX = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/ypos.dat') - dY detY = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/zpos.dat') - dZ window,0 ; Detector-specific things... hxds_cip_dir = !DDHXDSDIR + '/' CASE det_name OF 'FPC': begin det_x_range = 6.0 det_y_range = 6.0 facility_coords = 1 im_bin = 0.024 detE = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/energy.dat') qe_rdb_file = 'fpc_x2.fitQe_N19980902.rdb' det_qe = rdb_read(hxds_cip_dir+qe_rdb_file) ; energy is in keV end 'SSD': begin det_x_range = 6.0 det_y_range = 6.0 facility_coords = 1 im_bin = 0.024 detE = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/energy.dat') qe_rdb_file = 'ssd_x_qe_N19990208.rdb' det_qe = rdb_read(hxds_cip_dir+qe_rdb_file) ; Energy is in eV, convert to keV = end 'HSI': begin det_x_range = 10.0 det_y_range = 10.0 facility_coords = 1 im_bin = 0.024 detE = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/energy.dat') qe_rdb_file = 'hsi_qe_N19961106.rdb' det_qe = rdb_read(hxds_cip_dir+qe_rdb_file) end 'HRC-I': begin det_x_range = 70.0 det_y_range = 70.0 facility_coords = 0 im_bin = 6.*0.024 ; HRC PHA goes 0 to 256, scale it to 10 keV detE = 10.0*read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/pha.dat')/256.0 qe_rdb_file = 'N/A' end 'HRC-S': begin det_x_range = 150.0 det_y_range = 15.0 facility_coords = 0 im_bin = 12.*0.024 ; HRC PHA goes 0 to 256, scale it to 10 keV detE = 10.0*read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/pha.dat')/256.0 qe_rdb_file = 'N/A' end 'ACIS-S': begin det_x_range = 80.0 det_y_range = 15.0 facility_coords = 0 im_bin = 6.*0.024 detE = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/energy.dat') qe_rdb_file = 'N/A' end 'ACIS-I': begin det_x_range = 30.0 det_y_range = 30.0 facility_coords = 0 im_bin = 4.*0.024 detE = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/energy.dat') qe_rdb_file = 'N/A' end ELSE: begin ; 2C det_x_range = 10.0 det_y_range = 10.0 facility_coords = 1 im_bin = 0.024 detE = read_marx_file(it_dir+'marx_out/energy.dat') qe_rdb_file = 'N/A' ; will need file for the 2 2C's end ENDCASE ; Window out the '[H|L]AS-MC-3.' zero order +/- 1.5 mm: if STRPOS(trw_id,'HAS-MC-3.') GE 0 OR $ STRPOS(trw_id,'LAS-MC-3.') GE 0 then begin select = where( abs(detX) LT det_x_range AND $ abs(detY) LT det_y_range AND $ abs(detX) GT 1.5) end else begin select = where(abs(detX) LT det_x_range AND $ abs(detY) LT det_y_range) end ; and 'MC-20.001 if STRPOS(trw_id,'HAS-MC-20.001') GE 0 then begin print, ' * MC-20.001 : windowing out zero-order...' select = where( (abs(detX) LT det_x_range) AND $ (abs(detY) LT det_y_range) AND $ (abs(detX) GT 1.2 OR abs(detY-1.0) GT 1.0) ) end if facility_coords then begin detX = -1.*detX(select) detY = -1.*detY(select) detE = detE(select) end else begin detX = detX(select) detY = detY(select) detE = detE(select) end ; Apply detector QE file if required (HXDS detectors) if qe_rdb_file NE 'N/A' AND NOT(KEYWORD_SET(QEIDEAL))then begin ; det_qe has tags energy and qe ; assign a uniform random variable to each photon urv = RANDOMU(SEED, n_elements(detE)) ; calc the QE at the energy of each photon qe_for_phot = INTERPOL(det_qe.qe,, detE) ; select only those photons where QE GT random variable select = where(qe_for_phot GT urv) detX = detX(select) detY = detY(select) detE = detE(select) end ; Save these "level 1" products ; Create the mL1 structure to return ; mL1 has the tags: DETX, DETY, ENERGY one_event = {detx:0.0, dety:0.0, energy:0.0} mL1 = REPLICATE(one_event, n_elements(detX)) ; Fill it mL1.detx = detX mL1.dety = detY = detE SAVE, mL1, FILENAME=it_dir+'ml1.idlsav' ; Return the number of events n_post_events = n_elements(mL1) if facility_coords then begin plot, detX, detY, PSYM=3, TITLE=trw_id+': Photons hitting '+det_name, $ XTITLE='Y_XRCF (mm)', YTITLE='Z_XRCF (mm)', $ XRANGE=det_x_range*[-1.,1.], YRANGE=det_y_range*[-1.,1.], $ XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=1 end else begin plot, detX, detY, PSYM=3, TITLE=trw_id+': Photons hitting '+det_name, $ XTITLE='Detector X (mm)', YTITLE='Detector Y (mm)', $ XRANGE=det_x_range*[-1.,1.], YRANGE=det_y_range*[-1.,1.], $ XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=1 end if det_name EQ 'HSI' then begin hsi_mask, x_mask, y_mask oplot, x_mask, y_mask, LINESTYLE=1 end if KEYWORD_SET(IMAGE) then begin xye_image, detX, detY, detE, /LOG, $ GIF=it_dir+'image.gif', ONE=0.5, XBIN=im_bin, YBIN=im_bin ; Put the XRCF data and the MARX data in the same image if det_name EQ 'ACIS-S' then begin marx_compare, trw_id, /REST, /IMAGE, GIF=it_dir+trw_id+'_compare.gif' end if det_name EQ 'HRC-I' then begin marx_compare, trw_id, /REST, /IMAGE, GIF=it_dir+trw_id+'_compare.gif' end end end end RETURN END