PRO xss_sim, line_todo, NO_BND = no_bnd, NO_PLOT = no_plot, ITER=iter ; Generates an approximation to the XSS spectrum ; for a given CMDB file/line ; Requires that the CMDB file be loaded already ; (by ~dd/idl/cmdb/cmdb_load). ; Calling Sequence: ; ; xss_sim[, line] ; ; Arguments: ; ; line Integer line of the cmdb to be used, lines start ; with line 1. ; If no line_todo is specified then the internal ; values are used to model a source. Editing this ; file can change those "manual" inputs. ; ; Keywords: ; NO_BND This suppresses the creation of the BND products ; and considerably speeds up execution! (Most time is ; spent blurring the BND...). ; ; Output products: ; ; twr_id.spec Spectrum file in MARX format ; Plot of spectrum ; Plot of spectrum as seen by a BND in 1000 sec.s ; twr_id.BND.hist The BND simulation in two column format (E, counts) ; lx_es, lx_tubespec These are in labx_common and can be used ; by other routines. ; ; Uses many of dd's idl routines in ~dd/idl/labxray and ; ~dd/idl/useful ; CMDB input/interpretation is provided by routines in ~dd/idl/cmdb ; ; 10/25/96 dd unbundled from toga_full_sim ; 1/8/97 dd input is line_todo ; 12/16/97 dd Modified for XRCF-HRMA source distance and NO_BND. ; 12/29/97 dd Modified to have a mono_effic parameter ; 1/12/98 dd Modified for ITER keyword: used to select a source ; iteration. It's value is ignored by all but the DCM and ; HIREFS. For these, the ITER selects among the scanned ; energies/wavelengths. ITER starts with value 0. ; 7/17/98 dd Add a x30 for the O-K contamination in Fe anode (for Fe-L). ; 4/9/99 dd Add Pb (2 microns per 37 microns) to Mn filters ; - - - - - - - - - @labx_common ; common for a variety of laboratory-related parameters @cmdb_common ; Use dd's CMDB reader ; There are a very finite set of parmeters that are used to define ; this source spectrum model ; If no row_todo is supplied the values below are used - useful ; for manual testing... hrma_entrance = 52601.2 ; cm ; - - - - - Main parameters to change - - - - - if n_elements(line_todo) LE 0 then begin ; ** Manual entry - if no ria_todo array given - modify items below ; in this file... ;All sources start with an EIPS except Penning ; spect_file used to select EIPS etc ('use_Dans_labxray_routines') ; OR Penning ('use_Penning') spect_file = 'use_Dans_labxray_routines' ; EIPS, HIREFS, and DCM start with a target... lx_tname = 'Al' ; Select from ; Be,B,C,O,Mg,MgO,Al,Si,SiO,Ti,Cr,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zr,Nb,Mo,Ag,Sn,W lx_sV = 12.0 ; kV lx_sI = 1.0 ; mA ; Monochromators are implemented as a narrow band filter after the ; underlying EIPS source mono_energy = -1.0 ; Monochromator used if greater than 0. mono_res = 300.0 ; resolving power of monochromator mono_highorders = 1 ; 0 = no high orders, 1 = HIREFS approx mono_effic = 0.1 ; Monochromtor efficiency ; For ALL sources the filters are then applied: fmat1 = 'Al' fthk1 = 0.0 fmat2 = 'NONE' fthk2 = 0.0 run_name = 'xss_sim_out' end else begin ; cmdb data uses idl row number (starts at 0) row_todo = line_todo - 1 ; - - - This whole ELSE is for CMDB usage: it fills the above ; variables based on CMDB line ; ** CMDB row index is specified, fill values ; below using CMDB data ; Complain if there is no CMDB loaded if n_elements(cmdb_lines) LE 0 then begin print, ' xss_sim: CMDB not loaded! ' RETURN end ; define the column integers to access the CMDB data ; CMDB can be either a .cal or a .trw file if cmdb_using_cal then begin @cmdb_cal_integers ; include file of column integer def'ns. end else begin @cmdb_trw_integers end spect_file = 'use_Dans_labxray_routines' ; Create spectrum file using Dan's X-GEF EIPS model... ; All the sources except Penning start with a EIPS source ; setup EIPS source CASE STRUPCASE(cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_source)) OF 'EIPS': begin ; Set the EIPS target pieces = STR_SEP(cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_target),'-') if n_elements(pieces) LE 1 then begin print, ' * no valid target value' RETURN ; can't simulate this end ct = pieces(0) ; extract the target material ; Check if I have this target t_list = ['Be','B','C','O','Mg','MgO','Al', 'Si', 'SiO', $ 'Ti','Cr','Fe','Ni','Cu','Mo','Nb','Zr','Ag','Sn','W'] ; if it is not in the list, return if MAX(ct EQ t_list) NE 1 then begin print, ' * target not in target list' RETURN end ; if it is 'O' or 'Si' use 'SiO' if ct EQ 'O' OR ct EQ 'Si' then ct = 'SiO' ; set EIPS current to value in CMDB temp_curr = 0.0 READS, cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_src_current), temp_curr lx_sI = temp_curr ; no monochromator mono_energy = -1.0 mono_res = -1.0 mono_highorders = 0 mono_effic = 0.1 end ; For the monochromators the energy is selected (when it is a ; scan) by the value of ITER. ; Parameters determining monochromator energy selected: ; * X_Ray_mono_initial keV or A: num_value or N/A ; X_Ray_mono_res_power ; * X_Ray_mono_range keV or A: num_value or N/A or 0 ; * X_Ray_mono_step_size keV or A: num_value or N/A or 0 ; X_Ray_source_param ; The function cmdb_mono_energies returns the list of energies. 'HIREF-W': begin print, 'Source parameters: '+cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_X_ray_source_params) ct = 'W' lx_sI = 50.0 ; mA mono_energies = cmdb_mono_energies(row_todo) if n_elements(iter) EQ 0 then iter=0 mono_energy = mono_energies((iter > 0) < (n_elements(mono_energies)-1)) ; 12/29/97 dd Measured HSI data use to set the E/dE... mono_res = 60.0 mono_highorders = 1 ; default mono_effic = 0.001 ; Set the efficiency based on the HIREFS crystal used: if STRPOS(cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_X_ray_source_params),',SX,') $ GE 0 then begin mono_effic = 0.00015 if mono_energy GT 1.3 then mono_effic = 0.0012 end if STRPOS(cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_X_ray_source_params),',SA,') $ GE 0 then mono_effic = 0.0002 if STRPOS(cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_X_ray_source_params),',SB,') $ GE 0 then begin mono_effic = 0.0007 ; set by E-LXH-EA-36.001 if mono_energy LT 0.14 then begin ;mono_effic = 0.0006 mono_effic = 0.00028 mono_res = 80. end end if STRPOS(cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_X_ray_source_params),',SC,') $ GE 0 then mono_effic = 0.0003 end 'HIREF-C': begin ct = 'C' lx_sI = 50.0 ; mA mono_energies = cmdb_mono_energies(row_todo) if n_elements(iter) EQ 0 then iter=0 mono_energy = mono_energies((iter > 0) < (n_elements(mono_energies)-1)) mono_res = 300.0 mono_highorders = 1 mono_effic = 0.1 end 'DCM': begin ct = 'W' lx_sI = 50.0 ; mA mono_energies = cmdb_mono_energies(row_todo) if n_elements(iter) EQ 0 then iter=0 mono_energy = mono_energies((iter > 0) < (n_elements(mono_energies)-1)) mono_res = 150.0 mono_highorders = 1 mono_effic = 0.01 end 'PENNING': begin spect_file = 'use_Penning' end ELSE: begin print, ' *** Unrecognized Source: '+cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_source) RETURN end ENDCASE if spect_file EQ 'use_Dans_labxray_routines' then begin ; EIPS getting source parameters lx_tname = ct ; ; get voltage voltage = 0.0 READS, cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_voltage), voltage lx_sV = voltage; kV end fmat1 = cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_filter_mat_1) fthk1 = 0.0 ; dont need thickness for no filter or OBF if NOT(fmat1 EQ 'NONE' OR fmat1 EQ 'N/A' OR fmat1 EQ '' OR $ fmat1 EQ 'OBF') then begin READS, cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_filter_thick_1), fthk1 end fmat2 = cmdb_fields(row_todo,c_filter_mat_2) fthk2 = 0.0 ; dont need thickness for no filter or OBF if NOT(fmat2 EQ 'NONE' OR fmat2 EQ 'N/A' OR fmat2 EQ '' OR $ fmat2 EQ 'OBF') then begin READS, cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_filter_thick_2), fthk2 end run_name = cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_id) end ; report parameters:' print, '' if n_elements(line_todo) GE 0 then begin print, ' xss_sim Parameters (cmdb line ='+$ STRING(line_todo,FORMAT='(I5)')+')' end else begin print, ' xss_sim Parameters' end print, '' print, ' spect_file : '+spect_file if spect_file EQ 'use_Dans_labxray_routines' then begin print, ' . . . . . EIPS and Monos . . . . . . . .' print, ' target : '+lx_tname print, ' voltage : ',lx_sV print, ' current : ',lx_sI print, ' mono_energy : ',mono_energy,' keV' print, ' mono_res : ',mono_res print, ' mono_highord : ',mono_highorders,' (0=DCM, 1=HIREFS)' print, ' mono_effic : ',mono_effic end print, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' print, ' filter 1 : '+fmat1, fthk1 print, ' filter 2 : '+fmat2, fthk2 print, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' print, ' run_name : '+run_name ;................................................................. ; NOW do the real work... CASE spect_file OF 'use_Dans_labxray_routines': begin ; Create spectrum ;lx_tname already setup ;lx_sV already setup ;lx_sI = 1.0 ; mA lx_sangle = 45.0 ; Energy grid is linear and fine! lx_emin = 0.1 lx_emax = (lx_sV < 9.9) lx_estep = 0.0005 ; reduce the emin for C and Be if lx_tname EQ 'Be' OR lx_tname EQ 'C' then begin lx_emin = 0.050 lx_emax = (lx_emax < 10.0) lx_estep = (10.0/2.5E4) end ; do the Mg-K at high resolution and cut out highest voltages if lx_tname EQ 'Mg' then begin lx_emin = 0.1 lx_emax = (lx_sV < 5.0) lx_estep = 0.00025 end ; fill lx_es and lx_tubespec ; lx_tubespec has units of photons/(sec bin steradian) ; add C and O contamination lines save_target = lx_tname save_curr = lx_sI ; lx_tname = 'C' contam_frac_I = 0.1 lx_sI = contam_frac_I * save_curr labx_tubespec, /XRCF contam_spec = lx_tubespec ; ; don't add O to SiO ! if save_target NE 'SiO' then begin if save_target EQ 'Fe' then begin ; The XRCF Fe anode has a ton of O-K... contam_frac_I = 0.3 * 28.0 ; for Fe-L ! end else begin contam_frac_I = 0.3 end lx_tname = 'O' lx_sI = contam_frac_I * save_curr labx_tubespec, /XRCF contam_spec = contam_spec + lx_tubespec end ; put values back lx_tname = save_target lx_sI = save_curr ; real spectrum labx_tubespec, /XRCF ; add in the contamination lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec + contam_spec ; Include monochromator ; Mono is a filter that has an overall efficiency factor followed by ; different order realative efficiencies: 100% at first order, 3% at second, ; order 0.5% third order, 0.7% 4th order, 0.3% 5th order ; and 1.E-5 at other energies. if mono_energy GT 0.0 then begin ; Overall effic (reflectivity of DCM, HIREFS effic) lx_tubespec = mono_effic * lx_tubespec ; Find the bandpass bins... mono_bins = where( approx_equal(lx_es, mono_energy, 0.5/mono_res), $ nmonobins) if nmonobins LE 0 then RETURN print, ' nmonobins = ', nmonobins ; Adjusted for E-HXH-EA-35.002 (was 1.E-6) - need beeter measurement! cont_level = 1.E-4 lx_tubespec = cont_level * lx_tubespec ; continuum level lx_tubespec(mono_bins) = (1./cont_level) * lx_tubespec(mono_bins) if mono_highorders EQ 1 then begin ; add higher orders order_fracs = [0.03, 0.005, 0.007, 0.003] ; HIREFS ? mono_order = [2.,3.,4.,5.] for io=0,n_elements(order_fracs)-1 do begin mono_bins = where( approx_equal(lx_es, mono_order(io)*mono_energy, $ 0.5/mono_res), nmonobins) if nmonobins GT 0 then begin lx_tubespec(mono_bins) = (1./cont_level) * $ order_fracs(io)*lx_tubespec(mono_bins) end end end end ; convert to photons/cm^2/s/keV ; Real flux at XRCF at TMA/HRMA input lx_tubespec = ( lx_tubespec/(lx_es(1)-lx_es(0)) ) * (1./hrma_entrance)^2 end ; CASE of 'use Dans...' 'use_Penning': begin mono_energy = -1. ; use a Kramer continuum 'cause there is some! ; make sure variables are setup lx_tname = 'Al' labx_target ; Now change some values lx_tZ = 0.1 ; Set to get continuum about right lx_tname = 'Penning' lx_sV = 0.9 ; kV lx_sI = 800.0 ; mA ; setup lx_ variables ... lx_emin = 0.050 lx_emax = lx_sV lx_estep = 0.0001 ; generate a grid lx_es = lx_emin+lx_estep*INDGEN(1+(lx_emax-lx_emin)/lx_estep) ; and call the continuum model lx_tubespec = labx_tubeinuum(lx_es) if lx_sV GT 0.53 then begin ; add some O aboveO = where(lx_es GE 0.524) lx_tubespec(aboveO(0)) = lx_tubespec(aboveO(0))*1000.0 end ; Reduce the continuum by factor of 4 lx_tubespec = 0.25 * lx_tubespec ; convert to photons/cm^2/s/keV ; Real flux at XRCF at TMA input lx_tubespec = ( lx_tubespec/(lx_es(1)-lx_es(0)) ) * (1./hrma_entrance)^2 ; Add in the Penning lines ; put in three place holders ; 160A , 10,000 ph/cm2sec ; 130A , 50 ph/cm2sec ; 56A , 4 ph/cm2sec ; p_lams = [160.,130.,56.] ; p_flux = [10000., 50., 4.] ; wavelengths from JeffK from Finley SPIE vol.18 no 5 (1979)p.649 p_lams = [170., 160., 137.76, 137.6, 135.8, 133.0, 130.65, 130., $ 127.69, 127.16, 125.618, 124.75, 124.2, 117., $ 111.5, 108., 104., 99.5, 94., 90.8, 88.6, 85.6, $ 59.0, 59.27, 56.5, 56., 55.425] p_flux = [2000.,8000., 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, 18.0, 33., $ 2., 2., 2., 6., 12., 12., $ 15., 15., 7., 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.8, 0.8, $ 0.4, 0.4, 1.1, 3.5, 1.0] for il=0,n_elements(p_lams)-1 do begin e_lam = lx_akeV/p_lams(il) above_line = where(lx_es GE e_lam) lx_tubespec(above_line(0)) = lx_tubespec(above_line(0)) + $ p_flux(il)/(lx_es(1)-lx_es(0)) end ; ALWAYS have a 0.5 um parylene window lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * (parylene(lx_es) > 1.E-10)^0.5 ; Adjust the intensity to agree better with D-LXH-dF-7.001 lx_tubespec = 0.05 * lx_tubespec end ; CASE of 'use_Penning' ELSE: begin ; something else?!? print, ' spect file is unrecognized: '+spect_file RETURN end ENDCASE ; Include the filters for all sources fmats = [fmat1,fmat2] fthks = [fthk1,fthk2] for ifilter = 0,1 do begin CASE fmats(ifilter) OF 'Al': begin ; Catch zero thickness values - put filter in anyway if fthks(ifilter) EQ 0 then begin if ifilter EQ 0 then fthks(ifilter)=18.38 else fthks(ifilter)=36.76 end lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * aluminum(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) end 'Fe': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * iron(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'Be': begin ; Catch zero thickness values - put filter in anyway if fthks(ifilter) EQ 0 then begin if ifilter EQ 0 then fthks(ifilter)=2.*0.903 else $ fthks(ifilter)=4.*0.903 end lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * $ (beryllium(lx_es,/MICRON) > 1.E-10)^fthks(ifilter) end 'B': begin ; Catch zero thickness values - put filter in anyway if fthks(ifilter) EQ 0 then begin if ifilter EQ 0 then fthks(ifilter)=2.*1.25 else $ fthks(ifilter)=4.*1.25 end lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * $ (boron(lx_es,/MICRON) > 1.E-10)^fthks(ifilter) end 'C': begin ; Catch zero thickness values - put filter in anyway if fthks(ifilter) EQ 0 then begin if ifilter EQ 0 then fthks(ifilter)=2.*5.16 else fthks(ifilter)=4.*5.16 end lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * (parylene(lx_es) > 1.E-10)^fthks(ifilter) end 'C8H8': begin ; Catch zero thickness values - put filter in anyway if fthks(ifilter) EQ 0 then begin if ifilter EQ 0 then fthks(ifilter)=2.*5.16 else fthks(ifilter)=4.*5.16 end lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * (parylene(lx_es) > 1.E-10)^fthks(ifilter) end 'Mn': begin ; The XRCF Mn filter includes Pb! 2 um Pb for each 37 um of Mn lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * manganese(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * lead(lx_es)^(fthks(ifilter)*2.0/37.0) end 'Mg': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * magnesium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'Mo': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * moly(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'Ag': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * silver(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'Sn': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * tin(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'Zr': begin if fthks(ifilter) EQ 0 then begin if ifilter EQ 0 then fthks(ifilter)=2.*1.98 else fthks(ifilter)=4.*1.98 end lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * zirconium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) end 'Ti': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * titanium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'TiK': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * titanium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'TiL': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * titanium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'Cr': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * chromium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'CrK': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * chromium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'CrL': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * chromium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'V': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * vanadium(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) ; Shift the CuL energy slightly to get better agreement between the ; Cu nofilter and Cu w/filter data 'Cu': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * copper(0.998*lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'CuL': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * copper(0.998*lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'CuK': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * copper(0.998*lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'Ni': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * nickel(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'NiK': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * nickel(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'NiL': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * nickel(lx_es)^fthks(ifilter) 'OBF': lx_tubespec = lx_tubespec * acis2c_obf(lx_es) 'NONE': 'N/A': ELSE: print, '*** Unrecognized filter : '+fmats(ifilter)+'.' ENDCASE end ; Report the resulting total flux, etc. total_flux = TOTAL(lx_tubespec)*(lx_es(1)-lx_es(0)) if mono_energy GT 0. then begin line_energy = mono_energy end else begin line_energy = 0.0 READS, cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_energy), line_energy end line_region = where(lx_es GT 0.95*line_energy AND $ lx_es LT 1.05*line_energy) line_flux = TOTAL(lx_tubespec(line_region))*(lx_es(1)-lx_es(0)) sim_flux_str = 'Total photons/cm^2 s = '+STRING(total_flux,FORMAT='(G8.3)') line_flux_str = STRING(line_energy,FORMAT='(F6.3)')+ ' keV' + $ ' phot/cm^2 s = '+STRING(line_flux,FORMAT='(G8.3)') print, '..........................................' print, ' '+sim_flux_str print, ' '+line_flux_str cmdb_flux_str = '' if n_elements(row_todo) GE 1 then begin if cmdb_using_cal then begin cmdb_flux_str = 'CMDB = '+cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_flux)+ ' [' + $ cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_src_current)+' mA]' end else begin cmdb_flux_str = 'CMDB = '+ $ cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_X_Ray_Source_flux)+ ' [' + $ cmdb_fields(row_todo, c_X_ray_source_current)+' mA]' end print, ' '+ cmdb_flux_str end print, '' ; write out the data in photons/cm^2/s/keV spect_file = run_name + '.spec' OPENW, spect_unit, spect_file, /GET for ie=0,n_elements(lx_es)-1 do printf, spect_unit, $ lx_es(ie), lx_tubespec(ie) CLOSE, spect_unit FREE_LUN, spect_unit !p.multi = 0 ; output a plot of the spectrum ; in photons/cm^2/s/keV sourcexrange = [(MIN(lx_es) > 0.02),(MAX(lx_es) < 10.0)] max_flux = MAX(lx_tubespec) if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(NO_PLOT)) then begin pre_print_sqr plot_oo, lx_es, lx_tubespec, $ TITLE = run_name + $ ' ( '+ $ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(lx_sI,FORMAT='(F7.2)'),/REMOVE_ALL)+' mA )' , $ XTITLE = 'Energy (keV)', $ XRANGE = sourcexrange, $ YTITLE='Flux (photons/cm^2/s/keV, bin size = '+ $ STRING(1000.0*(lx_es(1)-lx_es(0)),FORMAT='(F5.2)')+' eV)', $ YRANGE = [1.E-8*max_flux,max_flux] ; Add the flux strings XYOUTS, sourcexrange(0)*1.5, 0.3*max_flux, sim_flux_str XYOUTS, sourcexrange(0)*1.5, 0.1*max_flux, line_flux_str XYOUTS, sourcexrange(0)*1.5, 0.03*max_flux, cmdb_flux_str device, /close set_plot, 'X' SPAWN, 'cp '+run_name+'' end ; NO_PLOT ;- - - - - - - BND output - - - - if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(NO_BND)) then begin ; output a plot of the spectrum as seen by BND ; lx_tubespec is in photons/cm^2/s/keV bnd_time = 1000.0 bnd_spec = lx_tubespec * 35.75 * bnd_time * (lx_es(1)-lx_es(0)) ; photons per bin ; ; For BND detector we need to add efficiency and energy blur ; include the FPC efficiency, hxda_fpc(E). bnd_temp = hxda_fpc(lx_es) * bnd_spec bnd_es = lx_es ; Add the blur ; ... first ... ; Increase the bin size by factor of 20 bnd_estep = 20.0 * lx_estep ipoint = LONG(0) iout = 0 while ipoint+19 LE n_elements(bnd_temp)-1 do begin bnd_es(iout) = TOTAL(lx_es(ipoint:ipoint+19))/20.0 bnd_spec(iout) = TOTAL(bnd_temp(ipoint:ipoint+19)) ipoint = ipoint + 20 iout = iout + 1 end bnd_es = bnd_es(0:iout-1) bnd_spec = bnd_spec(0:iout-1) ; add Ar escape too! save_tube = lx_tubespec save_es = lx_es lx_tubespec = bnd_spec lx_es = bnd_es lx_dname = 'SMD' labx_escape bnd_spec = lx_tubespec lx_tubespec = save_tube lx_es = save_es ; detector resolution vs energy, FWHM in keV ; use resolution of the X-GEF SMD... res = labx_smd_res(bnd_es) res = res/(2.35*bnd_estep) ; one-sigma in bins npts = n_elements(bnd_spec) nptsm = npts-1 out_spec = 0. * bnd_spec dout = 0. * bnd_spec ; go through the input spectrum for in = 0, nptsm do begin res_e = res(in) ; one_sigma in bins at this energy amp = bnd_spec(in) dout = 0. * dout for io = 0, nptsm do begin sigmas = (in-io)/res_e if(sigmas GT -6.0 AND sigmas LT 6.0) then $ dout(io) = EXP(-(sigmas^2)/2.) end out_spec = out_spec + (amp/res_e)*dout end ; Add Poisson counting stats bnd_spec = g_poiss(out_spec/SQRT(2.*!PI)) ; write out the BND histogram data hist_file = run_name + '.BND.hist' OPENW, hist_unit, hist_file, /GET for ie=0,n_elements(bnd_es)-1 do printf, hist_unit, $ bnd_es(ie), bnd_spec(ie) CLOSE, hist_unit FREE_LUN, hist_unit max_flux = MAX(bnd_spec) if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(NO_PLOT)) then begin pre_print_sqr plot_oo, bnd_es, bnd_spec, PSYM=10, $ TITLE = run_name + $ ' ( BND Counts,'+STRING(bnd_time,FORMAT='(F7.0)')+' sec, '+ $ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(lx_sI,FORMAT='(F7.2)'),/REMOVE_ALL)+' mA )' , $ XTITLE = 'Energy (keV)', XRANGE = sourcexrange, $ YTITLE='Flux (BND events/bin, bin size ='+$ STRING(bnd_estep*1000.0,FORMAT='(F6.1)')+' eV)', $ YRANGE = [0.1,max_flux] device, /close set_plot, 'X' SPAWN, 'cp '+run_name+'' SPAWN, 'rm' end ; NO_PLOT end ; of NO_BND ; - - - - !p.multi = 0 RETURN END