PRO xye_image, X, Y, E, GIF_FILE = gif_file, ONELEVEL=onelevel, $ LOG_E_COLORS=log_e_colors, $ XBINSIZE=xbinsize, YBINSIZE=ybinsize, $ MARX_DIR = marx_dir, $ ACIS_TRW_ID = acis_trw_id ; ; Procedure to convert, display, write-to-file event data ; into an energy-color-coded image. Builds on Dave H's pioneering ; work! ; ; INPUTS: ; X [np] X values (nominally in mm) ; Y [np] Y values (nominally in mm) ; E [np] E values (in keV) ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; /LOG_E_COLORS if set then the energy-->color mapping is fixed ; independant of the data (red to blue is 0.1 to 10 keV). ; Real data (if not selected on energy) will probably ; cover the full range always and not need this. ; ONELEVEL = 0.0 - 1.0 sets the intensity of a one-count pixel ; Default of 0.6 is good for (my) monitor, for printer ; output (e.g. when writing .gif file to later print) ; better to use 0.2 or so... ; ; GIF_FILE = 'filename' writes gif image to this file ; ; XBINSIZE = 6.*0.024 sets image bin size, same units as X ; YBINSIZE = 6.*0.024 sets image bin size, same units as Y ; ; MARX_DIR = 'directory' if set, the X,Y, and E will be taken ; from the marx ypos.dat, zpos.dat, and ; energy.dat ; ACIS_TRW_ID = 'H-HAS-EA-8.003' trw id: this is used to ; restore the ACIS XRCF L1 save file from dd's ; cache of them in /spectra/d6/ACIS_anal/ . ; To add others, run dd's ~dd/idl/xrcf/psu_view ! ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; if the MARX_DIR or ACIS_TRW_ID is used then these are output: ; X [np] X values (in mm) = marx ypos.dat OR mm w.r.t. aim pt ; Y [np] X values (in mm) = marx zpos.dat OR mm w.r.t. aim pt ; E [np] E values (in keV)= marx energy.dat OR keV ; ; PROCEDURES required (all from dph!): ; ~dd/idl/marx/ ; /nfs/wiwaxia/d4/ASC/lib/IDL/ ; ~dd/idl/useful/ ; ; REVISIONS ; 1/8/98 (dd) ; MARX input? if KEYWORD_SET(MARX_DIR) then begin X = read_marx_file(marx_dir+'/ypos.dat') Y = read_marx_file(marx_dir+'/zpos.dat') ; Use the energy (cheating) E = read_marx_file(marx_dir+'/energy.dat') ; Would have used PHA BUT then need to convert ; PHA --> energy based on a calibration for each chip ; PI would be the preferred quantity to use... but that is ; Level 1 and not in the MARX output... ; PHA = read_marx_file(marx_dir+'/pha.dat') ; ; Convert PHA to E: ; E = 0.00429 * PHA ; keV/PHA of MARX ? end ; ACIS TRW ID ? if KEYWORD_SET(ACIS_TRW_ID) then begin restore, '/nfs/spectra/d6/ACIS_anal/'+acis_trw_id+'_l1.idlsav' ; select standard grade set sel = WHERE((l1.GRADE EQ 0 or l1.GRADE EQ 2 or l1.GRADE EQ 3 $ or l1.GRADE EQ 4 or l1.GRADE EQ 6) and $ LT 12.0) X = l1(sel).detx Y = l1(sel).dety E = l1(sel).energy end ; Default bin sizes ; Assuming X,Y in mm set the bins so that ACIS-S will be about ; 1000 bins long if n_elements(XBINSIZE) EQ 0 then xbinsize = 6.*0.024 if n_elements(YBINSIZE) EQ 0 then ybinsize = 6.*0.024 ; The KEYWORD ONELEVEL is used to set the intensity of image bins ; that have a single count. if KEYWORD_SET(ONELEVEL) then begin use_level = onelevel end else begin use_level = 0.6 end if KEYWORD_SET(LOG_E_COLORS) then begin mk_color_image, X, Y, [xbinsize, ybinsize], E, $ image, xax, yax, rgb_table, ONELEVEL = use_level, /LOG_E_COLORS end else begin mk_color_image, X, Y, [xbinsize, ybinsize], E, $ image, xax, yax, rgb_table, ONELEVEL = use_level end iwindow = 2 ; appears in upper left of screen window, iwindow, XSIZE=n_elements(xax), YSIZE=n_elements(yax) tvlct, rgb_table tv, image if KEYWORD_SET(GIF_FILE) then begin wgif, iwindow, gif_file end RETURN END