PRO eae_effic_anal, eae, FRACTION=fraction, ffs ; ; This procedure forms the ratio of the measured ; effective area to the reference effective area ; and puts the result in the efficiency. ; ; modified 2/23/98 dd Include the "feature_fractions.rdb" corrections ; if available. ; if KEYWORD_SET(FRACTION) then begin ; Correct for the line/feature fractions if available... ; read in the "feature_fractions" if not passed if n_elements(ffs) LE 0 then begin ffs = rdb_read(!DDHETGCAL+'/cmp/eae/feature_fractions.rdb') end if n_elements(eae) NE n_elements(ffs) then begin print, ' * eae and ffs not same length' RETURN end ; Calculate the feature fraction errors dff_err = feat_frac_err(ffs) end for ir=0, n_elements(eae)-1 do begin if eae(ir).reference_value GT 0.0 then begin ; Calculate the simple efficiency ratio... eae(ir).effic = eae(ir).effective/eae(ir).reference_value ; Simple ratio, the errors are the same as for the effective ; area because we're ratioing grating/no-grating measurements ; and not correcting for the "line fractions" eae(ir).effic_method = 'simple ratio (' eae(ir).effic_err_plus = eae(ir).effective_err_plus/ $ eae(ir).reference_value eae(ir).effic_err_minus = eae(ir).effective_err_minus/ $ eae(ir).reference_value eae(ir).effic_syst_plus = eae(ir).effective_syst_plus/ $ eae(ir).reference_value eae(ir).effic_syst_minus = eae(ir).effective_syst_minus/ $ eae(ir).reference_value if KEYWORD_SET(FRACTION) then begin ; Correct for the line/feature fractions if available... if ffs(ir).fracNom GT 0.0 then begin ; OK, have this feature_fraction, what about the reference ; value feature fraction? ; ; Using logic similar to the we'll ; calculate the "effective feature fraction" and its error: ; ref_effective_ff ; ref_effective_dff ; ; if there is an = then it is fixed value if STRPOS(eae(ir).reference_id,'=') GE 0 then begin ; If the reference value is fixed value = 0.0 pieces = STR_SEP(eae(ir).reference_id, '=') READS, pieces(1), value eae(ir).reference_value = value ; nominal feature fractions and error... ref_effective_ff = 1.0 ref_effective_dff = 0.0 if eae(ir).trw_id EQ 'E-LXF-3D-22.044' then begin ; The reference for the LEG Ti-L is the expected ; HRMA area. A no-grating simulation ; > xrcf_sim, 'E-LXF-3D-22.044', /NO_GRAT, /RUN, ITER=0, NUM=200000 ; > feat_fraction, eae(294),/NO_GRAT ; gives the following feature fraction: ref_effective_ff = 0.333 ref_effective_dff = 0.25 ; Large error to flag this point end if eae(ir).trw_id EQ 'E-HXF-3D-22.047' then begin ; The reference here is the HRMA area based on ; assuming a known LEG 1st order efficiency ; the fraction corrections are for that case: ref_effective_ff = 0.5*(0.928+0.933) ref_effective_dff = 0.5*(0.0332+0.0339) end end else begin ; strip off any factor pieces = STR_SEP(eae(ir).reference_id, '*') ref_ids = pieces(0) ; second piece is the factor if it is there ; the factor will not effect the effective feature fraction ; but keep it all here for completeness factor = 1.0 if n_elements(pieces) EQ 2 then begin READS, pieces(1), factor end ; See if it is a compound pieces = STR_SEP(ref_ids,'+') ; value is the summ of the areas ; and fvalue is the sum of (feat_frac times area) value = 0.0 fvalue = 0.0 ; for error, the dffvalue is sum of: ; square of dff_err times fvalue dffvalue = 0.0 f_ok = 1 ; set to zero if fraction is missing for a piece for ip=0,n_elements(pieces)-1 do begin match = where(eae.trw_id EQ pieces(ip), nmatch) if nmatch EQ 1 then begin value = value + factor*eae(match(0)).effective fvalue = fvalue + factor*ffs(match(0)).fracNom * $ eae(match(0)).effective dffvalue = dffvalue + ( dff_err(match(0)) * $ (factor*ffs(match(0)).fracNom * $ eae(match(0)).effective) )^2 if ffs(match(0)).fracNom LT 0. then begin f_ok = 0 print, ' * eae_effic_anal: f_ok=0 for index ',match(0) RETURN end end else begin ; found zero or multiple times... print, 'eae_update_ref_vals: zero/multiple of:'+pieces(ip) if nmatch GT 1 then print, match RETURN end end ; loop over multiple ids ref_effective_ff = fvalue/value ref_effective_dff = SQRT(dffvalue)/fvalue end ; of non-fixed value reference ; Now we have ref_effective_ff and ref_effective_dff ; so we can correct the simple efficiency ratio value... corr_denom = ref_effective_ff dff_denom = ref_effective_dff corr_numer = ffs(ir).fracNom dff_numer = dff_err(ir) eae(ir).effic_method = 'fraction corrected, ' + $ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(corr_numer, FORMAT='(F8.3)')+'/'+ $ STRING(corr_denom,FORMAT='(F8.3)') ,/REMOVE_ALL)+ $ ' (' eae(ir).effic = eae(ir).effic * corr_numer/corr_denom ; The statistical error is still given by the ; error in the with-grating effective area eae(ir).effic_err_plus = eae(ir).effic_err_plus * $ corr_numer/corr_denom eae(ir).effic_err_minus = eae(ir).effic_err_minus * $ corr_numer/corr_denom ; The systematic error is now the combination of the ; errors in the fractions and does not depend on the ; previous error estimates. dff_total = SQRT(dff_numer^2 + dff_denom^2) ; The dff is a fractional error so the actual +/- errors are given ; by: eae(ir).effic_syst_plus = eae(ir).effic*(1.+dff_total) - $ eae(ir).effic eae(ir).effic_syst_minus = ABS(eae(ir).effic/(1.+dff_total) - $ eae(ir).effic) end ; of check for valid fraction for this one end ; FRACTION? end ; of check if ref value available end ; of loop over eae RETURN END