PRO feat_fraction, eae, NO_GRATING=no_grating, $ NO_PLOT=no_plot, PS_PLOT=ps_plot, $ FRACTION_OUT=fraction_out, AP_EVENTS = ap_events, $ DYFAC = dyfac, DZFAC = dzfac ; ; KEYWORDS: ; DYFAC - in mm: amount to offset the aperture by (from nominal MARX ; simulated value) for the as-run condition ; DZFAC - in mm: ditto ; ; ; The "feature fraction" is given as: ; ; all counts due to the feature ; feature_fraction = ------------------------------- ; observed counts from analysis ; ; so that multiplying the observed counts by the "feature_fraction" ; gives the feature counts. ; ; The "observed counts" depends on location, aperture, and analysis ; method. Currently the location is based on .loc files, ; the aperture is circular from CMDB (eae file), and ROI analysis ; is used (mimicing the current eae analysis.) ; ; The fraction is calculated for the nominal aperture and location ; as well as for +/- aperture size variation and +/- [Y|Z]_xrcf offset ; errors. FRACTION_OUT is an array of these seven values plus the ; number of feature counts and the Observed-feature fraction ; at nominal location: ; fracNom fracDplus fracDminus fracYplus fracYminus ; fracYplus fracYminus Nfeature ObsFeatFrac ; The fractions are based on simulations contained in: marx_dir = !DDPHASE1SIM ; Input parameters: ; Generate the parameters from the eae structure: ; feat_fraction, eae(nnn) ; OR pass them explicitly with a structure like: ; feat_fraction, {trw_id:'D-LXH-dF-16.001',iteration:'2', ; energy:1.254,fp_aperture:10000.,order:5,grating:'MEG', ; fp_detector:'SSD',focal_analysis:'ROI,1100-1400'} ; trw_id = eae.trw_id if KEYWORD_SET(NO_GRATING) then trw_id = trw_id+'NG' it_str = 'i'+eae.iteration diameter = eae.fp_aperture/1000.0 energy = order = eae.order grating = eae.grating detector = eae.fp_detector anal_str = eae.focal_analysis ; e.g., 'ROI,800-1400' ; Internal parameters: ; SSD energy per channel ssd_const = 0.0056 ; keV/channel ; the spectral feature is E +/- de de = 0.01 * energy ; Offset parameters if n_elements(DYFAC) EQ 0 then DYFAC = 0.0 if n_elements(DZFAC) EQ 0 then DZFAC = 0.0 ; Variation parameters ; Diameter error: dia_error = 0.025 ; mm ; Y-pos error: y_error = 0.050 ; mm ; Z-pos error: z_error = 0.050 ; mm ; Derived parameters ; If the focal analysis is ROI, then set the limits ; based on the ROI values and the detector type, ; otherwise use a guess: roi_low = 0.5*energy ; these are in keV and apply to the roi_high = 1.5*energy ; simulated data ; Check for ROI roiloc = STRPOS(anal_str,'ROI,') if roiloc GE 0 then begin ; Get the remaining string in the field roi_str = STRMID(anal_str,roiloc+4,80) ; Get the ROI limits if they are there ; e.g., in format ROI,12-120 pieces = STR_SEP(roi_str,'-') if n_elements(pieces) GE 2 then begin chan_low = 0 READS, pieces(0), chan_low chan_high = 0 READS, pieces(1), chan_high ; Convert these detector-specific limits to keV CASE detector of 'SSD': begin roi_low = ssd_const * chan_low roi_high = ssd_const * chan_high end 'FPC2': begin chan_ave = (chan_low + chan_high)/2. if energy GT 4.0 then begin ; includes escape peak... fpc_const = (energy-1.5)/chan_ave end else begin fpc_const = energy/chan_ave end roi_low = fpc_const * chan_low roi_high = fpc_const * chan_high end else: begin print, ' * Can not convert chans to keV for detector = '+detector RETURN end endcase end ; of "ROI,12-120" format ; Check for "ROI,All" as used for HSI if STRPOS(roi_str,'All') GE 0 then begin roi_low = 0.0 roi_high = 30.0 end end ; Report parameters: print, '' print, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' print, ' TRW_ID : ',trw_id+'/'+it_str print, ' (Grating : '+grating+' )' print, ' (Order : '+STRING(FIX(order),FORMAT=I4)+' )' print, ' Detector : '+detector print, ' Diameter : ',diameter if DYFAC NE 0.0 then print, ' dY_fac : ', DYFAC if DYFAC NE 0.0 then print, ' dZ_fac : ', DZFAC feature_str = STRING(energy,FORMAT='(F8.4)')+' +/-'+ $ STRING(de,FORMAT='(F7.4)') print, ' Feature : ', feature_str print, ' ROI(keV) : ',roi_low, roi_high print, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' print, ' dDiameter : ',dia_error print, ' dYxrcf : ',y_error ; get the simulated dataset: ; it will be in the structure ml1 with tags: detx, dety, energy restore, marx_dir + '/' + trw_id + '/'+ it_str +'/ml1.idlsav' ; Counts in feature. Does not depend on the aperture. ; use E+/-de and spatially +/- 0.33*order_spacing xrcf_params, HC=hc, PERIODS=periods, ROWLANDS=rowlands CASE grating OF 'LEG': begin order_spacing = rowlands(0)*(hc/energy)/periods(0) end 'MEG': begin order_spacing = rowlands(1)*(hc/energy)/periods(1) end 'HEG': begin order_spacing = rowlands(2)*(hc/energy)/periods(2) end 'NONE': begin order_spacing = 6.0/0.33 ; mm everything in simulation end ELSE: begin print, '* feat_fraction: unknown grating: '+grating RETURN end ENDCASE ; ALL FEATURE COUNTS all_feature_counts = where(ABS( - energy) LT de AND $ ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing, nfeature) print, ' N_feature : ', nfeature print, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' print, '' ; Calculate the observed counts and fractions for several ; cases... ; fracNom fracDplus fracDminus fracYplus fracYminus fracZplus fracZminus yvals = 0. + y_error*[0.,0.,0.,1.,-1.,0., 0.] zvals = 0. + z_error*[0.,0.,0.,0., 0.,1.,-1.] diams = diameter + dia_error*[0.,1.,-1.,0.,0.,0.,0.] ; Create output array, ; include the number of feature counts, and the ; observed_feature fraction at nominal ; parameters. fraction_out = FLTARR(n_elements(diams)+2) ; loop over the cases for ic=0, n_elements(diams)-1 do begin ; how far are the events from the center? radius = SQRT( (ml1.detx-(DYFAC+yvals(ic)))^2 + $ (ml1.dety-(DZFAC+zvals(ic)))^2 ) ; OBSERVED COUNTS observed_counts = where( GT roi_low AND $ LT roi_high AND $ radius LT diams(ic)/2.0, nobs) ; OBSERVED FEATURE COUNTS are all counts ; in the feature that are observed obsfeat_counts = where( (ABS( - energy) LT de AND $ ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing) AND $ ( GT roi_low AND $ LT roi_high AND $ radius LT diams(ic)/2.0) $ , nobsfeat) print, ' feat/obsfeat = ', FLOAT(nfeature)/FLOAT(nobsfeat) print, ' obsfeat/obs = ', FLOAT(nobsfeat)/FLOAT(nobs) print, '' fraction_out(ic) = FLOAT(nfeature)/FLOAT(nobs) if ic EQ 0 then begin ; Add the other info fraction_out(n_elements(fraction_out)-1) = FLOAT(nobsfeat)/FLOAT(nobs) fraction_out(n_elements(fraction_out)-2) = FLOAT(nfeature) ; Return the Events in the nominal aperture ap_events = ml1(where(radius LT diams(ic)/2.0)) end end print, fraction_out print, '' ; Make a plot to show things... if desired... if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(NO_PLOT)) then begin ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if KEYWORD_SET(PS_PLOT) then begin ; Plot to .ps ; color table: ; 0 - black ; 1 - white ; 2 - dark blue for background ; 3 to 254 go from red to white-blue ; 255 - white dd_load_ct, /OTHER !p.multi = [0,1,4] ; Colors for the events based on energy ecolor_low = 0.2 energy_colors = 3+FIX(252.*(( - ecolor_low)/(10.0-ecolor_low))) energy_colors = ((energy_colors > 3) < 254 ) !p.multi = [0,1,2] char_size = 1.2 ; Most useful plot is in E vs X space: ; plot, ml1.detx,, PSYM=3, /NODATA, $ TITLE=trw_id+'/'+it_str+', Feature is '+feature_str, $ XTITLE='Facility Y (mm w.r.t. detector center)', $ XRANGE=[-6.,6.], XSTYLE=1,$ YTITLE='Photon Energy (keV)', $ CHARSIZE=char_size, BACK=1, COLOR=0 plots, ml1.detx,, PSYM=3, COLOR=energy_colors ; Plot solid lines to show the FEATURE: ; The feature is region around energy and within range of the ; order: oplot, order_spacing*0.33*[-1.,1.], (energy+de)*[1.,1.] oplot, order_spacing*0.33*[-1.,1.], (energy-de)*[1.,1.] ; OBSERVED events depend on spatial-spectral analysis method... ; For the nominally placed aperture with ROI: ; show ROI limits: oplot, [-10.,10.], roi_low*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=2 oplot, [-10.,10.], roi_high*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=2 ; show Aperture limits (in X): oplot, DYFAC+0.5*diameter*[1.,1.], [0.,10.], LINESTYLE=2 oplot, DYFAC-0.5*diameter*[1.,1.], [0.,10.], LINESTYLE=2 ; Calculate and show the nominal fraction to go with the plot ; ALL FEATURE COUNTS all_feature_counts = where(ABS( - energy) LT de AND $ ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing, nfeature) print, '' print, ' Regarding the plot:' print, 'All feature counts = ', nfeature ; ALL LINE-ORDER REGION COUNTS all_counts = where(ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing, nallcounts) print, 'All counts in 0.33*order_spacing = ', nallcounts radius = SQRT((ml1.detx-DYFAC)^2+(ml1.dety-DZFAC)^2) ; OBSERVED COUNTS observed_counts = where( GT roi_low AND $ LT roi_high AND $ radius LT diameter/2.0, nobs) print, 'Observed counts = ', nobs ; OBSERVED FEATURE COUNTS are all counts ; in the feature that are observed obsfeat_counts = where( (ABS( - energy) LT de AND $ ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing) AND $ ( GT roi_low AND $ LT roi_high AND $ radius LT diameter/2.0) $ , nobsfeat) print, 'Observed feature counts = ', nobsfeat nom_fraction = FLOAT(nfeature)/FLOAT(nobs) frac_str = ' Feature-fraction = '+ $ STRING(nom_fraction,FORMAT='(F7.4)') xyouts, -5.5, 0.5*(roi_low+energy-de), frac_str, CHARSIZE=1.2 xyouts, (0.33*order_spacing-0.75 < 3.0), 1.05*(energy+de), $ STRING(nfeature,FORMAT='(I6)'), CHARSIZE=1.2 xyouts, DYFAC + 0.5*diameter - 0.1, 1.05*roi_low, STRING(nobs,FORMAT='(I6)'), $ ALIGNMENT=1.0, CHARSIZE=1.2 ; Now two little plots... !p.multi = [2,2,2] ; Energy plot: detailed feature histogram... to show how the ; feature relates to the surrounding spectrum. Does not show ; how the feature and aperture are related. featehist = HISTOGRAM(ml1(all_feature_counts).energy - energy,$ BINSIZE = de/10.0,MIN=-20.*de,MAX=20.*de) allehist = HISTOGRAM(ml1(all_counts).energy - energy,$ BINSIZE = de/10.0,MIN=-20.*de,MAX=20.*de) histes = (findgen(n_elements(featehist))-0.5*FLOAT(n_elements(featehist)))*de/10.0 hist_color = 3+FIX(252.*((energy - ecolor_low)/(10.0-ecolor_low))) pha_colors = 3+FIX(252.*((energy+histes - ecolor_low)/(10.0-ecolor_low))) plot_io, histes, featehist, PSYM=10, YRANGE=[1.,MAX(featehist)], $ XRANGE=[MIN(histes),MAX(histes)], XSTYLE=1, $ CHARSIZE=char_size, TITLE='Feature in Spectrum', $ XTITLE = 'dEnergy (keV)', YTITLE='Number of Events' plots, histes, featehist, PSYM=1, COLOR = hist_color plots, histes, allehist, PSYM=3, COLOR=pha_colors ; and a plot of the X,Y location of the events... xyxr = (3.0*diameter*0.5 < 6.0) xyyr = (3.0*diameter*0.5 < 6.0) plot, ml1.detx, ml1.dety, PSYM=3, COLOR=0, /CLIP, $ XRANGE= xyxr*[-1.,1.], XSTYLE=1, $ YRANGE= xyyr*[-1.,1.], YSTYLE=1, /NODATA, $ CHARSIZE = char_size, TITLE='Y-Z Plot of Events', $ XTITLE='Facility Y (mm w.r.t. ...)', $ YTITLE='Facility Z (mm w.r.t. detector center)' ; need to clip it ourselves?!?: in_plot = where(ABS(ml1.detx) LT 3.0*diameter*0.5 AND $ ABS(ml1.dety) LT 3.0*diameter*0.5) plots, ml1(in_plot).detx, ml1(in_plot).dety, PSYM=3, $ COLOR=energy_colors(in_plot) ; and the diameter of the aperture... facet_circle, 0., 360., xcirc, ycirc oplot, DYFAC+diameter*0.5*xcirc, DZFAC+diameter*0.5*ycirc, COLOR=0 oplot, [DYFAC], [DZFAC], PSYM=1, COLOR=0 xyouts, -0.8*xyxr, 0.8*xyyr, 'EE correction = ' + $ STRING(FLOAT(nfeature)/FLOAT(nobsfeat),FORMAT='(F5.3)'), $ CHARSIZE = 1.1 print, '' !p.multi=0 end else begin ; GIF PLOTS ; Plot to .gif set_plot, 'X' gif_window = 0 window, gif_window, xsi=550, ysi=700 ; color table: ; 0 - black ; 1 - white ; 2 - dark blue for background ; 3 to 254 go from red to white-blue ; 255 - white dd_load_ct, /OTHER !p.multi = [0,1,4] ; Colors for the events based on energy ecolor_low = 0.2 energy_colors = 3+FIX(252.*(( - ecolor_low)/(10.0-ecolor_low))) energy_colors = ((energy_colors > 3) < 254 ) !p.multi = [0,1,2] char_size = 1.2 ; Most useful plot is in E vs X space: ; plot, ml1.detx,, PSYM=3, /NODATA, $ TITLE=trw_id+'/'+it_str+', Feature is '+feature_str, $ XTITLE='Facility Y (mm w.r.t. detector center)', $ XRANGE=[-6.,6.], XSTYLE=1,$ YTITLE='Photon Energy (keV)', $ CHARSIZE=char_size, BACK=2, COLOR=1 plots, ml1.detx,, PSYM=3, COLOR=energy_colors ; Plot solid lines to show the FEATURE: ; The feature is region around energy and within range of the ; order: oplot, order_spacing*0.33*[-1.,1.], (energy+de)*[1.,1.] oplot, order_spacing*0.33*[-1.,1.], (energy-de)*[1.,1.] ; OBSERVED events depend on spatial-spectral analysis method... ; For the nominally placed aperture with ROI: ; show ROI limits: oplot, [-10.,10.], roi_low*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=2 oplot, [-10.,10.], roi_high*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=2 ; show Aperture limits (in X): oplot, DYFAC+0.5*diameter*[1.,1.], [0.,10.], LINESTYLE=2 oplot, DYFAC-0.5*diameter*[1.,1.], [0.,10.], LINESTYLE=2 ; Calculate and show the nominal fraction to go with the plot ; ALL FEATURE COUNTS all_feature_counts = where(ABS( - energy) LT de AND $ ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing, nfeature) print, '' print, ' Regarding the plot:' print, 'All feature counts = ', nfeature ; ALL LINE-ORDER REGION COUNTS all_counts = where(ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing, nallcounts) print, 'All counts in 0.33*order_spacing = ', nallcounts radius = SQRT((ml1.detx-DYFAC)^2+(ml1.dety-DZFAC)^2) ; OBSERVED COUNTS observed_counts = where( GT roi_low AND $ LT roi_high AND $ radius LT diameter/2.0, nobs) print, 'Observed counts = ', nobs ; OBSERVED FEATURE COUNTS are all counts ; in the feature that are observed obsfeat_counts = where( (ABS( - energy) LT de AND $ ABS(ml1.detx) LT 0.33*order_spacing) AND $ ( GT roi_low AND $ LT roi_high AND $ radius LT diameter/2.0) $ , nobsfeat) print, 'Observed feature counts = ', nobsfeat nom_fraction = FLOAT(nfeature)/FLOAT(nobs) frac_str = ' Feature-fraction = '+ $ STRING(nom_fraction,FORMAT='(F7.4)') xyouts, -5.5, 0.5*(roi_low+energy-de), frac_str, CHARSIZE=1.2 xyouts, (0.33*order_spacing-0.75 < 3.0), 1.05*(energy+de), $ STRING(nfeature,FORMAT='(I6)'), CHARSIZE=1.2 xyouts, DYFAC + 0.5*diameter - 0.1, 1.05*roi_low, STRING(nobs,FORMAT='(I6)'), $ ALIGNMENT=1.0, CHARSIZE=1.2 ; Now two little plots... !p.multi = [2,2,2] ; Energy plot: detailed feature histogram... to show how the ; feature relates to the surrounding spectrum. Does not show ; how the feature and aperture are related. featehist = HISTOGRAM(ml1(all_feature_counts).energy - energy,$ BINSIZE = de/10.0,MIN=-20.*de,MAX=20.*de) allehist = HISTOGRAM(ml1(all_counts).energy - energy,$ BINSIZE = de/10.0,MIN=-20.*de,MAX=20.*de) histes = (findgen(n_elements(featehist))-0.5*FLOAT(n_elements(featehist)))*de/10.0 hist_color = 3+FIX(252.*((energy - ecolor_low)/(10.0-ecolor_low))) pha_colors = 3+FIX(252.*((energy+histes - ecolor_low)/(10.0-ecolor_low))) plot_io, histes, featehist, PSYM=10, YRANGE=[1.,MAX(featehist)], $ XRANGE=[MIN(histes),MAX(histes)], XSTYLE=1, $ CHARSIZE=char_size, TITLE='Feature in Spectrum', $ XTITLE = 'dEnergy (keV)', YTITLE='Number of Events' plots, histes, featehist, PSYM=1, COLOR = hist_color plots, histes, allehist, PSYM=3, COLOR=pha_colors ; and a plot of the X,Y location of the events... xyxr = (3.0*diameter*0.5 < 6.0) xyyr = (3.0*diameter*0.5 < 6.0) plot, ml1.detx, ml1.dety, PSYM=3, COLOR=1, /CLIP, $ XRANGE= xyxr*[-1.,1.], XSTYLE=1, $ YRANGE= xyyr*[-1.,1.], YSTYLE=1, /NODATA, $ CHARSIZE = char_size, TITLE='Y-Z Plot of Events', $ XTITLE='Facility Y (mm w.r.t. ...)', $ YTITLE='Facility Z (mm w.r.t. detector center)' ; need to clip it ourselves?!?: in_plot = where(ABS(ml1.detx) LT 3.0*diameter*0.5 AND $ ABS(ml1.dety) LT 3.0*diameter*0.5) plots, ml1(in_plot).detx, ml1(in_plot).dety, PSYM=3, $ COLOR=energy_colors(in_plot) ; and the diameter of the aperture... facet_circle, 0., 360., xcirc, ycirc oplot, DYFAC+diameter*0.5*xcirc, DZFAC+diameter*0.5*ycirc, COLOR=1 oplot, [DYFAC], [DZFAC], PSYM=1, COLOR=1 xyouts, -0.8*xyxr, 0.8*xyyr, 'EE correction = ' + $ STRING(FLOAT(nfeature)/FLOAT(nobsfeat),FORMAT='(F5.3)'), $ CHARSIZE = 1.1 ; Finish the .gif output wshow, gif_window,iconic=0 image = tvrd() tvlct, red, green, blue, /GET ; write it into the directory the ml1 file came from: gif_file = marx_dir + '/' + trw_id + '/'+ it_str +'/'+ $ trw_id + '_'+ it_str +'_ff.gif' write_gif, gif_file, image, red, green, blue print, '' !p.multi=0 end ; of .gif plot ; - - - no_plot - - - end RETURN END