PRO letg_cip_etc ; ----------------------------------------- ; CALDB critical ; ----------------------------------------- ; Procedure to read in the multi-grating created shell efficiencies ; and create : ; - vignetting corrected shell effic.s ; - the (Flight, 2pi) mirror-area-weighted efficiencies ; - the error files for the shell areas and weighted effic.s. ; ----------- Summary of actions --------- ; - read in needed data ; - create/write plus-minus order averaged shell files that include ; the shell vignetting factor ; - create/write LETG effective efficiency files ; - create/write shell error files ; - create/write LETG effective efficiency error files ; ---------------------------------------- ; 1998-12-29 Created from and the ; new version of ; Creating N0002 product, changes: ; - use newly calculated grating multiout files (should ; not differ for LETG from previous because gold consts ; are the same. These new multiout files do NOT ; include ANY vignetting factors.) ; - the LETGbasic file is updated with new values/interpretation ; of the vignetting terms. ; - use 5% for HRMA shell area error (instead of 10%). ; and Herman's modified HRMA areas to avoid ; 2 keV discontinuity in weighting. ; 1999-01-09 dd Arg: remove unneeded "grating" prefix on files... ; Change CIP directories for basic and output products to ; be letg/cip . ; 1999-07-17 dd Modified for 'N0003 efficiency calculation from ; hetg/fcp/multiout_990716_rdb/ files, from 990510 optical ; constants. ; ---------------------------------------- ; CALDB files used as input: ; hetg/fcp/multiout_990716_rdb/LETG_shell[N]_multiout.rdb ; letg/cip/letgD1996-11-01basicN0003.rdb ; hrma/cip/hrmaD1996-11-01effareaN0004.rdb ;----------------------------------------- ; --- preliminary: Get the data ------ ; The efficiency data ('multiout.rdb files) are in fcp_dir = !DDHETGCAL+'/fcp/multiout_990716_rdb/' ; The output CIP directory is: cip_dir = !DDLETGCAL+'/cip/' ; hrma cip dir hrma_dir = !DDHRMACAL+'/cip/' ; --- version of the products --- version_str = 'N0003' ; Read all the shell efficiencies in sh1 = rdb_read(fcp_dir+'LETG_shell1_multiout.rdb') sh3 = rdb_read(fcp_dir+'LETG_shell3_multiout.rdb') sh4 = rdb_read(fcp_dir+'LETG_shell4_multiout.rdb') sh6 = rdb_read(fcp_dir+'LETG_shell6_multiout.rdb') ; Plot the plus and minus first orders... plot_oi,, sh1.op1, XRANGE=[0.1,10.], $ TITLE="LETG multiout Efficiencies" oplot,, sh1.om1 oplot,, sh3.op1 oplot,, sh3.om1 oplot,, sh4.op1 oplot,, sh4.om1 oplot,, sh6.op1 oplot,, sh6.om1 ; Read the HRMA areas ; rdb columns are: energy,ea_1,err_1, etc., ea_hrma, err_hrma hrma_ea = rdb_read(hrma_dir+'hrmaD1996-11-01effareaN0004.rdb') ; put these into the arrays: es = energy, hrmaN = mirror pair N area: es = hrma1 = hrma_ea.ea_1 hrma3 = hrma_ea.ea_3 hrma4 = hrma_ea.ea_4 hrma6 = hrma_ea.ea_6 ; get the basic header string array that describes these ; efficiency data cip_effic_header, effic_hdr ; read the vignetting terms for each shell, LETGvign1 etc. basic = rdb_read(cip_dir+'letgD1996-11-01basicN0003.rdb') shells = [1,3,4,6] vigns = FLTARR(4) for iv=0,n_elements(vigns)-1 do begin vign_name = 'LETGvign'+STRCOMPRESS(shells(iv),/REMOVE_ALL) this_vign = where(STRPOS(, vign_name) GE 0, nfound) if nfound EQ 1 then begin vigns(iv) = basic(this_vign(0)).value end else begin print, "* Couldn't find "+vign_name print, " Using the average value of 0.8346" print, "" vigns(iv) = 0.8346 end end print, shells ; Get the values of LETGvigncoarse and LETGvignfine ; These are the values of fraction of X-rays that are not ; absorbed by the structure. vign_name = 'LETGvigncoarse' this_vign = where(STRPOS(, vign_name) GE 0, nfound) if nfound EQ 1 then begin LETGvigncoarse = basic(this_vign(0)).value end else begin print, "* Couldn't find "+vign_name+'; using 0.90' print, "" LETGvigncoarse = 0.90 end vign_name = 'LETGvignfine' this_vign = where(STRPOS(, vign_name) GE 0, nfound) if nfound EQ 1 then begin LETGvignfine = basic(this_vign(0)).value end else begin print, "* Couldn't find "+vign_name+'; using 0.90' print, "" LETGvignfine = 0.90 end vigns = vigns * LETGvigncoarse * LETGvignfine print, 'Total vignetting factors for the shells are:' print, vigns print, '' ;------ Write out the plus-minus averaged shell efficiencies --- ; including vignetting ;------------ Write out the errors in these as well ------------ ; Loop over the shells shells = [1,3,4,6] for is=0,3 do begin CASE is OF 0: sh = sh1 1: sh = sh3 2: sh = sh4 3: sh = sh6 ENDCASE ; Go through all the tags (except the first one, energy) ; and put the average values into the output sh_out = sh ; Zero order tag index zind = n_tags(sh)/2 ; for zero-order just include vignetting sh_out.(zind) = vigns(is) * sh.(zind) ; average the non-zero orders and include shell vignetting factor for io=1, zind-1 do begin sh_out.(zind+io) = vigns(is) * ( sh.(zind+io) + sh.(zind-io) )/2.0 sh_out.(zind-io) = sh_out.(zind+io) end ; Write the rdb file filename = 'letgmp' + $ STRCOMPRESS( STRING(shells(is)),/REMOVE_ALL ) $ +'D1996-11-01greff'+ version_str +'.rdb' hdr_strings = STRARR(5) hdr_strings(0) = '#filename: '+filename hdr_strings(1) = '#data produced by '+SYSTIME() hdr_strings(2) = '#' hdr_strings(3) = '# LETG Shell '+ $ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(shells(is)),/REMOVE_ALL) + $ ' Efficiency including vignetting' hdr_strings(4) = '#' ; append generic effic header comments hdr_strings =[ hdr_strings, effic_hdr ] ; and comments for marx use marx_hdr = [ $ '# These lines are for John Davis and MARX use', $ '# when they are commented/moved.', $ '#', $ '#Max_Order: 25', $ '#Num_Energies: 5001', $ '#................................' ] hdr_strings =[ hdr_strings, marx_hdr ] rdb_write, cip_dir+filename, sh_out, HEADER=hdr_strings ; Create the error values err_out = sh_out ; Zero order tag index zind = n_tags(err_out)/2 ; 10% zero-order error everywhere err_array = 0.1 + 0.0* err_out.(zind) = err_array*sh_out.(zind) ; 10% for first-order everywhere err_array = 0.10 + 0.0* err_out.(zind-1) = err_array*sh_out.(zind-1) err_out.(zind+1) = err_array*sh_out.(zind+1) ; 20% for 2 order for io= 2, 2 do begin err_array = 0.2 + 0.0* err_out.(zind+io) = err_array*sh_out.(zind+io) err_out.(zind-io) = err_array*sh_out.(zind-io) end ; 50% for 3 order for io= 3, 3 do begin err_array = 0.5 + 0.0* err_out.(zind+io) = err_array*sh_out.(zind+io) err_out.(zind-io) = err_array*sh_out.(zind-io) end ; 90% for higher orders for io=4, zind-1 do begin err_array = 0.9 + 0.0* err_out.(zind+io) = err_array*sh_out.(zind+io) err_out.(zind-io) = err_array*sh_out.(zind-io) end ; Write the rdb file filename = 'letgmp' + $ STRCOMPRESS( STRING(shells(is)),/REMOVE_ALL ) $ +'D1996-11-01grerr'+ version_str +'.rdb' hdr_strings = STRARR(5) hdr_strings(0) = '#filename: '+filename hdr_strings(1) = '#data produced by '+SYSTIME() hdr_strings(2) = '#' hdr_strings(3) = '# LETG Shell '+ $ STRCOMPRESS(STRING(shells(is)),/REMOVE_ALL) + $ ' Efficiency Errors' hdr_strings(4) = '#' ; append generic effic header comments hdr_strings =[ hdr_strings, effic_hdr ] rdb_write, cip_dir+filename, err_out, HEADER=hdr_strings ; For each shell save the vignetting-included, averaged ; shell efficiency and the error for use below CASE is OF 0: vsh1 = sh_out 1: vsh3 = sh_out 2: vsh4 = sh_out 3: vsh6 = sh_out ENDCASE CASE is OF 0: err1 = err_out 1: err3 = err_out 2: err4 = err_out 3: err6 = err_out ENDCASE end ;------ Make the mirror weighted values ------- ; Algorithm: ; - weight by mirror areas ;---------------------------------------------- ; Assume that shell 1 and 3 have same energy spacing (they do) ; and interpolate the mirror data to it h1 = INTERPOL(hrma1, es, ) h3 = INTERPOL(hrma3, es, ) ; Create the weighting coefficients w1 = h1/(h1+h3) w3 = h3/(h1+h3) ; Go through all the tags (except the first one, energy) ; and put the weighted values into the output meg = vsh1 for it=1, n_tags(meg)-1 do begin meg.(it) = ( w1*vsh1.(it) + w3*vsh3.(it) ) end ; Setup the output structure, same as shell efficiency heg = vsh4 ; Assume that shell 4 and 6 have same energy spacing (they do) ; and interpolate the mirror data to it h4 = INTERPOL(hrma4, es, ) h6 = INTERPOL(hrma6, es, ) ; Create the weighting coefficients w4 = h4/(h4+h6) w6 = h6/(h4+h6) ; Go through all the tags (except the first one, energy) ; and put the weighted values into the output for it=1, n_tags(heg)-1 do begin heg.(it) = ( w4*vsh4.(it) + w6*vsh6.(it) ) end ; LETG ; Setup the output structure, same as heg and meg ; Do this full LETG by combining the heg and meg LETG = meg ; We already have the h1 - h6 ; Create the weighting coefficients ; wh, wm = weighting for heg and meg wh = (h4 + h6)/(h1+h3+h4+h6) wm = (h1 + h3)/(h1+h3+h4+h6) ; Go through all the tags (except the first one, energy) ; and put the weighted values into the output for it=1, n_tags(LETG)-1 do begin LETG.(it) = ( wm*meg.(it) + wh*heg.(it) ) end ; Write the rdb file filename = 'letgD1996-11-01greff'+ version_str +'.rdb' hdr_strings = STRARR(5) hdr_strings(0) = '#filename: '+filename hdr_strings(1) = '#data produced by '+SYSTIME() hdr_strings(2) = '#' hdr_strings(3) = '# LETG Mirror Weighted Efficiency' hdr_strings(4) = '#' ; append generic effic header comments hdr_strings =[ hdr_strings, effic_hdr ] rdb_write, cip_dir+filename, LETG, HEADER=hdr_strings ;------ Make the mirror weighted ERROR values ------- ; Algorithm: ; o shell errors are combined just as shell effic.s ; 'cause the errors are systematic mostly ; o add 10% of the shell difference to account for ; possible weighting errors (HRMA eff area errors) ;---------------------------------------------- hrma_shell_error = 0.05 ; MEG ; Setup the output structure, same as shell efficiency meg_err = meg ; Go through all the tags (except the first one, energy) ; calculate the error... for it=1, n_tags(meg_err)-1 do begin meg_err.(it) = w1*err1.(it) + w3*err3.(it) wgt_err = ABS(hrma_shell_error*(vsh1.(it) - vsh3.(it))) meg_err.(it) = meg_err.(it) + wgt_err end ; HEG ; Setup the output structure, same as shell efficiency heg_err = heg ; Go through all the tags (except the first one, energy) ; calculate the error... for it=1, n_tags(heg_err)-1 do begin heg_err.(it) = w4*err4.(it) + w6*err6.(it) wgt_err = ABS(hrma_shell_error*(vsh4.(it) - vsh6.(it))) heg_err.(it) = heg_err.(it) + wgt_err end ; LETG ; Setup the output structure, same as LETG LETG_err = LETG ; Go through all the tags (except the first one, energy) ; calculate the error... for it=1, n_tags(LETG_err)-1 do begin LETG_err.(it) = wm*meg_err.(it) + wh*heg_err.(it) wgt_err = ABS(hrma_shell_error*(meg.(it) - heg.(it))) LETG_err.(it) = LETG_err.(it) + wgt_err end ; Write the rdb file filename = 'letgD1996-11-01grerr'+ version_str +'.rdb' hdr_strings = STRARR(5) hdr_strings(0) = '#filename: '+filename hdr_strings(1) = '#data produced by '+SYSTIME() hdr_strings(2) = '#' hdr_strings(3) = '# LETG Mirror Weighted Efficiency Error' hdr_strings(4) = '#' ; append generic effic header comments hdr_strings =[ hdr_strings, effic_hdr ] rdb_write, cip_dir+filename, LETG_err, HEADER=hdr_strings RETURN END