To: (Myles Walton) Cc:,,, dd Subject: New gratings page Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 15:30:07 -0400 From: "Scott J. Wolk" Myles, as promised I have reviewed the gratings page. Please replace the old MTA gratings page with a new one organized as follows: The asteriks indicate the item should be captured on a plot Put the 4 power items on one plot, (28 volts in the top window, 5 volts in the bottom) and the rotational angle on the other plot (HETG on top LETG on the bottom). the MSIDs listed are taken from ODB 6.0 so let me know if this doesn't match what you have. thanks, -Scott GRATINGS MONITORING POWER MCE A: MCE B: +28 VOLT CONVERTER INHIBIT RELAY STATUS 4M28IRAX 4M28IRBX +28 VOLT MONITOR 4MP28AV 4MP28BV* +5 VOLT CONV INH RELAY MONITOR 4M5IRAX 4M5IRBX +5 VOLT MONITOR 4MP5AV 4MP5BV* HETG ENABLE LOGIC STATUS MONITOR 4HENLAX 4HENLBX EXECUTE RELAY STATUS MONITOR 4HEXRAX 4HEXRBX ROTATION ANGLE POSITION MONITOR 4HPOSARO 4HPOSBRO* LIMIT SWITCH MONITOR (RETRACTED) 4HRLSA 4HRLSB LIMIT SWITCH MONITOR (INSERTED) 4HILSA 4HILSB DIRECTION RELAY STATUS MONITOR 4HDIRA 4HDIRB OTG SELECT RELAY STATUS MONITOR 4HRSMA 4HRSMB LETG ENABLE LOGIC STATUS MONITOR 4LENLAX 4LENLBX EXECUTE RELAY STATUS MONITOR 4LEXRAX 4LEXRBX ROTATION ANGLE POSITION MONITOR 4LPOSARO 4LPOSBRO* LIMIT SWITCH MONITOR (RETRACTED) 4LRLSAD 4LRLSBD LIMIT SWITCH MONITOR (INSERTED) 4LILSAD 4LILSBD DIRECTION RELAY STATUS MONITOR 4LDIRA 4LDIRB OTG SELECT RELAY STATUS MONITOR 4LRSMA 4LRSMB For the moment put all Launch lock information on a separate page, organized like the old page. _______________________________________________________________________ Scott J. Wolk | Harvard-Smithsonian | Center for Astrophysics | 60 Garden St. MS-70 | 617-496-7766; Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617-495-7356 (fax)