HETG Models
HETG Models
Efficiency Model S/W
- Rectangular Efficiency (
dd IDL code)
- Tilted or multi-vertex Efficiency (
dd IDL code)
- Multi multi-vertex Efficiency (by
John E. Davis,
written in S-Lang)
- Takes a file with
one or more multi-vertex-grating-parameter-sets and calculates
the average efficiency at a set of energies and range of orders.
- Example available in ~dd/eff_demo/ at MIT and SAO:
- energy.dat
is an ASCII list of energies desired (here 0.2 to 0.3 keV in 0.1 steps.)
- test_multi.txt
is the list of gratings (here a single one) and their parameters;
this format is specified in
These multi.txt files may be stored in rdb format, see
the column names in the flight multi.rdb files.
- multi.sl is the S-Lang "program"
which performs the calculation. The first six lines specify the
operation (input/output files) and range of orders to be calculated.
- optical-constants.tbl
is the data set
for the X-ray properties of
the gold, chromium, and polyimide which makeup the Chandra gratings.
These values are initially created using Mark Schattenburg's
"xray" program, see
Note from John Davis.
This file is a text version of the MARX 2.04 distribution file
optical-constants.dat (in John Davis binary format.)
- The calculation is executed by typing to unix:
- ~dd/bin/solaris/eff multi.sl
- test_multi.out
is the output from the model consisting of tab-delimited lines with
energy and the efficiencies in the orders for the composite set of
gratings (here, orders are -1,0,1 only.)
- Validating John's efficiency code...
- The model parameters and efficiencies created by John's
code were compared with the efficiencies created by the
brute-force calculation carried out by
- The model parameters and multi-vertex
shape used for the test are
shown here;
the corresponding path-length function used by tilt_effic is
shown here.
- John's efficiencies are the solid lines and diamonds
in these plots;
the *s are the tilt_effic efficiencies.
- FYI, The diamonds and
*s are at the "pruned" energies: interpolating between these
will retain a 1% accuracy.
- This comparison was carried out with the procedure
LRF/Ray-trace Model S/W
- Error Budget for E/dE
dd IDL code)
- MARX with quasi-faceted-HETG for mis-aligned MEGs
- SAOSAC with fully-faceted-HETG (e.g., ray-trace of HETG during insertion!)
Model Products
This web page is: http://space.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/HETG/models/models.html.
Please send any comments and updates to: dd@space.mit.edu.
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