\begin{quotation} {\it Objective:} Calculate the relative efficiencies of the diffracted orders as seen in the Phase II flight detector data. This analysis is to calibrate the HETG order ratios. \end{quotation} During Phase II some 54 HRC-I and ACIS-S EA measurements were made with the HETG inserted in the beam. \subsection{DCM-HETG-HRC-I Efficiency Ratio} That the XRCF data will support a 3\% relative and 10\% absolute HETGS calibration is better domonstrated with a DCM-HETG-HRC data set, Figure~\ref{fig:hrc_dcm}. Here, the DCM was tuned to energies in the 1.5 to 7 keV range (TRW IDs G-HHI-EA-7.030 to '48, and '99.059 to '61). At each energy the ratio of counts detected in the HEG and MEG plus-first orders to the counts detected in the combined HEG and MEG zero order was computed. This ratio depends primarily on the HETG zero-order and first-order efficiencies and secondarily on the HRMA effective areas and the HRC-I spatial uniformity: \begin{equation} {\frac{R_{\rm 1st}}{R_{\rm 0}}}(E) = {\frac{ QE_{\rm HRC}(E,\vec{X_M}) \sum_{s=1,3} A_{s}(E) G_{s}(E,1) ~~+~~ QE_{\rm HRC}(E,\vec{X_H}) \sum_{s=4,6} A_{s}(E) G_{s}(E,1) }{ QE_{\rm HRC}(E,\vec{X_0}) \sum_{s=1,3,4,6} A_{s}(E) G_{s}(E,0) }} \end{equation} \noindent where $QE_{\rm HRC}(E,\vec{X_*})$ is the quantum efficiency of the HRC-I at the different detected spatial regions (MEG 1st, HEG 1st, and zero orders) and the other terms have been previously defined. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=hrc_dcm_ratio.eps,height=14cm} \caption[DCM-HETG-HRC-I 1st to 0 order ratio vs. E] {DCM-HETG-HRC data: ratio of first orders to zero-order.} \label{fig:hrc_dcm} \end{center} \end{figure}