#filename: HETGcore.rdb #memo: http://space.mit.edu/HETG/core/HETGcore.html # # This file is used to store/transfer HETG Calibration data. # #-------------------------------- # History information: # created 8/11/97 dd #-------------------------------- # #.........Column definitions..... # This rdb file lists several one-number # products. The rdb columns are therefore # generic and self explanatory. # #.........Name definitions....... # HEGdpop rms period variation of HEGs # MEGdpop rms period variation of MEGs # HEGroll rms alignment (roll) variation of HEGs # MEGroll rms alignment (roll) variation of MEGs #................................ # name value error unit S N N S HEGdpop 146. 50. ppm MEGdpop 162. 50. ppm HEGroll 1.5 0.5 arc minutes MEGroll 1.5 0.5 arc minutes