#filename: HETGperiod.rdb #memo: http://space.mit.edu/HETG/period/period.html # # This file is used to store/transfer HETG Calibration data. # #-------------------------------- # History information: # created 8/4/97 dd # modified 8/20/97 dd New XRCF spacing information # modified 9/11/97 dd include as-installed clocking of # HETG for flight (+46. arc seconds, from TRW). # modified 9/17/97 dd HETG distance at XRCF set to 8782.8 (old value) # for agreement with sub-assembly period data. #-------------------------------- # #.........Column definitions..... # This rdb file lists several one-number # products. The rdb columns are therefore # generic and self explanatory. # #.........Name definitions....... # HEGp Average period of the HEG gratings # MEGp Average period of the MEG gratings # HETGrsX HETG Rowland Spacing at XRCF # HETGrsF HETG Rowland Spacing in Flight # HETGopenX HETG opening angle at XRCF (HXDS coord.s) # HETGopenF HETG opening angle in Flight (ACIS coord.s) # HETGclockX HETG mean dispersion angle at XRCF # HETGclockF HETG mean dispersion angle in Flight # HEGangleX HEG dispersion angle w.r.t. y-axis, XRCF # HEGangleF HEG dispersion angle w.r.t. y-axis, Flight # MEGangleX MEG dispersion angle w.r.t. y-axis, XRCF # MEGangleF MEG dispersion angle w.r.t. y-axis, Flight #................................ # name value error unit S N N S HEGp 2000.81 0.05 Angstrom MEGp 4001.41 0.10 Angstrom HETGrsX 8782.8 0.50 mm HETGrsF 8633.92 0.50 mm HETGopenX 9.934 0.008 degrees HETGopenF 9.934 0.008 degrees HETGclockX -0.225 0.05 degrees HETGclockF -0.225 0.05 degrees HEGangleX -5.19 0.05 degrees MEGangleX 4.74 0.05 degrees HEGangleF -5.18 0.05 degrees MEGangleF 4.75 0.05 degrees