% % % HETG DraftFinal Calibration Report % % % 970903 dd created (copying MARX manual! Thanks Mike Wise!) % file: ~dd/xrcf/Report/prelim.tex % 982598 dd additions begin... % file: ~dd/xrcf/Report/draft.tex % \documentclass{book} \usepackage{guide} \usepackage{epsf} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{amsmath} % Set margins and separation spaces \input{pre_marg_and_space} % Add special commands \input{draft_special} % Create an index \makeindex % Set title page information \input{draft_title} % Begin text \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{titlepage} \vspace*{7.6cm} \vfill \end{titlepage} % Set up table of contents \newpage \pagenumbering{roman} \tableofcontents % Create a list of figures \newpage \listoffigures % Create a list of tables \newpage \listoftables % Preface \include{draft_preface} \newpage \cleardoublepage \pagenumbering{arabic} \include{draft_intro} \part{Physics, Models, and Laboratory Measurements} \include{draft_lrf_phys} \include{draft_effic_phys_kaf} \include{draft_scatter_theory} \include{draft_effic_sw} \include{draft_lab} \part{X-Ray Calibration Facility Measurements and Analysis} \include{draft_xrcf_intro} \include{draft_xrcf_lrf} \include{draft_xrcf_eae} \part{Calibration Data and Products} \include{pre_cal_data} \include{pre_cal_prods} %Acronyms \include{pre_acronyms} %Math symbols \include{pre_symbols} %Bibliography \include{draft_biblio} % Include index \input prelim.idx % Done \end{document}