\chapter{Calibration Products} \label{chap:cal_prods} \section{Overview of Products} \label{sec:prod_overview} This section provides a general overview to the types of calibration products, the next sections provide the HETG and HETGS products themselves. {\it Calibration Data} are all the raw data acquired that has information to constrain the instrument models; these are the basis of a calibration. {\it Calibration Measurement Products} are the specific results from specific manipulations of the Calibration Data and cover many levels of complexity. They represent the results when the raw data have been ``analyzed'' to create something, {\it e.g.}, ``counts per second in the Al-K BND bump'', ``ACIS-I 5 arc min Mo-L off-axis encircled-energy curve'', or ``witness flat reflectivity at 8.04 keV''. There are lots of these! And their meaning and organization and synthesis can require a lot of human knowledge. Many results may be ammenable to database storage, others may require memos to describe and define them. Error estimates are produced for each measurement result as well. {\it Fundamental Calibration Products} are the most detailed ``encoding'' of the calibration activity into detailed (complex) models, {\it e.g.}, SAOSAC as a model of the HRMA. This requires a synthesizing by calibrationists of the various Calibration Measurement Products and model expectations. {\it Calibration Interface Products} are specific, well-defined, useful parameters, tables, models which describe the essence of the instrument to sufficient accuracy to be useful yet in a more accessible form than the Fundamental Calibration Products. (The distinction is blurred and need not be too strict. For example the ACIS pixel size is about as Fundamental as can be yet it is also a very useful CIP value.) These CIPs are the main interface between the calibration activity and the rest of the system. {\it Analysis Reference Data} is used to explicitly identify those data that are needed and used by, {\it e.g.}, the ASC Data System for simulation and data analysis. The formats are dictated by the analysis algorithms and software architecture; often these data may be simply reformatted versions of the CIPs. The \mx parameters, Section~\ref{sec:marx_prods}, are a good example of Analysis Reference Data. The relationship of these products is schematically shown in Figure~\ref{fig:cal_prods}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=cip_figure.eps,height=12cm} \caption[Schematic Diagram of the Types of Calibration Products] {Schematic Diagram of the Types of Calibration Products} \label{fig:cal_prods} \end{center} \end{figure} \clearpage \section{Fundamental Calibration Products for HETG} \label{sec:fcps} As we have seen, the LRF functions depend not only on shell-level quantities but on grating-level data, {\it e.g.}, grating mis-alignment angles\cite{marshall97}. For this reason, {\it the fundamental HETG calibration or model is at the grating facet level}. For each grating facet, $f = 1$ to 336, we have a diffraction efficiency $g_f(E,m)$, period map in facet coordinates $p_f(x,y)$, and alignment distribution $\Gamma_f(\phi _{\rm roll})$ as well as mechanical parameters. These fundamental data can be combined with other information to produce, {\it e.g.}, $\nu_s$, $G_s(E,m)$, $SEA(E,m,\dots )$, and $LRF(E,m,\dots )$. \clearpage \section{HETG Calibration Interface Products} \label{sec:cips} A discussion of and values for the HETG CIPs are presented here; data files, discussions, and updates are available at {\tt http://space.mit.edu/HETG/xrcf.html} under ``Calibration Products''. \subsection{Basic Parameters} \label{sec:cip_basic} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \epsfig{file=facet_figure.eps,height=9cm} \caption[Basic Geometry for HETG Facet Location] {Basic Geometry for HETG Facet Location} \label{fig:basic_facet} \end{center} \end{figure} Basic parameters of the HETG design are tabulated in the file {\tt HETGbasic.rdb} for computer input and reproduced here in Table~\ref{tab:cip_basic}. The HETG radii given here are really a method to record the angle of the central ray through the shell's facets, ``theta\_shell'' in Figure~\ref{fig:basic_facet}: \begin{equation} \tan \theta_s ~=~ {\rm HETGrad}_s ~/~ {\rm HETGrd} \end{equation} \begin{quotation} {\it To-do:} \\ Produce and include reference to 3-D facet location information. \end{quotation} \begin{table}[hb] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{llll} name & value & error & unit \\ \hline \hline HETGrd & 8633.69 & 0.1 & mm \\ HETGrad1 & 521.66 & 0.1 & mm \\ HETGrad3 & 419.90 & 0.1 & mm \\ HETGrad4 & 370.66 & 0.1 & mm \\ HETGrad6 & 275.44 & 0.1 & mm \\ HETGvign1 & 0.937 & 0.01 & none \\ HETGvign3 & 0.940 & 0.01 & none \\ HETGvign4 & 0.931 & 0.01 & none \\ HETGvign6 & 0.936 & 0.01 & none \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Basic HETG Design Parameters] {Basic HETG Design Parameters, from {\tt HETGbasic.rdb}.} \label{tab:cip_basic} \end{center} \end{table} \clearpage \subsection{Periods, Angles, and Spacing} \label{sec:cip_periods_angles} {\bf Periods} Lab measurements were made on the flight gratings for HETG as well as on the TOGA gratings used in XRCF rehearsal. These laboratory measurements were corrected based on NIST-measured reference samples (Section~\ref{sec:lr_nist}) resulting in our best estimate ``LR-NIST'' periods. The current CIP adopted periods (in \AA ) are the sub-assembly values because XRCF measurements are not accurate enough to require a change. In particular a spacing discrepancy still exists, Section~\ref{sec:periods_angles}. The period errors are all taken as the sub-assembly values, again because (with an HETG displacement assumption) XRCF measurements are in agreement and do not provide any smaller error bounds. {\bf Angles} The mean dispersion angles have been measured at XRCF and the HETG opening angle should be the same for XRCF and flight. The flight clocking and grating angles have been modified slightly from the XRCF values by the as-installed +46 arc second HETG roll. {\bf Spacing} The HEG/MEG period difference seen between sub-assembly (HeCd,HeNe) and XRCF-AL-K (assuming a spacing of 8788.04 mm) of about 500 ppm is assumed to be due to an inaccurate value for the HETG Rowland spacing at XRCF, Section~\ref{sec:hetg_location_at_xrcf}. Thus, for now the HETG position at XRCF is set to be 8782.8 mm to have reasonable agreement between XRCF and sub-assembly periods (and hence calculated line energies). The cause for the (alleged) displacement has not been determined. For flight spacing, Scott Texter reports that EK measures (mechanical means) the as-installed HETG to be 0.009 inches closer to the HRMA than designed, so expected flight spacing is 8633.69+0.009*25.4 = 8633.92 mm. The error on this is probably 0.2 mm or less (HRMA-grating spacing). However the HRMA-focus spacing may still have error of order 0.5 mm. \begin{table}[hb] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{llll} name & value & error & unit \\ \hline \hline HEGp & 2000.81 & 0.05 & Angstrom \\ MEGp & 4001.41 & 0.10 & Angstrom \\ HETGrsX & 8782.8 & 0.50 & mm \\ HETGrsF & 8633.92 & 0.50 & mm \\ HETGopenX & 9.934 & 0.008 & degrees \\ HETGopenF & 9.934 & 0.008 & degrees \\ HETGclockX & -0.225 & 0.05 & degrees \\ HETGclockF & -0.215 & 0.05 & degrees \\ HEGangleX & -5.19 & 0.05 & degrees \\ MEGangleX & 4.74 & 0.05 & degrees \\ HEGangleF & -5.18 & 0.05 & degrees \\ MEGangleF & 4.75 & 0.05 & degrees \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[HETG Period, Angle, and Spacing Parameters] {HETG Period, Angle, and Spacing Parameters, from {\tt HETGperiod.rdb}.} \label{tab:cip_period} \end{center} \end{table} \clearpage \subsection{Period and Roll Variation Parameters} \label{sec:cip_core} A coarse characterization of the gratings LRF effect is with the period and roll variations, listed as $dp/p$ and $\gamma$ in the error budget of Table~\ref{sec:error_budget}. These values are measured in the laboratory by the LR and Alignment setups. Confirmation of these laboratory values at XRCF with the XRCF LRF Core analysis has only begun, Section~\ref{sec:lrf_core}. The MEG mis-aligned gratings have pointed out a mechanism whereby the alignment measurement differs from the actual grating bar orientations. It is likely that the same effect operating at a lower and randomized level will lead to an increase in the actual $\gamma$ value over the alignment system determined one. A simple analysis of one XRCF data set suggests that $\gamma$ may be between 1 or 2 arc minutes rms, hence a value of 1.5 arc minutes (with a large 0.5 arc minute error) is being adopted preliminarily. As for the period variations, the LR predictions of 127 ppm and 106 ppm, Figures~\ref{fig:meg_period_hist} and~\ref{fig:heg_period_hist}, are a lower limit to these variations. Again the limited XRCF analysis has not produced a precise value but suggests $dp/p < 300$~ppm. Unlike the alignment effect, there is currently no expectation that the $dp/p$ measured by the LR is in error, so the proposed baseline values are the LR values increased by rss'ing them with 100 ppm to account for any mounting induced distortions. \begin{table}[hb] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{llll} name & value & error & unit \\ \hline \hline HEGdpop & 146. & 50. & ppm \\ MEGdpop & 162. & 50. & ppm \\ HEGroll & 1.5 & 0.5 & arc minutes \\ MEGroll & 1.5 & 0.5 & arc minutes \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Parameters Effecting the HETG LRF Core] {Parameters Effecting the HETG LRF Core, from {\tt HETGcore.rdb}.} \label{tab:cip_core} \end{center} \end{table} \clearpage \subsection{Efficiency Products} \label{sec:cip_effic} Table~\ref{tab:cip_effics} lists the available files that contain the current best estimates of the HETG diffraction efficiency, $G_s(E,m)$, for $m=-11,\dots ,+11$; note that error files are available as well. These files have equal plus and minus orders and include the shell vignetting $\nu_s$ factor. Samples of this data are plotted in Figures~\ref{fig:pairs_cip_ee} and~\ref{fig:hetg_cip_ee}. \begin{table}[hb] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{llll} Shell & Data File & Error File \\ \hline \hline 1 & HETG\_shell1\_effic.rdb.gz & HETG\_shell1\_effic\_err.rdb.gz \\ 3 & HETG\_shell3\_effic.rdb.gz & HETG\_shell1\_effic\_err.rdb.gz \\ 4 & HETG\_shell4\_effic.rdb.gz & HETG\_shell1\_effic\_err.rdb.gz \\ 6 & HETG\_shell6\_effic.rdb.gz & HETG\_shell1\_effic\_err.rdb.gz \\ MEG & MEG\_effic.rdb.gz & MEG\_effic\_err.rdb.gz \\ HEG & HEG\_effic.rdb.gz & HEG\_effic\_err.rdb.gz \\ HETG & HETG\_effic.rdb.gz & HETG\_effic\_err.rdb.gz \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[CIP Efficiency Files for the HETG] {CIP Efficiency Files for the HETG, available from \\ {\tt http://space.mit.edu/HETG/cal\_prods.html/\#HETG\_CIP}} \label{tab:cip_effics} \end{center} \end{table} % % These figures produced by ~dd/idl/xrcf/cip_plots.pro % \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=pairs_cip_ee.eps,height=18cm} \caption[Effective Efficiency for First-order MEG and HEG] {Effective Efficiency for First-order MEG and HEG. These efficiencies are the mirror weighted average of the shell-by-shell efficiencies for the appropriate pair of shells. Plus and minus orders have been combined. The dotted lines are the ``2-sigma'' errors of the shell efficiencies with additional error due to uncertainties in the relative area (weighting) of the HRMA shells.} \label{fig:pairs_cip_ee} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=hetg_cip_ee.eps,height=18cm} \caption[Effective Efficiency for HETG 1st and 0 orders] {Effective Efficiency for HETG 1st and 0 orders. These efficiencies are the mirror weighted average of the shell-by-shell efficiencies. The first-order efficiency is for combined plus and minus orders for HEG and MEG. The dotted lines are the ``2-sigma'' errors of the shell efficiencies with additional error due to uncertainties in the relative area (weighting) of the HRMA shells.} \label{fig:hetg_cip_ee} \end{center} \end{figure} \clearpage \subsection{\mx Parameters} \label{sec:marx_prods} \input{pre_marx_prods} \clearpage \section{HETGS Calibration Interface Products} \subsection{Resolving Power} Using the resolving power error budget described in Section~\ref{sec:error_budget}, estimates of the flight HETGS resolving power have been made, Figure~\ref{fig:res_power}. The ``optimistic'' and ``conservative'' $E/dE$ curves are available in rdb format in the files: \\ \begin{center} {\tt MEG\_res\_opt.rdb \\ HEG\_res\_opt.rdb \\ MEG\_res\_con.rdb \\ HEG\_res\_con.rdb \\ } \end{center} \subsection{Effective Area} In order to compute the HETGS effective area, the HRMA effective area, $A_s(E)$, and the ACIS-S quantum efficiencies, $QE_{\rm ACIS}(E,{\rm grade~set})$, are needed and should be available soon. \clearpage \subsection{XSPEC Response Matrices} \label{sec:xspec} Please see {\tt http://space.mit.edu/HETG/xspec/xspec.html} for a discussion of HETG and XSPEC.