% draft_error_budget.tex The LRF of the HETGS can be crudely yet usefully characterized by the location and FWHM of the LRF core in both the dispersion and cross-dispersion directions. The ``resolving power'' of the spectrometer is defined by: \begin{equation} {\rm ResolvingPower} = {\frac{E}{dE_{\rm FWHM}}} = \frac{y'}{dy'_{\rm FWHM}} \end{equation} The design of the HETG involved the use of an error budget to sum the various contributions to the resolving power. This error budget was useful for studying the dependence of the resolving power on the variation of individual error terms. The error budget results were verified by performing simplified ray-traces of single and multiple facets. % The dotted curve of Figure~\ref{fig:res_power} %is based on conservative assumptions and demonstrates the %expectation that the HETG would meet its specifications %(triangles). The error budget presented in Table~\ref{tab:error_budget} includes all of the important error terms for the flight HETGS resolving power; a resulting range of ``realistic'' curves for the flight HETGS resolving power is plotted as the solid and dashed curves in Figure~\ref{fig:res_power}. The error budget terms, their equations, and the current flight value estimates are discussed in the sections below. \begin{quotation} {\it To-do}: \\ Describe the ``error budget ray-trace'' software.\\ \end{quotation} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=res_power.eps,height=18cm} \caption[HETGS Resolving Power vs. Energy Curves] {Resolving Power for the HEG and MEG spectra of the HETGS plotted vs.~energy. The resolving power at high energies is dominated by the HRMA blur; at low energies the grating's effects become important.\\ The solid and dashed curves are the current range of realistic flight HETGS estimates. The ``optimistic'' solid curve is calculated from the parameters shown in Table~\ref{tab:error_budget} and related equations. The dashed curve is the same except for a (plausible) degradation in aspect, focus, and grating $dp/p$ to: $a=0.6, dx=0.2, dp/p=250\times 10^{-6}$. } \label{fig:res_power} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{table} [p] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcrlcc} \hline Error Term & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\it Error Parameter} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Blur Equations (rms $\mu$m)} \\ & symbol & value & units & $dy'$,dispersion & $dz'$,cross-disp. \\ \hline \hline HRMA PSF & $\sigma_{\rm H}$ & Equ.~\ref{equ:hrma_sigma_meg}[\ref{equ:hrma_sigma_heg}] & rms mm & $\sigma_{\rm H}$ & $\sigma_{\rm H}$ \\ Astigmatism & -- & & & Equ.~\ref{equ:astig_dy} & Equ.~\ref{equ:astig_dz} \\ Period var. & $dp/p$ & 162[146] & $\times 10^{-6}$ rms & Equ.~\ref{equ:dpop_error} & -- \\ Roll var. & $\gamma$ & 1.5 & arc min. rms & -- & Equ.~\ref{equ:roll_error} \\ Aspect & $a$ & 0.34 & arc sec rms & Equ.~\ref{equ:aspect_error} & Equ.~\ref{equ:aspect_error} \\ Dither rate & $R_{\rm dither}$ & 0.1 & arc sec./s & Equ.~\ref{equ:dither_error} & Equ.~\ref{equ:dither_error} \\ Detector & $\sigma_D $ & $0.29\times 0.024$ & mm rms & $\sigma_D $ &$\sigma_D $ \\ \hline \hline & & & & & \\ \multicolumn{4}{c}{\it Input Parameters} & & \\ Energy & $E$ & as desired & keV & & \\ Defocus & $dx$ & 0.1 & mm & & \\ Readout time & $t_{\rm D}$ & 3.3 & s & & \\ \hline Period & $p$ & 4001.[2001.] & \AA & & \\ equiv Radius & $R_0$ & 470.[330.] & mm & & \\ Rowland spacing & $X_{\rm RS}$ & 8634. & mm & & \\ Focal length & $F$ & 10065.5 & mm & & \\ \hline Rowland offset & $\Delta X_{\rm Rowland}$ & $\beta^2 X_{\rm RS}$ & mm & & \\ Diffr. angle & $\beta$ & $\arcsin (\lambda /p)$ & radians & & \\ Wavelength & $\lambda$ & hc/E & \AA & & \\ hc & $hc$ & 12.3985 & \AA keV & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Simplified Resolving Power Error Budget Equations] {Simplified Resolving Power Error Budget Equations. The major terms which add blur to the HETG PSF are listed here. The effective rms contributions to the dispersion and cross-dispersion blur are rss'ed together to arrive at a Gaussian approximation to the PSF core in each direction. Note that the equations include unusual factors which convert the values to 1-sigma equivalents, {\it e.g.}, the rms blur added due to CCD-like pixelization is 0.29 times the pixel size. The parameter values listed here and in the equations are the current best estimates for the flight HETGS. Entries that are different for MEG and HEG are shown as ``MEG\_value[HEG\_value]''.} \label{tab:error_budget} \end{center} \end{table} \clearpage \subsection{HRMA PSF} \label{sec:hrma_psf} The HRMA on-axis, in focus, 1-dimensional projected PSF has a central cusp and extended wings. The result is that the FWHM of this 1-D profile is not a good indicator of the FWHM that will result when convolved with other (generally closer to Gaussian) error terms. In order to parameterize the HRMA for inclusion in this error budget is is useful to measure the ``effective HRMA rms blur'', $\sigma_H$. Define $\sigma_T$ as the total Gaussian sigma that results from convolving the HRMA 1-D PSF with a Gaussian of width $\sigma_o$ : \begin{equation} \sigma_T = {\rm sigma}\{~~{\rm HRMA~PSF} ~\otimes~ {\rm Gaussian}(\sigma_o)~~\} \label{equ:hrma_sigma_t} \end{equation} then the effective HRMA rms blur is defined as: \begin{equation} \sigma_H ~\equiv~ \sqrt{\sigma_T^2 - \sigma_o^2} \label{equ:hrma_rms_blur} \end{equation} The effective HRMA blur thus depends on the scale at which it is used, $\sigma_o$, which is set by the other, non-HRMA, error terms in the error budget. This procedure was carried out using the approximation to the flight HRMA embodied in the \mx software, Version 2.20. The following equations give good approximations to the value of $\sigma_H$ when $\sigma_o \approx 0.0107~mm$. \begin{equation} \sigma_{H,MEG} = 0.00998 ~+~ 0.00014\log_{10}E ~+~ -0.00399\log_{10}^2E ~+~ 0.000505\log_{10}^3E \label{equ:hrma_sigma_meg} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \sigma_{H,HEG} = 0.01134 ~+~ 0.00675\log_{10}E ~+~ -0.01426\log_{10}^2E ~+~ 0.01133\log_{10}^3E \label{equ:hrma_sigma_heg} \end{equation} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=marx_hrma_meg.eps,height=9cm} \caption[Fitting the \mx MEG HRMA Effective Blur] {Fitting the \mx MEG HRMA Effective Blur} \label{fig:marx_hrma_meg} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=marx_hrma_heg.eps,height=9cm} \caption[Fitting the \mx HEG HRMA Effective Blur] {Fitting the \mx HEG HRMA Effective Blur} \label{fig:marx_hrma_heg} \end{center} \end{figure} \clearpage \subsection{Rowland Astigmatism} Including the effect of a defocus, $dx$, and a factor converting the peak-to-peak blur into an rms equivalent, we get the following equations for the Rowland astigmatism contribution to the error budget: \begin{equation} dy' = 0.354~ {\frac{2R_0}{X_{\rm RS}}} ~dx \label{equ:astig_dy} \end{equation} \begin{equation} dz' = 0.354~ {\frac{2R_0}{X_{\rm RS}}} ~(\Delta X_{\rm Rowland} + dx) \label{equ:astig_dz} \end{equation} These equations assume that the detector conforms to the Rowland circle except for an overall translation by $dx$ (positive towards the HRMA). The values of $R_0$ used in the error budget are effective values -- weighted combinations of the relevant mirror shells. \subsection{Grating Period and Roll Variations} There are two main error terms which depend on how well the HETG is built: i) period variations within and between facets (``$dp/p$'') and ii) alignment (``roll'') variations about the normal to the facet surface within and between facets. The period variations lead to an additional blur in the dispersion direction: \begin{equation} dy' \approx \beta X_{\rm RS} {\frac{dp}{p}} \label{equ:dpop_error} \end{equation} \noindent where $dy'$ and $dp/p$ are rms quantities. The roll errors lead to additional blur in the cross-dispersion direction through the equation: \begin{equation} dz' \approx \beta X_{\rm RS} ~\gamma ~({\frac{1}{57.3}})(\frac{1}{60}) \label{equ:roll_error} \end{equation} \noindent where $dz'$ and $\gamma$ are rms values in units of mm and arc minutes respectively. \subsection{Aspect and Dither Blurs} Aspect reconstruction adds a blur that is currently expected to be $a$ = 0.34 arc seconds rms diameter (Aldcroft memo 6/18/97). The resulting one-dimensional rms sigma is thus: \begin{equation} dy', dz' = {\frac{1}{2}}{\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}~~F~~a~~({\frac{1}{57.3}}) ({\frac{1}{3600}}) \label{equ:aspect_error} \end{equation} \noindent where $F$ is the HRMA focal length in mm. An additional blur is added because the arrival time of a photon at the detector is only known to an accuracy of the detector readout time, $t_D$. The product of this readout time and the aspect slew rate (basically the dither rate) is the size of the aspect error interval. The rms blur effect is 0.29 times this interval: \begin{equation} dy', dz' = 0.29~~F~~R_{\rm dither}~~t_D~~({\frac{1}{57.3}}) ({\frac{1}{3600}}) \label{equ:dither_error} \end{equation} \subsection{Detector Blur} This error term is the spatial error introduced by the detector readout scheme. For a pixelated detector like ACIS we assume that the PSF drifts with respect to the detector pixels and there is a uniform distribution of the centroid location in pixel phase. In this case the reported location of an event is the center of the pixel when in fact the event may have actually arrived $\pm 0.5$ pixel from the center. The rms value of such a uniform distribution is 0.29 times the pixel width: \begin{equation} \sigma_D = 0.29\times{\rm pixel~size} \label{equ:sigma_det} \end{equation} For a detector like the HRC, the value $\sigma_D$ is simply the sigma of the gaussian blur added by the detector.