\begin{quotation} {\it Objective:} Calculate the relative efficiencies of the diffracted orders seen in the Phase 2 flight detector data in order to calibrate the HETG high-order efficiencies. The use of the two detector's data sets allows likely detector effects to be separated from HETG effects. {\it Publication(s):} Schulz {\it et al.}\cite{schulz98}, Flanagan {\it et al.}\cite{flanagan98} \end{quotation} \subsection{Overview} During Phase 2 XRCF testing some 54 HRC-I and ACIS-S EA measurements were made with the HETG inserted in the beam. Descriptions and analyses of these data sets are presented in Sections~\ref{sec:area_acis} and~\ref{sec:area_hrc}. The data from these tests provide a necessary complement to the limited set of laboratory high-order efficiency measurements on each of the flight gratings. Given that the intensity of higher orders is a strong function of grating bar shape\cite{markert95}, the extension of the subassembly model to very high orders is tenuous, underlining the need for direct measurement at XRCF. In addition, analysis of the data has yielded insight into both the HRC-I and ACIS-S instruments in aspects that were not fully examined at subassembly level. \subsection{HRC-I Data Sets} The HRC-I data sets and aspects of their analysis are described in Section~\ref{sec:area_hrc}. Blah, blah. A detailed investigation showed that smearing of the image due to electronic saturation did {\it not} systematically affect the result: ratios remained unchanged to within $\sim 3$\% regardless of whether or not the smeared events were captured within the counting region. This is understandable since the regions of interest used were large compared to the position errors due to saturation. However, as mentioned in Section~\ref{sec:area_hrc}, there is evidence to suggest a higher proportion of saturated events in bright orders relative to faint orders. If so, then when ``cleaned'' data are used, ratios formed with a bright first order are systematically enhanced (by 10\% to 40\%). Therefore, since saturated events represent true X-ray events and their positioning errors do not compromise the analysis, we have chosen to use the ``uncleaned'' data set throughout this order-ratio analysis. \begin{table}[h]\centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline\hline Grating & order ratio & Typical counting statistics & Assigned Subassy error & deviation from predicted \\ \hline\hline HEG & 2/1 & 10\% & 20 to 25\% &-10 to -15\%\\ \hline & 3/1 & 10\% & 50\% & -35\%\\ \hline & 4/1 & 15\% & 90\% & -35\%\\ \hline & 5/1 & 20\% & 90\% & -60\%\\ \hline & 6/1 & 20\% & 90\% & -60\%\\ \hline MEG & 2/1 & 15\% & 20 to 25\% & approximately correct\\ \hline & 3/1 & 10\% & 50\% & -5\%\\ \hline & 4/1 & 20\% & 90\% & +25\%\\ \hline & 5/1 & 20\% & 90\% & -25\%\\ \hline & 6/1 & 20\% & 90\% & approximately correct\\ \hline & 7/1 & 20\% & 90\% & -25\%\\ \hline & 8/1 & 30\% & 90\% & approximately correct\\ \hline & 9/1 & 30\% & 90\% & -45\%\\ \hline\hline \end{tabular} \caption{\small \label{tab:hrc_order_compare} Comparison of Predictions with Measured ratios for HETG + HRC-I higher orders.} \end{table} \subsection{Discussion of HRC Order Ratios} Figure~3 shows the expected higher order ratios for the HEG and MEG gratings based on subassembly predictions. Figure~4 shows the measured HEG ratios for 2nd, 3rd and 4th orders overlaid with the prediction. (Solid points are the ratios of positive orders, hollow points refer to negative orders. The error bars reflect only counting statistics.) The 5th and 6th order ratios are similar and are not shown. The measurements appear to be systematically suppressed relative to the predictions. The approximate magnitudes of these deviations are given in Table\ref{tab:hrc_order_compare} along with the typical errors due to counting statistics. Although the departures are within the errors assigned to the predictions, they exceed the counting statistics and other uncompensated correction effects, and are taken to be significant. Figure~5 shows the measured MEG ratios for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th orders. In general, there is fairly good agreement with the predictions. Moreover, the higher ratios (orders 6 through 9) are similar, agreeing reasonably well with the subassembly predictions. These results are summarized in Table~\ref{tab:hrc_order_compare}. \subsection{ACIS-S/HETG Order Ratios} Figure~6 shows the +1 to -1 order ratio for HEG as detected by ACIS-S. The plot shows significant (up to 35\%) departures from unity. As discussed previously, these may be due to intrinsic grating asymmetry or detector nonuniformity. (Bias angle considerations do not apply to the ACIS-S.) However, deviations from symmetry in Figure~2 with the HRC-I detector are less than 5\%, on a par with detector uniformity. Thus, grating asymmetry cannot be expected to account for the structure seen in Figure~6. These arise from variations within the detector. The jumps seen at 1.7~keV and 2.9~keV coincide with points at which one of the orders traverses a boundary between a frontside-illuminated (FI) and a backside-illuminated (BI) device. Between these energies, the +1 and -1 orders are both captured on FI chips, but outside that range the one order falls on a BI chip, the other falls on a FI chip. It is clear that this strong residual structure, due to the detector, will complicate interpretation of the higher order ratios. It is worth remembering that in the analysis, Section~\ref{sec:area_acis}, the quantum efficiency functions were not yet avaliable for each device and templates were used for each CCD type. Thus, chip-to-chip discontinuities would be expected at this level of analysis. Figure~7 shows the HEG 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th order ratios. Ratios between positive orders are denoted with filled boxes, whereas those between negative orders are marked by hollow boxes. In each one of these plots, there is a strong enhancement above 7~keV. Since it is common to all four order ratios, it likely arises from a supression of first order effective area. From the 2nd order ratio, it is clear that this feature is far stronger it the -2/-1 ratio (where the -1 order is captured by a FI device) than in the +2/+1 ratio (where the +1 order lands on the S3 chip, a BI device). The 3/1 ratio agrees generally with the HRC-I results over the energy range of 3 to 5~keV, but then the ratio is enhanced above 5~keV and shows other structure. In general, the HEG ratios with ACIS-S show much structure and do not reproduce the systematic reduction relative to predictions as shown with the HRC-I. Figure~8 shows the MEG 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th order ratios. The 3rd and 5th orders show enhancements above 5~keV, but there appear to be some smooth regions (2.5 to 4.5~keV) which agree reasonably well with predictions. The features that have been noted can be traced to detector effects (grade migration, charge loss and ``blooming'') which will be discussed below. \subsection{Discussion of ACIS-S/HETG Order Ratios} The absolute effective areas derived in Section~\ref{sec:area_acis} in general agree with the expected effective area function to quite a high degree. However, there are significant local deficiencies that remain. The most prominent is an apparent drop of effective area for HEG +1 and -1 orders below the expected curve at energies above 5 keV, Figure~\ref{hegfirst}. One possible explanation is a local non-uniformity effect in the beam to which the HEG, because of its smaller aperture, would be more susceptible than the MEG. (In the MEG such a drop is not significantly visible in the data.) However, the observed drop in HEG area sometimes exceeds 10\%, which would need a quite strong local non-unifomity in the beam. This is unlikely since the DCM beam at higher energies has been measured to be very uniform overall. In addition, if beam nonuniformities were the cause, the 2nd order effective area would also show this deficiency, but it does not. A more plausible explanation, which we are currently investigating, are deficiencies in the CCD quantum efficiencies caused by grade migration and lost charge effects at high energies and high fluences (cts/s/cm$^2$). This has been described in detail by Allen {\it et al.}\cite{allen98}. These corrections were used for the high rate zero-order effective area data, Figure~\ref{fig:zero_pileup}. The effects are triggered by the higher fluence at XRCF, which causes events to overlap more often and forces a migration into higher number grades in the event detection algorithm. At even higher energies, charge cloud overlaps may prevent the detection of the event. Again, the HEG is more susceptible to these effects since the fluence in the HEG image at XRCF is generally higher than in the MEG image (recall that the HEG mirror shells are of smaller diameter). Although the first order areas show clear fingerprints of these effects at work, the uncertainty of the beam uniformity issue remains unresolved and we'll have to calculate and simulate it with \mx in Section~\ref{sec:acis_pileup}. A comparison of the higher orders to the first order has an advantage over the effective area analysis in that beam uniformity issues are removed -- only effects caused by the focal plane detectors are left. Since a quantitative evaluation is still in progress, we restrict ourselves for now to a merely qualitative description of effects and emphasize that the following interpretations should be treated with caution. During subassembly testing of the ACIS instrument, fluences were low and grade migration and lost charge effects were not observed\cite{ACISreport97}. Although the focused beam at XRCF increases the fluence, the higher order grating efficiencies are low enough that fluences in these orders drop below those of subassembly testing. Thus, grade migration and lost charge effects should not be noticed in any order other than 1st. Key indicators for grade migration and charge loss effects are the ratios of the lower orders to the first orders. (Higher order ratios will have poor counting statistics and large uncertainties.) Figures~7a and 8a show the HEG 2nd to 1st order ratio and the MEG 3rd to 1st order ratio. The solid line indicates the prediction. Clearly, in both figures the ratios start to deviate from the prediction above 5~keV, suggesting a deficiency in the 1st order effective area. Here the HEG, as expected, shows the strongest deviations. Above 5~keV we probably see the effects of grade migration, and above 7~keV the additional effect of charge loss. The latter effect is more pronounced in the negative order ratio (empty squares) where the 1st order appears on a FI device, as compared to the positive ratio (filled squares), where the 1st order appears on a BI device. This is consistent with the related effect of 'blooming' caused by high energy events in FI devices; it is not seen in BI devices\cite{propguide}. The effects are also observed in the HEG 3rd and MEG 5th order ratios. At higher orders, the ratios follow the predictions nicely, however the data show significant scatter due to poor counting statistics. We can rule out the possibility that these effects are caused by the grating itself, because they are not observed in analogous measurements with the HRC-I. As discussed earlier, the near-perfect symmetry of the +1 and -1 orders (to within 5\%) of the HEG with HRC-I exclude the grating as a contributor to these effects. \subsection{Conclusions} We have examined the ratios of higher grating orders with respect to the first order for Phase 2 tests of HETG with the flight instruments, HRC-I and ACIS-S. We found that: \begin{itemize} \item{The symmetry of the +1 and -1 orders of HEG with HRC-I lead to the conclusion that detector nonuniformity, grating asymmetry and bias angle effects were small.} \item{HRC measurements show suppressed higher grating orders for HEG relative to predictions. Measurements of the MEG orders agree well with predictions.} \item{ACIS-S shows strong detector effects, compatible with grade migration and charge loss.} \item{Subassembly fluences were too low to trigger charge migration and charge loss effects in ACIS. These calibration tests, and the ratio technique we have employed, have provided useful means for probing these detector effects.} \end{itemize} Several items remain for future work. These include: \begin{itemize} \item{Investigate the relation between saturation and count rate density in HRC-I.} \item{Quantitative analysis of grade migration and charge loss in ACIS.} \item{Incorporate synchrotron high order measurements.} \item{Examine Phase 1 measurements for high orders and asymmetry.} \item{Analyze EIPS sources with both detectors and the monochromator scan with HRC-I.} \end{itemize}