The design of the HETG has required ray-trace software in addition to simple error budgeting. Tom Markert initiated these efforts by using Webster Cash's IRT (interactive Ray-Trace) IDL package. This IRT framework was also used for the ``error-budget-ray-trace'' work (to be) described in the previous section. In addition, IDL lookup table software ({\tt}) was developed by the HETG team for effective area studies and simulations. With the addition of ASC personel at MIT these HETG modeling efforts evolved into a pseudo ray-trace IDL code, {\tt sim}, which was then ported to C ({\tt csim}). Because of in-house physics/software expertise (John Davis), {\tt csim} evolved from an error-budget-efficiency combination into a full up ray-trace code. Finally, for release as an ASC product {\tt csim} was renamed \mx. \mx, therefore, is the main HETG ray-trace code and is a joint ASC/HETG effort. It is planned that \mx embody all relevant effects for HETGS modeling and simulation. Please see {\tt} for more information on \mx. \subsection{XRCF Simulations with \mx ~} \label{sec:xrcf_marx} Custom IDL code was produced to create modified MARX parameters for a given XRCF measurement. Some items of note in this respect are: \begin{itemize} \item The modeled spectrum is used as the SpectrumFile with SourceFlux=0.0. \item Generally the ExposureTime is set to 0.0 and the simulation controlled by the NumRays. \item The source distance is set to 537.583 meters; this is the sum of the source-to-HRMA distance, 527.522 meters, and the HRMA-to-infinite-source-focus distance in \mx ~of 10.061 meters. \item A finite source size is modeled with SourceType=''DISK'' and S-DiskTheta1=0.0959. \item The nominal in-focus detector position is offset to -194.872 mm. \item The MARX grating RowlandDiameter is set to the actual XRCF value minus the 194.872 mm focus offset. \item To simulate the HXDS detectors, the HRC-I is used as the detector for its large, planar field. Additionally HRC-I-BlurSigma=0.0 and DetIdeal=``yes''. \item The IDL s/w post-processes the simulated events to apply the actual detector quantum efficiency. \item The MARX coordinates are flight coordinates and hence are rotated by 180 degrees about the X-axis from the XRCF coordinate system. \end{itemize} \begin{quotation} {\tt To-do:} \\ Cross-check \mx with SAOSAC simulations for XRCF and flight conditions \\ Compare \mx output with XRCF data \\ Include MEG mis-aligned gratings into \mx. \\ Evaluate the need and method to include HEG scattering in \mx. \\ Generate LRFs for LRF parametrization and RMF creation \\ \end{quotation}