\newpage \cleardoublepage \chapter*{Preface\markboth{Preface}{Preface}} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}Preface} \begin{flushleft} E/dE predictions up-dated based on MARX 2.20. \end{flushleft} \vspace{20mm} \hfill {\it- Dan Dewey, September XX, 1998} \hfill \vspace{20mm} {\it HETG ground calibration information and post-publication updates are available on-line at:} \begin{center} {\tt http://space.mit.edu/HETG/xrcf.html}~~. \end{center} \clearpage % Preface from Preliminary version \begin{flushleft} {\it September 30, 1997} \vspace{30mm} {\bfseries \LARGE Preface to Preliminary Version} \vspace{5mm} This document is a preliminary version of the HETG Ground Calibration Report. The purpose of this preliminary release is to document the status of the HETG performance and calibration based on an initial sampling of XRCF data. For this reason many sections and analyses are neccessarily incomplete, see Table~\ref{tab:status}. The preliminary results reported here demonstrate that the HETG is performing largely as designed and expected, {\it e.g.}, see Figures~\ref{fig:xrcf_res_power}, \ref{fig:effmegheg1}, and \ref{fig:effmegheg0}. This is a significant conclusion that could only come from the full system (HRMA-HETG-ACIS-S) testing carried out at XRCF. The XRCF testing also proved valuable in identifying two minor effects, due to fabrication non-idealities, that were not predicted and would have been confusing to impossible to diagnose in flight; these are the MEG misaligned gratings (Section~\ref{sec:mis_align}) and the HEG scattering (Section~\ref{sec:scatter}). Finally, there remains a small (``5mm'') discrepancy between the XRCF data and the relative periods and locations of the HETG and LETG (Section~\ref{sec:periods_angles}). The information and results presented here are the work of both the HETG Science Team and the ASC. A next revision is planned for February 1, 1998 (to support the ASC's April release of the ``Calibration Data Guide'') and a complete report will be issued June 1, 1998. Please address comments and corrections to the Editor, {\tt dd@space.mit.edu}. \end{flushleft} \vspace{20mm} \hfill {\it- Dan Dewey, September 30, 1997} \hfill \vspace{20mm} {\it These analyses are in process; further up-to-date ``notebook''-style information is available at:} \begin{center} {\tt http://space.mit.edu/HETG/xrcf.html}~~. \end{center}