The synchrotron data are archived in directory \verb+/nfs/wiwaxia/d4/ASC/data/SYNCHROTRON+ at MIT. The table below lists the archive subdirectories for the different data sets. The directory structure is such that the synchrotron runs are categorized by date and facility. The synchrotron facility is denoted by daresbury, bnl (the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Labs), als (Advanced Light Source) or BESSY (Physikalisch--Technische Bundesanstalt at BESSY).\\ The data have been collected and analyzed over the years by many individuals who are no longer available for consultation, so the archive directories contain notes, software and working files that may be useful. In each case there will be a subdirectory, RAW\_DATA, which houses the unrefined data. The subdirectory NOTES contains publications, email correspondance, memos and pertinent information. A write-up of the results, if available, will be placed here. Finally, if the data are reanalyzed, this will be reflected in a subdirectory (i.e., \verb+BESSY_95oct/KAF_ANALYSIS_98oct+). These archived directories will be updated as appropriate.\\ %%% ``Flanagan98'' is 1998 SPIE paper. %%% ``hrc_cal_page'' is HRC Calibration web page: %%%\verb+ (1998). + \\ \input{sync_summary_archive.tex}