\chapter{XRCF Efficiency and Effective Area Measurements} \label{chap:xrcf_eae} \section{Overview} The role and purpose of the various XRCF efficiency and effective area tests are discussed here. \subsection{Diffracted Order Sign Convention} \fbox{\begin{minipage}{5in} {\it Note}: By convention the sign of a diffracted order is given by the corresponding sign of the image location reported by the detection system: \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {Phase 1, HXDS}~--~the $m=+1$ order is in the $+Y_{\rm xrcf}$ direction \item[ ] {ACIS-2C}~--~the $m=+1$ order is in the $+Y_{\rm xrcf}$ direction \item[ ] {ACIS, HRC}~--~the $m=+1$ order is in the $+Y_{\rm Det}$ direction, that is in the $-Y_{\rm xrcf}$ direction \end{itemize} \end{minipage}} \subsection{Divide and Conquer} One of the key calibration activites to be carried out at the XRCF is the measurement of the effective area of the AXAF. For the HETGS this effective area depends on the performance of the HRMA, HETG, and ACIS-S, that is: \begin{equation} A_{hetgs}(E,m,{\rm mode}) = \sum_{s=1,3,4,6} A_s(E) ~G_s(E,m) ~QE_{acis}(E,\vec{X},{\rm mode}). \end{equation} \noindent where the three contributing elements are the HRMA single shell effective areas ($A_s$), the effective HETG grating efficiencies ($G_s$) for the mirror shells, and the ACIS-S photon detection efficiencies ($QE_{acis}$). Here $E$ denotes the dependence on energy, $m$ the diffraction order, $mode$ the event identification in the CCD (here, for example, we will consistently use the sum of ASCA grades 0,2,3,4,6 and TE-mode), and the $\vec{X}$ dependences from spatial dependencies in the detector array, i.e FI/BI efficiencies and gap locations between the devices. Figure~\ref{hrmaarea} shows the total AXAF HRMA on-axis effective area at XRCF and its contributing single shell areas. Mirror shells 1 and 3 cut off at energies around 5 and 6.5 keV, while shells 4 and 6 extend up to 7 and 9 keV. The decrease near 2 keV is due to the iridium M-edge in the reflective mirror coating. The effective area sum, equation 1 above, then adds s = 1 and 3 for the MEG area and 4 and 6 for the HEG area. \begin{figure} \psfig{file=hrma_effarea.ps,height=11cm} \caption{\small HRMA effective areas, the straight line shows the total area, followed by the ones for each shell (courtesy of the AXAF MST).} \label{hrmaarea} \end{figure} The grating efficiencies have been determined from laboratory measurements, Section~\ref{sec:xgef_meas}, where the diffraction efficiency of each flight grating was measured at several energies and orders and positions within each facet. Figure~\ref{hetgeff} show the predicted efficiencies for MEG and HEG. Displayed are the zeroth order (solid line) and the 1st and 3rd positive order in MEG, and the 1st and 2nd order in HEG, which are the dominant orders for each grating. \begin{figure} \psfig{file=meg_effic.ps,height=10cm} \psfig{file=heg_effic.ps,height=10cm} \caption{\small MEG (top) and HEG (bottom) efficiencies as a function of energy, from subassembly data analysis.} \label{hetgeff} \end{figure} In general each CCD device has its own characteristics. However, since not all quantum efficiency functions are yet avalable, we have to use templates for each CCD type. Figure~\ref{aciseff} shows the quantum efficiencies for the FI device in I3 of the imaging array versus the BI device in S3 of the spectroscopy array. The functions already include the transmission characteristics of the flight filters. The use of these templates is reasonable since FI devices are quite similar and we only expect systematic deviations of the order of 5$\%$. The difference between the two BI devices (S1, S3) should not be significantly larger. However, as we will show during the analysis, the differences are visible in the data. \begin{figure} \psfig{file=acis_effic.ps,height=9cm} \caption{\small Effective efficiencies (quantum efficiency $\times$ filter transmission) as a function of energy for the FI device I3 in ACIS-I and for the BI device S3 in ACIS-S (courtesy of the MIT ACIS team).} \label{aciseff} \end{figure} One important step in this process is the division of XRCF testing into Phase 1 and Phase 2. In Phase 1 more traditional X-ray detectors are used to test the HRMA and HETG. In this phase it is useful to consider the {\it optic effective area (OEA)} which represents the ability of the optics to collect photons at energy $E_{\rm line}$ into order $m$. This quantity does not include the detector quantum efficiency and so is a property of the optics only: \begin{equation} OEA_{2\pi}(E_{\rm line},m) = {\frac{\rm focal~plane~photons/s~in~line{\rm -}order} {\rm source~flux~in~line}}~~~ [{\frac{\rm photons/s}{\rm photons/cm^2s}} = {\rm cm^2}] \label{equ:oea_defn} \end{equation} \noindent Note that we get the usual ${\rm cm}^2$ units, as for example in the HRMA-only effective area analysis\cite{kellogg97}. The subscript ``$2\pi$'' (steradians) is used to indicate that this is the effective area over the full focal plane (half sphere) behind the HRMA and includes all structure in the diffracted order, {\it e.g.}, LEG support structure pattern. Low-level scattering by the HEG, Sections~\ref{sec:scat_theory} and~\ref{sec:scatter}, is not considered a contribution to these integer diffraction orders, however. From a prediction or modeling point of view, the optic effective area for the mirror-grating combination is calculated from the following terms: \begin{equation} OEA_{2\pi}(E_{\rm line},m) = \sum_{s=1,3,4,6} A_s(E_{\rm line}) ~G_s(E_{\rm line},m) \label{equ:oea_model} \end{equation} \noindent where the terms have been defined in Section~\ref{sec:intro_effic}. Going a step further, the ratio of optic effective areas can be used to measure the grating diffraction efficiency $G_s(E_{\rm line},m)$ itself. \subsection{Test Strategy} The 1st-order HRMA-HETG effective area curves can be divided (somewhat arbitrarily) into 5 regions where different physical mechanisms govern the effective area of the optical (mirror-grating) system: \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\it below 1 keV}~--~The polyimide membrane of the gratings is dominating the area changes, with edges due to C, N, and O. \item[ ] {\it 1-2 keV}~--~The phase effects of the grating cause an increasing enhancement of the diffraction efficiency. \item[ ] {\it 2-2.5 keV}~--~Edge structure from the mirror (Ir) and grating (Au) dominates, sharply reducing effective area. \item[ ] {\it 2.5-5.5 keV}~--~Effective area is slowly varying, with some low-amplitude Ir and Au edge structure. \item[ ] {\it 5.5-10 keV}~--~The mirror reflectivity and grating efficiency are decreasing rapidly with energy. \end{itemize} Table XXX summarizes the various XRCF efficiency and effective area tests that have been carried out and presents their role in our overall effective area calibration strategy. Most of the tests carried out at the XRCF were designed to illuminate the HRMA with a monochromatic beam in order to sample one energy at a time. Reported elsewhere in these proceedings are the results from HETG efficiency model verification using tests with the EIPS using non-flight detectors\cite{dewey98}, tests using the HRC-S as a detector in order to test the predictions of high order efficiencies\cite{flanagan98} and tests using the Double Crystal Monochromator\cite{schulz98} in order to examine the HETGS effective area at a wide range of energies. In contrast, a set of tests employed the Electron Impact Point Source (EIPS) at high voltage and current in order to obtain a bright continuum. These data could then be used to probe for unexpected spectral features or deviations near the sharp M edges due to the iridium on the HRMA and gold in the gratings. An original purpose of the tests was to test for molecular contamination on the mirrors by examining the mirror Ir M edge decrement, so the tests were given the designation ``MC''. \clearpage \section{Alignment Tests} \label{sec:align} \input{pre_align} \clearpage \section{XRCF Source Characteristics} \label{sec:xrcf_sources} \input{draft_xrcf_sources} \clearpage \section{Efficiency: Phase 1, Fixed Energies} \label{sec:effic_phase1} \input{draft_eae_phase1.tex} \clearpage \section{Efficiency: Phase 1, Monochromator Scans} \label{sec:effic_mono} \input{pre_effic_mono} \clearpage \section{Efficiency: ACIS-2C Data} \label{sec:effic_2c} \input{pre_effic_2c} \clearpage \section{Absolute Effective Area with ACIS-S} \label{sec:area_acis} \input{draft_area_acis} \clearpage \section{Relative Effective Area: Molecular Contamination} \label{sec:effic_mc} \input{draft_mc.tex} \clearpage \section{Effective Area with HRC-I} \label{sec:area_hrc} \input{draft_area_hrc} \clearpage \section{Efficiency: High-Order Efficiency Measurements} \label{sec:effic_highorders} \input{draft_highorders.tex}