\subsection{Source Spectra and Efficiency Measurements} \begin{quotation} {\it Objective:} Use the HSI images of the various source lines to create a grating-derived high resolution spectrum of the source. \end{quotation} During Phase I calibration the HSI detector\cite{evans97} provided imaging capability at high event rates. Companion HSI exposures were taken for most of the FPC/SSD effective area tests expressly for the purpose of being able to see the dispersed images that the focal plane aperture was sampling. Through application of the grating equation these images also yield high-resolution spectra of the sources; Fe-L and Ti-K HRMA-grating-HSI spectra are shown in Figures~\ref{fig:FeL_spectra} and ~\ref{fig:TiK_spectra}. The model spectra plotted in these figures consist of a Kramer continuum\cite{dewey94} plus a number of Gaussian lines with widths and intensities set to approximate the HSI-measured spectra. The line energies are fixed at tabulated values for identified lines. Comparison of the measured and modeled spectra has been done by eye, facilitated by the use of normalized cummulative plots, examples of which are shown at the bottom of Figures~\ref{fig:FeL_spectra} and \ref{fig:TiK_spectra}. Generally we have spectra of these lines with all three AXAF gratings. Because of the high spectral resolution of the HRMA-grating systems, the actual line widths and shapes can be resolved for many lines especially with the MEG and HEG gratings, {\it e.g}, the Fe-L and O-K lines here. Other lines, like the Ti-K lines shown in Figure~\ref{fig:TiK_spectra}, are narrower than the instrument resolution and are modeled as delta functions. Source spectra from grating-HSI observations are available at: \\ {\tt http://space.mit.edu/HETG/xrcf\_sources/sources.html} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \psfig{file=E-HXH-3D-10.007_compare.ps,width=17.0cm} \end{center} \caption[Ti-K : HEG-HSI spectrum and model] { Ti-K line: HEG-HSI Spectrum and Model. {\it Top}: Measured Ti-K flux spectrum, calibrated by nominal parameters for the HRMA, HEG, and HSI; the Ti-K$\alpha$ and Ti-K$\beta$ lines are well resolved by the HEG dispersion. A model spectrum (solid) is plotted with the HEG-HSI-derived spectrum. {\it Bottom}: The data (dashed) and model (solid) spectra are compared by plotting the cummulative (integrated) normalized flux within the observed energy range. This plot provides a measured {\it vs.} modeled comparison of the relative line and continuum fluxes in spite of spectra differences, {\it e.g.}, here the measured and modeled line widths differ. } \label{fig:TiK_spectra} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \center{\hskip0.01in \vbox{\psfig{file=hsi_FeL_hist.ps,width=15.0cm}}} \vskip0.3in \psfig{file=D-LXH-3D-11.030_compare.ps,width=17.0cm} \end{center} \caption[Fe-L line: LEG-HSI Spectrum] { Fe-L line: LEG-HSI Spectrum and Model. {\it Top:} The High Speed Imager (HSI) positioned at the location of the LEG first-order for the Fe-L$\alpha$ line; the detected events are binned by their location along the dispersion axis ($Y_{\rm xrcf}$). {\it Middle}: The counts spectrum is converted to a flux {\it vs.} energy spectrum using nominal calibration parameters for the HRMA, LEG, and HSI. A smooth model spectrum (see text) is plotted with the LEG-HSI spectrum. {\it Bottom}: The data (dashed) and model spectra (solid) are compared by plotting the cummulative (integrated) normalized flux within the observed energy range. This plot provides a comparison of the relative line (abrupt jumps) and continuum (sloping regions) fluxes in spite of data-model variations in line location, width, and overall normalization, {\it e.g.}, the small difference in measured {\it vs.} modeled energies due to inaccurate HSI position analysis. } \label{fig:FeL_hsi_dispersion} \label{fig:FeL_spectra} \end{figure} \clearpage \subsection{Beam Uniformity Effects on Efficiency Measurements} \begin{quotation} {\it Objective:} Evaluate the effect of non-uniform illumination on ``grating-in grating-out'' efficiency measurements in Phase I and on relative efficiency measurements in Phase II. \end{quotation}