\begin{quotation} {\it Objective:} Derive the diffraction efficiency of the HEG or MEG using Phase I ``grating-in grating-out'' measurements made at fixed (non-scanned, non-continuum) energies. \end{quotation} \subsection{System Effective Area} The system effective area is calculated from the measurements through the equation: \begin{equation} SEA(E_{\rm line},m,{\rm mode}) = {\frac {\rm focal~plane~counts/s~in~line~order} {\rm source~flux~in~line} }~~~ [{\frac {\rm counts/s}{\rm photons/cm^2s}} = {\frac{\rm cm^2{counts}}{photon}}] \end{equation} \noindent where the units for the quantities are given as well. (Although the terminology ``line order'' suggests grating applications these considerations apply to HRMA-only measurements as well.) The numerator is derived from the focal plane data through: \begin{equation} {\rm focal~plane~counts/s~in~line~order} = {\rm {\it R}_{fp}(mode) \times {\it L}_{fp}(aperture,spectrum,{\it QE}_{fp})} \end{equation} \noindent where the focal plane rate $R_{\rm fp}({\rm mode})$ is the observed count rate in the data---generally this count rate will represent the counts per second within a spatial-spectral ``bump'' in the data, {\it e.g.}, the counts in the ROI region of the FPC\_X2 spectra. As such this quantity, and others that follow, {\it has meaning only in the context of a specific analysis method}. The variable ``mode'' is used here to indicate the additional effect that this rate can depend on the focal plane detector mode of operation, {\it e.g.}, continous {\it vs.} timed-exposure modes for ACIS. The focal-plane line fraction term $L_{\rm fp}({\rm aperture},{\rm spectrum},QE_{\rm fp})$ is a conversion factor from the observed count rate to the count rate that would be due to the line fraction alone. This factor is required because the sources are not truly mono-chromatic and the detectors do not fully separate the line, as indicated in the discussion regarding Figures~\ref{fig:pha_meg_example}~and~\ref{fig:alk_heg_2c} above. The line fraction defined here will generally not depend on the detector mode, but {\it is} taken in the context of an analysis method, {\it e.g.}, the line fraction will be different if ROI analysis is performed or XSPEC\cite{edgar97} fitting is used. Note that the $SEA$ as defined here is equivalent to the ``total effective area'' into $2\pi$ and there is an assumption that the line-fraction correction also includes a small correction for the line counts that are outside the aperture. Not discussed here but treated similarly is the {\it Encircled Effective Area} (often called ``Encircled Energy''), {\it e.g.}, $EEA(E_{\rm line},m,{\rm mode},{\rm diameter})$ which considers only the counts within the aperture. The $SEA$ denominator, ``source flux in line'', is given by: \begin{equation} {\rm source~flux~in~line} = { \frac{ R_{\rm BND} \times L_{\rm BND}({\rm spectrum},QE_{\rm BND})} {QE_{\rm BND}(E_{\rm line}) \times A_{\rm BND@HRMA}} } \end{equation} \noindent where the BND rate $R_{\rm BND}$ and BND line fraction $L_{\rm BND}({\rm spectrum},QE_{\rm BND})$ are defined analogously to the focal plane terms above. The two additional terms in the denominator provide the key ingredients for the calibration: the BND quantum efficiency $QE_{\rm BND}(E_{\rm line})$ provides the conversion from counts to photons for the BND (supporting relative calibration), and the BND area $A_{\rm BND@HRMA}$ is the equivalent geometric area of the BND detector at the HRMA aperture and provides the absolute calibration; for the BNDs near the HRMA ({\it e.g.}, FPC\_HN fully open) this value is 32.55~${\rm cm}^2$. \subsection{Optic Effective Area} In the calibration of the optical components, the HRMA and HRMA-Gratings, it is useful to consider the {\it optic effective area (OEA)} which represents the ability of the optical system to collect photons and does not include detector effects: \begin{equation} OEA(E_{\rm line},m) = {\frac{\rm focal~plane~photons/s~in~line~order} {\rm source~flux~in~line}}~~~ [{\frac{\rm photons/s}{\rm photons/cm^2s}} = {\rm cm^2}] \end{equation} \noindent where we get the usual ${\rm cm}^2$ units. The {\it OEA} may be calculated from the measurements through: \begin{eqnarray} \label{equ:oea_first} OEA(E_{\rm line},m) = & A_{\rm BND@HRMA} & ~~\times ~~{\frac { { R_{\rm fp}({\rm mode}) \times L_{\rm fp}({\rm aperture},{\rm spectrum},QE_{fp})} } { R_{\rm BND} \times L_{\rm BND}({\rm spectrum},QE_{\rm BND})} } \\ & & ~~\times ~~{\frac {\rm{ {\it QE}_{BND}({\it E}_{line}) }} {{\it QE}_{fp}({\it E}_{line},mode)} }. \label{equ:oea_second} \end{eqnarray} \noindent When the focal plane detector has a $QE$ identical to the BND detector the last term is unity and, for non-dispersed orders ($m=0$ or HRMA-only), the line-fraction corrections are also close to unity. In this way the HRMA effective area can be accurately measured\cite{kellogg97}. \subsection{Optic Effective Area Results} Figures~\ref{fig:megheg1}~and~\ref{fig:megheg0} show the results of an initial analysis of the fixed-energy Phase I optic effective area measurements of the HRMA-HETG in 1st-order and zero-order. A crude region-of-interest analysis ({\it e.g.}, Figure~\ref{fig:pha_meg_example}) was performed and a simplified version of the optic effective was calculated: \begin{equation} OEA(E_{\rm line},m) = A_{BND@HRMA} ~~\times ~~{\frac { R_{\rm fp} } { R_{\rm BND}} } \label{equ:simple_oea} \end{equation} The solid curves in these Figures are the combination of the pre-XRCF mirror model with the pre-XRCF HETG efficiency data; the dotted curves give an estimate of the error range for the predictions. The data points have horizontal lines to indicate the size of the data statistical errors; the vertical lines indicate an estimate of the measurement systematic errors. The 1st-order HRMA-HETG effective area curves can be divided (somewhat arbitrarily) into 5 regions where different physical mechanisms govern the effective area of the optical (mirror-grating) system: \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\it below 1 keV}~--~The polyimide membrane of the gratings is dominating the area changes, with edges due to C, N, and O. \item[ ] {\it 1-2 keV}~--~The phase effects of the grating cause an increasing enhancement of the diffraction efficiency. \item[ ] {\it 2-2.5 keV}~--~Edge structure from the mirror (Ir) and grating (Au) dominates, sharply reducing effective area. \item[ ] {\it 2.5-5.5 keV}~--~Effective area is slowly varying, with some low-amplitude Ir and Au edge structure. \item[ ] {\it 5.5-10 keV}~--~The mirror reflectivity and grating efficiency are decreasing rapidly with energy. \end{itemize} \noindent Horizontal error bars on the data indicate the corresponding statistical error of the measurement, which is generally below $\pm 5$~\%. The vertical error lines indicate the probable systematic errors estimated for the 1st-order measurements as $+30$~\% and $-10$~\%. These data illustrate that the absolute effective areas are close to expected values and they show the large range of energies sampled at XRCF. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=megheg1st.eps,height=19cm} \caption[Preliminary XRCF HRMA-MEG and HRMA-HEG Areas: 1st order] {Preliminary First-order Optic Effective Area results for the HRMA-MEG (top) and HRMA-HEG (bottom) at XRCF. These plots represent the automated application of the simplified Equation~\ref{equ:simple_oea} to 132 fixed-energy data sets from Phase I. \\ ~~~Discrepancies arise from i) the need for ``line-fraction'' corrections (the $L$ functions of Equation~\ref{equ:oea_first} ), ii) departure of the HRMA area from prediction, and iii) inaccurate facility setup information ({\it e.g.}, incorrect BND aperture sizes.)} \label{fig:megheg1} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=megheg0.eps,height=19cm} \caption[Preliminary XRCF HRMA-MEG and HRMA-HEG Areas: 0-order] {Preliminary Zero-order Optic Effective Area results for the HRMA-MEG (top) and HRMA-HEG (bottom) at XRCF. These plots represent the automated analysis of 88 fixed-energy data sets from Phase I. Because the zero-order is not dispersed, the effect of ignoring ``line-fraction'' corrections is not as severe as in the first-order case.} \label{fig:megheg0} \end{center} \end{figure} \clearpage \subsection{Grating Efficiency} The grating effective diffraction efficiency, Equation~\ref{equ:eff_effic}, is measured as the ratio of the optic effective area with the grating in place to the optic effective area without the grating: \begin{equation} G_{\rm config}(E,m) = {\frac{OEA_{\rm grating}(E_{\rm line},m)} {OEA_{\rm HRMA}(E_{\rm line})}} \label{equ:meas_eff_effic} \end{equation} Many of the terms of Equations~\ref{equ:oea_first} and \ref{equ:oea_second} will cancel leaving only: \begin{equation} G_{\rm config}(E,m) = {\frac {\frac { { R^g_{\rm fp}({\rm mode}) \times L^g_{\rm fp}({\rm aperture},{\rm spectrum},QE_{fp})} } { R^g_{\rm BND} } } {\frac { { R^H_{\rm fp}({\rm mode}) \times L^H_{\rm fp}({\rm aperture},{\rm spectrum},QE_{fp})} } { R^H_{\rm BND} } } } \label{equ:meas_eff_effic_gory} \end{equation} \noindent Thus, the only corrections required to the efficiency measurements are for the line fraction terms in the focal plane detector. \subsection{Grating Efficiency Results} Using Equation~\ref{equ:meas_eff_effic} the grating effective efficiencies were derived from the previous optic effective area data. The results in Figures~\ref{fig:effmegheg1} and \ref{fig:effmegheg0} show good agreement with the pre-XRCF efficiency predictions (solid curves). \subsection{Effective Area / Efficiency Analysis Software} The results presented here were automatically processed by a set of IDL procedures that used as input the CMDB, TRW ID to run id mapping, raw PHA data files, etc. The results were kept in a custom rdb database table. Please see the following web reference for details: {\tt http://space.mit.edu/HETG/eae/eae.html} \begin{quotation} {\it To-do:} \\ Create s/w to estimate the $L^g_{\rm fp}$ and $L^H_{\rm fp}$ corrections using the measured grating-HSI source spectra. \\ Work with MST and ASC to incorporate XSPEC fitting results. \\ Repeat the auto analysis here using IDL Gaussian fitting plus a modeled continuum -- as an XSPEC cross check. \\ Validate all relevant CMDB entries used in the analysis. \\ \end{quotation} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=effmegheg1st.eps,height=19cm} \caption[Preliminary XRCF MEG and HEG Efficiencies: 1st order] {Preliminary XRCF MEG and HEG Efficiencies: 1st order. Because of the ``ratio-of-ratios'' nature of the efficiency measurement, there is good agreement with the laboratory predictions except for the L-lines where the ``line-fraction'' corrections are large; these $L$ function corrections of Equation~\ref{equ:oea_first} were not included in this simple, first-pass analysis. \\ The solid curve is the model prediction, the dotted curves give an estimate of the error range for the prediction. The data points have horizontal lines to indicate the size of the statistical errors; the vertical lines indicate an estimate of the measurement systematic errors. } \label{fig:effmegheg1} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \epsfig{file=effmegheg0.eps,height=19cm} \caption[Preliminary XRCF MEG and HEG Efficiencies: 0 order] {Preliminary XRCF MEG and HEG Efficiencies: 0 order. Because the zero-order is non-dispersed the $L$ functions of Equation~\ref{equ:oea_first} will be nearly the same with and without the grating in place resulting in a clean measurement.} \label{fig:effmegheg0} \end{center} \end{figure}