\begin{quotation} \subsection{Pileup in the Data Sets} \label{sec:acis_pileup} \subsubsection{Pileup Basics} All the effective area measurements performed at XRCF were primarily optimized for flux in the higher order in order to get sufficient statistics. Naturally this will cause pileup in the CCD detector array at least in zero as well as in some of the lower orders.\par A recent analysis by the ASC ACIS team (Allen et al. 1998) showed that pileup affects the data in different ways and also shows differently in front- and back-illuminated CCDs. Pileup basically occurs when two or more photons incidently hit the same 3x3 detection cell. Two photons of the same energy would be detected as one event at twice the pulse height of a single photon, three photon at three times the pulse height and so on. Naturally this process has to be flux dependent. At very high fluxes will also allow two or more photons only partially contained within the 3x3 detection cell, which will then cause an enhanced background in between the main and pileup peaks.\par In this respect it is more appropriate to think in terms of "fluences" rather than fluxes. Fluence descibes the incident photon density, i.e how many photons strike the CCD within one frametime per unit area, i.e. "ph/s/cm$^2$" or "ph/s/pix$^2$". Higher fluences cause events to overlap more often, which then causes the detection algorithm to issign a higher number grade. This effect is called grade migration and causes a systematic depletion of standard grades, here the ASCA grade set 0,2,3,4,and 6. This migration is likely to be only effective at energies above $\sim 3$ or 4 keV, when the sizes of charge clouds increase significanty. Grade migration may not be the only effect of overlapping charge clouds. In the case when a very large charge cloud created by a high energy photon overlaps with a "normal" single or double pixel event, the 3x3 detection cell algorthm may not be able to detect any event anymore. In this case the charge would is lost. \subsubsection{Demonstration: the Zero-order Data} Zero-order data sets were not designed for effective area analysis because in order to get sufficient statistics in the higher orders, the source flux had to be high, especially at high energies. Therefore the zero order data will be entirely dominated by pileup effects in the CCD. They thus serve as useful pileup example. The simplest way to identify pileup is to determine higher order pileup peaks in the pulse height spectrum. For energies below 3 keV it is possible to detect higher order pulse heights corresponding to up to 4 photons hitting the same event detection cell. The corresponding number of counts is then summed up and added back to the single photon count rate. The left diagram of figure~\ref{fig:zero_pileup} already includes that summation. Clearly above about 3 keV this procedure starts to fail because higher order pulse heights fall beyond the maximum pulse height channels. Therefore we observe a large drop in the measured effective area. In a first attempt to estimate the amount of piled-up photons we fit the ratio of the non-piled-up fraction to the measured piled-up fraction in the range 0.9 to 2.5 keV. In this range we were able to recover piled-up photons for up to 4 photons hitting an single detection cell. This could be done by a power law of index 0.27. We extrapolated this function into the high energy range and added that flux to the count rate above 2.5 keV. We also had to take in account that the source flux above 2.5 keV increased by a factor of 8 and scaled that function simply by that increase. Since pile-up is actually a stochastic process we could have also estimated the missing higher order counts out of a poisson distribution. In any case the resulting area was still short of the expectation by up to 45$\%$.\par Following the method to correct for grade migration as descibed by Allen at al. 1998 the grade distributions of all measurements above 3 keV were compared to the ones obserbed during subassembly analysis, i.e. data that were evidently free of migration effects. This results in another energy dependent correction factor. We thus calculated the grade migration correction factor for our data sets applied it to the data. Again the result above 6 keV was still short by about 20$\%$. Allen et al. 1998 also apply a correction for lost charge and indetected events. Above 6 keV simply applied those correction factors from table 1 in \cite{allen98} for the case of S3. The result can be seen in the right handed diagram of figure~\ref{fig:zero_pileup}. The area now seem to fit the expectation, although a clear overcorrection is visible. However, we have to emphasize, since we did not in particular detemine the lost charge correction for our own data sets, the result is merely an estimation. It however demonstrates that those corrections applied by \cite{allen98} are indeed necessary and in a reasonable order of magnitude. The applied corrections induce additional systematic errors to the data, which are {\it not} reflected in the error bars in the right handed diagram of figure~\ref{fig:zero_pileup}. \begin{figure}[ht] \psfig{file=zero_effarea.ps,height=10cm} \caption[Measured and predicted HETGS 0-order effective area ({\tt zero\_effarea.ps})] {\small Comparison of the measured and expected effective area for the combined 0th order of MEG and HEG as a function of energy. The left hand diagram shows the result without, the right hand diagram with pile up correction as described in the text.} \label{fig:zero_pileup} \end{figure} \subsubsection{Pileup in diffracted orders} The quantitative evaluation of pileup levels in the diffracted orders is still under investigation. The expected pileup level is low in all orders, however there are severall aspects to consider. For example, one major obstacle is, that at energies below 2 keV the first orders in HEG and MEG spatially mix with higher orders of the W lines generated by the DCM. For energies around 1 keV this emission interferes with the first pileup peak in the pulse height spectra.\par Another problem is introduced by the design of the measurements at higher energies. In order to avoid overlaps of MEH and HEG images, the out-of-focus distance of originally 40 mm was gradually reduced with increasing incident photon energy. This hasd the effect that although flux stays constant, the fluence, i.e flux per unit area, increases. Therefore grade migration and charge loss effects will appear in the first order images. In addition that eefect is more likely to affect HEG orders, simply because of the smaller image size.