From Mon Aug 23 17:39:30 1999 Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 17:39:29 -0400 (EDT) From: "Kathryn A. Flanagan" The AXAF HETGS Flight Calibration Plan MARSHALL, H. L.; DEWEY, D.; FLANAGAN, K. A.; SCHULZ, N. S.; CANIZARES, C. R. American Astronomical Society Meeting #193, #66.07 pub: 12/1998 Analysis and modeling of anomalous scattering in the AXAF HETGS DAVIS, JOHN E.; MARSHALL, HERMAN L.; DEWEY, DANIEL; SCHATTENBURG, MARK L. Proc. SPIE Vol. 3444, p. 76-92, X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds. pub: 11/1998 Absolute effective areas of the HETGS SCHULZ, NORBERT S.; DEWEY, DANIEL; MARSHALL, HERMAN L. Proc. SPIE Vol. 3444, p. 160-176, X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds. pub: 11/1998 AXAF grating efficiency measurements with calibrated nonimaging detectors DEWEY, DANIEL; DRAKE, JEREMY J.; EDGAR, RICHARD J.; MICHAUD, KENDRA; RATZLAFF, PETE Proc. SPIE Vol. 3444, p. 48-63, X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds. pub: 11/1998 Verifying the HETG spectrometer Rowland design STAGE, MICHAEL D.; DEWEY, DANIEL Proc. SPIE Vol. 3444, p. 36-47, X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds. pub: 11/1998 HETG high-order diffraction efficiency FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A.; SCHULZ, NORBERT S.; MURRAY, STEPHEN S.; HARTNER, GISELA D.; PREDEHL, PETERProc. SPIE Vol. 3444, p. 106-126, X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds. pub:11/1998 Spectral features in the AXAF HETGS effective area using high-signal-continuum tests MARSHALL, HERMAN L.; DEWEY, DANIEL; SCHULZ, NORBERT S.; FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A. SPIE Vol. 3444, p. 64-75, X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds pub:11/1998 Toward the calibration of the HETGS line response function MARSHALL, HERMAN L.; DEWEY, DANIEL; FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A.; BALUTA, C.; CANIZARES, CLAUDE R.; DAVIS, D. S.; DAVIS, J. E.; FANG, T. T.; HUENEMOERDER, D. P.; KASTNER, J. H.; SCHULZ, N. S.; WISE, M. W.; DRAKE, JEREMY J.; JUDA, JIAHONG Z.; JUDA, MICHAEL; BRINKMAN, ALBERT C.; GUNSING, C. J.; KAASTRA, JELLE S.; HARTNER, GISELA D.; PREDEHL, PETER Proc. SPIE Vol. 3113, p. 160-171, Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds. pub: 07/1997 Toward the calibration of the HETGS effective area DEWEY, DANIEL; FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A.; MARSHALL, HERMAN L.; BALUTA, C.; CANIZARES, CLAUDE R.; DAVIS, D. S.; DAVIS, J. E.; FANG, T. T.; HUENEMOERDER, D. P.; KASTNER, J. H.; SCHULZ, N. S.; WISE, M. W.; DRAKE, JEREMY J.; JUDA, JIAHONG Z.; JUDA, MICHAEL; BRINKMAN, ALBERT C.; GUNSING, C. J.; KAASTRA, JELLE S.; HARTNER, GISELA D.; PREDEHL, PETER Proc. SPIE Vol. 3113, p. 144-159, Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds. pub: 07/1997 Modeling the diffraction efficiencies of the AXAF high-energy transmission gratings: II FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A.; FANG, T. T.; BALUTA, C.; DAVIS, J. E.; DEWEY, DANIEL; MARKERT, THOMAS H.; GRAESSLE, DALE E.; DRAKE, J.; FITCH, JONATHAN J.; JUDA, JIAHONG Z.; WOO, JONATHAN; KRAFT, S.; BULICKE, P.; FLIEGAUF, R.; SCHOLZE, FRANK; ULM, GERHARD; BAUER, JAMES M. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2808, p. 650-676, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, Oswald H. Siegmund; Mark A. Gummin; Eds. (SPIE Homepage) Publication Date: 10/1996 Calibration and characterization of HETG grating elements at the MIT X-Ray Grating Evaluation Facility FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A.; DEWEY, DANIEL; BORDZOL, LEONARD Proc. SPIE Vol. 2518, p. 438-456, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, Oswald H. Siegmund; John V. Vallerga; Eds. (SPIE Homep pub: 09/1995 Modeling the diffraction efficiencies of the AXAF high-energy transmission gratings MARKERT, THOMAS H.; DEWEY, DANIEL; DAVIS, J. E.; FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A.; GRAESSLE, DALE E.; BAUER, JAMES M.; NELSON, CHRISTIE S. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2518, p. 424-437, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, Oswald H. Siegmund; John V. Vallerga; Eds pub: 09/1995 Efficiency measurements and modeling of the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) high-energy transmission gratings NELSON, CHRISTIE S.; MARKERT, THOMAS H.; SONG, Y. S.; SCHATTENBURG, MARK L.; GRAESSLE, DALE E.; FLANAGAN, KATHRYN A.; BLAKE, R. L.; BAUER, JAMES M.; GULLIKSON, ERIC M. Procc. SPIE Vol. 2280, p. 191-203, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Oswald H. Siegmund; John V. Vallerga; Eds. pub: 09/1994 Laboratory calibration of x-ray transmission diffraction gratings DEWEY, DANIEL; HUMPHRIES, DONALD N.; MCLEAN, G. Y.; MOSCHELLA, DAVID A. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2280, p. 257-271, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Oswald H. Siegmund; John V. Vallerga; Eds pub: 09/1994 Fabrication of high-energy x-ray transmission gratings for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) SCHATTENBURG, MARK L.; AUCOIN, RICHARD J.; FLEMING, ROBERT C.; PLOTNIK, IRVING; PORTER, JEANNE; SMITH, HENRY I. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2280, p. 181-190, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Oswald H. Siegmund; John V. Vallerga; Eds pub: 09/1994 High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) MARKERT, THOMAS H.; CANIZARES, CLAUDE R.; DEWEY, DANIEL; MCGUIRK, MICHAEL; PAK, CHRIS S.; SCHATTENBURG, MARK L. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2280, p. 168-180, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Oswald H. Siegmund; John V. Vallerga; Eds. pub: 09/1994 The MIT high resolution X-ray spectroscopy instruments on AXAF CANIZARES, C. R.; DEWEY, D.; GALTON, E. B.; MARKERT, T. H.; SMITH, HENRY I.; SCHATTENBURG, M. L.; WOODGATE, B. E.; JORDAN, S. AIAA, Space Programs and Technologies Conference, Huntsville, AL, Mar. 24-27, 1992. 11 p. pub: 03/1992 Data Analysis Issues for the High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG) on AXAF DEWEY, D.; ISOBE, T. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems I, A.S.P. Conference Series, Vol. 25, 1992, Diana M. Worrall, Chris Biemesderfer, and Jeannette Barnes, eds., p. 408. pub: 00/1992 Dispersive spectroscopy on AXAF MARKERT, T. H. IN: High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of cosmic plasmas (A91-56280 24-90). Cambridge, England and New York, Cambridge University Press, 1990, p. 339-344; Discussion, p. 345. pub: 00/1990 Performance of high spatial frequency X-ray transmission gratings FISCHBACH, K. F.; LEVINE, A. M.; SCHATTENBURG, M. L.; DEWEY, D.; RENSHAW, R. L. IN: X-ray instrumentation in astronomy II; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug. 15-17, 1988 (A89-40276 17-35). Bellingham, WA, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1988, p. 273-282. pub: 00/1988 Transmission grating spectroscopy and the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) SCHATTENBURG, M. L.; CANIZARES, C. R.; DEWEY, D.; LEVINE, A. M.; MARKERT, T. H. IN: X-ray instrumentation in astronomy II; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug. 15-17, 1988 (A89-40276 17-35). Bellingham, WA, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1988, p. 210-218. pub: 00/1988 The MIT spectroscopy investigations on AXAF and the study of supernova remnants CANIZARES, C. R.; BRADT, H. V. D.; CLARK, G. W.; JOSS, P. C.; LEVINE, A. M.; LEWIN, W. H. G.; MARKERT, T. H.; MAYER, W.; FABIAN, A. C.; WOODGATE, B. E Astrophysical Letters and Communications (ISSN 0888-6512), vol. 26, no. 1-2, 1987, p. 87-98. pub: 00/1987 The high energy transmission grating spectrometer for AXAF CANIZARES, C. R.; SCHATTENBURG, M. L.; SMITH, H. I. IN: X-ray instrumentation in astronomy; Proceedings of the Meeting, Cannes, France, December 2-4, 1985 (A87-19722 07-35). Bellingham, WA, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1986, p. 253-260. pub: 00/1986 STATUS UNKNOWN: Transmission grating spectroscopy and the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) Schattenburg, M.L., Canizares, C.R., Dewey, D., Flanagan, K.A., Hamnet, M.A., Levine, A.M., Lum, K.S.K., Manikkalingam, R., Markert, T.H., and Smith, Henry I, submitted to Optical Engineering, 6 March 1990.