#filename: beam_cen_970116.rdb # # Beam Center EE data from 970116 # *** Mg-K *** 1.2536 keV # All data taken with 70 um pinhole. # # MEG #MEG 0 -307163. -13974. 1.2536 #MEG +1 -285530. -12183. 1.2536 #MEG -1 -328797. -15764. 1.2536 # # HEG #HEG 0 -307165. -13984. 1.2536 #HEG +1 -263943. -17912. 1.2536 #HEG -1 -350393. -10057. 1.2536 # # High-order measurements: #LEG -3 -333482. -13975. 1.2536 #LEG +3 -280867. -13967. 1.2536 # # ERRORS # Looking at the sum file data use 10 um errors # except for the LEG +/- 3 order: use 20 um. # # Added an LEG zero order equal to the MEG zero-order but # with large error. (Seems LINFIT does not want to fit 2 # data points!?). # grating order Y Z E Yerr Zerr mst_date run_id S N N N N N N S S MEG 0 -307163. -13974. 1.2536 10.0 10.0 970116 109019 MEG +1 -285530. -12183. 1.2536 10.0 10.0 970116 109022 MEG -1 -328797. -15764. 1.2536 10.0 10.0 970116 109025 HEG 0 -307165. -13984. 1.2536 10.0 10.0 970116 109028 HEG +1 -263943. -17912. 1.2536 10.0 10.0 970116 109031 HEG -1 -350393. -10057. 1.2536 10.0 10.0 970116 109034 LEG -3 -333482. -13975. 1.2536 20.0 20.0 970116 109013 LEG +3 -280867. -13967. 1.2536 20.0 20.0 970116 109016 LEG 0 -307163. -13974. 1.2536 50.0 50.0 970116 109019