#filename: beam_cen_970208.rdb # # HEG, MEG, LEG data from 2/8/97 tests # Measurements were with 70 um pinhole for dispersed orders. # # NOTE: PCAZ(70)-PCAZ(20)=-24638 # NOTE: PRIMEY(70)=PRIMEY(20) # THUS ADD 24638 to go pcaz from 70 microns to 20 microns # #HEG Zero-order, 20 microns # Subtract 24638 to go pcaz from 20 microns to 70 microns #HEG 0 -307097. -14035. 1.4867 #HEG 2nd orders, 70um #HEG -2 -380012. -7383. 1.4867 #HEG +2 -234206. -20650. 1.4867 # MEG 3rd orders, 70 um #MEG -3 -361832. -18549. 1.4867 #MEG +3 -252366. -9473. 1.4867 # For MEG zero-order include the HEG and LEG ones #MEG 0 -307097. -14035. 1.4867 #MEG 0 -307102. -14037. 1.4867 # # LEG 9th orders, 70 um #LEG -9 -373666.0 -14028. 1.4867 #LEG +9 -240552.0 -14007. 1.4867 #LEG 0 order with 20 micron pinhole # Subtract 24638 to go pcaz from 20 microns to 70 microns # LEG 0 -307102. 10601. 1.4867 #LEG 0 -307102. -14037. 1.4867 # # ERRORS # Looking at the sum file data... # For the zero orders use +/- 5 um; # use +/-7 for the MEG ones. # For the higher orders use +/- 20 um. # grating order Y Z E Yerr Zerr mst_date run_id S N N N N N N S S HEG 0 -307097. -14035. 1.4867 5.0 5.0 970208 111503 HEG -2 -380012. -7383. 1.4867 20.0 20.0 970208 111508 HEG +2 -234206. -20650. 1.4867 20.0 20.0 970208 111513 MEG -3 -361832. -18549. 1.4867 20.0 20.0 970208 111518 MEG +3 -252366. -9473. 1.4867 20.0 20.0 970208 111523 MEG 0 -307097. -14035. 1.4867 7.0 7.0 970208 111503 MEG 0 -307102. -14037. 1.4867 7.0 7.0 970208 111540 LEG -9 -373666.0 -14028. 1.4867 20.0 20.0 970208 111529 LEG +9 -240552.0 -14007. 1.4867 20.0 20.0 970208 111535 LEG 0 -307102. -14037. 1.4867 5.0 5.0 970208 111540