PRO beam_cen_plots ; ; Plot the data in beam_cen_results.rdb ; read the results in results = rdb_read('beam_cen_results.rdb') ; get the names of the gratings and current ; values of period, angle. xrcf_params, NAM = names xrcf_params, ANG = angles xrcf_params, PER = periods xrcf_params, ROW = rowland xrcf_params, HC = hc pre_print_portrait !p.multi = [0,1,3] ; Loop over the grating types and ; - calculate the XRCF/AL-K period ; - make plots for ig = 0, n_elements(names)-1 do begin ; calculate the XRCF weighted average period and error xrcf_grat = where(results.grating EQ names(ig) AND $ STRPOS(results.phase,'XRCF') GE 0 AND $ STRPOS(results.source,'Al-K') GE 0, nxrcf) if nxrcf GE 0 then begin xps = results(xrcf_grat).p xperrs = results(xrcf_grat).perr ; Weighted mean and error ; from Bevington 2nd, (4.17) and (4.19) xavep = TOTAL(xps/(xperrs)^2)/TOTAL(1./(xperrs)^2) xaveperr = SQRT(1./TOTAL(1./(xperrs)^2)) print, xavep, xaveperr end ; find this type of measurement this_grat = where(results.grating EQ names(ig), nfound) if nfound GE 1 then begin ; Periods and period errors ps = results(this_grat).p avep = TOTAL(ps)/n_elements(ps) perrs = results(this_grat).perr xs = 0.5+indgen(n_elements(ps)) ; Set the Y range to be +/- 1 part in 1500 for ; LEG and MEG, +/- 1 part in 1500 for HEG partin = 1500. if names(ig) EQ 'HEG' then partin = 1500. plot, xs, ps, PSYM=4, $ YRANGE=avep*[partin/(partin+1.), (partin+1.)/partin], $ XTITLE = 'Measurement set', YTITLE='Period (A)', $ TITLE = names(ig)+' Period = '+ $ STRING(xavep,FORMAT='(F8.2)')+' +/-'+ $ STRING(xaveperr,FORMAT='(F5.2)') + $ ' A (XRCF/Al-K data)', $ CHARSIZE=2.5 ; add error bars plot_errors, xs, xs, xs, ps-perrs, ps+perrs ; plot the XRCF-AL-K average period and error range oplot, [2.,n_elements(ps)], xavep*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=2 oplot, [2.,n_elements(ps)], (xavep-xaveperr)*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=1 oplot, [2.,n_elements(ps)], (xavep+xaveperr)*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=1 ; label the points for il=0,n_elements(ps)-1 do begin ytext = avep*partin/(partin+0.8) xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(this_grat(il)).dataset, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 ytext = avep*partin/(partin+0.95) xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(this_grat(il)).source, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 end end end device, /close SPAWN, 'cp' SPAWN, 'rm' ; OK, now do the ANGLES pre_print_portrait !p.multi = [0,1,3] ; Loop over the grating types and ; - calculate HETG average angle and opening angle ; - make plots ang_range = 0.1 mean_offset = -0.25 open_offset = 9.9 ; LETG angle plot xrcf_grat = where(results.grating EQ 'LEG' AND $ STRPOS(results.phase,'XRCF') GE 0, nxrcf) if nxrcf GE 1 then begin leg_angs = results(xrcf_grat).ang leg_angs_err = results(xrcf_grat).angerr xs = 0.5+indgen(n_elements(leg_angs)) plot, xs, leg_angs, PSYM=4, $ YRANGE = ang_range*[-1.,1.], $ XTITLE = 'Measurement set', YTITLE='LEG Angle (deg.)', $ TITLE = 'LETG XRCF Dispersion Angle', $ CHARSIZE=2.5 ; add error bars plot_errors, xs, xs, xs, leg_angs - leg_angs_err, $ leg_angs + leg_angs_err ; label the points for il=0,n_elements(leg_angs)-1 do begin ytext = -0.75*ang_range xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(xrcf_grat(il)).dataset, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 ytext = -0.92*ang_range xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(xrcf_grat(il)).source, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 end end ; HETG mean angle and opening angle plots ; Assume that an HEG measurement follows each MEG one... xrcf_grat = where(results.grating EQ 'MEG' AND $ STRPOS(results.phase,'XRCF') GE 0, nxrcf) if nxrcf GE 1 then begin meg_angs = results(xrcf_grat).ang meg_angs_err = results(xrcf_grat).angerr heg_angs = results(xrcf_grat+1).ang heg_angs_err = results(xrcf_grat+1).angerr mean_angs = (meg_angs+heg_angs)/2.0 mean_errs = SQRT(meg_angs_err^2 + heg_angs_err^2)/2.0 xs = 0.5+indgen(n_elements(meg_angs)) plot, xs, mean_angs, PSYM=4, $ YRANGE = mean_offset + ang_range*[-1.,1.], $ XTITLE = 'Measurement set', YTITLE='Mean Angle (deg.)', $ TITLE = 'HETG XRCF Mean Dispersion Angle', $ CHARSIZE=2.5 ; add error bars plot_errors, xs, xs, xs, mean_angs - mean_errs, $ mean_angs + mean_errs ; label the points for il=0,n_elements(leg_angs)-1 do begin ytext = mean_offset - 0.75*ang_range xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(xrcf_grat(il)).dataset, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 ytext = mean_offset - 0.92*ang_range xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(xrcf_grat(il)).source, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 end open_angs = meg_angs - heg_angs open_errs = SQRT(meg_angs_err^2 + heg_angs_err^2) ; Weighted mean and error ; from Bevington 2nd, (4.17) and (4.19) ave_open = TOTAL(open_angs/(open_errs)^2)/TOTAL(1./(open_errs)^2) ave_open_err = SQRT(1./TOTAL(1./(open_errs)^2)) print, ave_open, ave_open_err plot, xs, open_angs, PSYM=4, $ YRANGE = open_offset + ang_range*[-0.9,0.9], $ XTITLE = 'Measurement set', YTITLE='Opening Angle (deg.)', $ TITLE = 'HETG Opening Angle =' + $ STRING(ave_open,FORMAT='(F7.4)')+' +/-'+ $ STRING(ave_open_err,FORMAT='(F7.4)') + $ ' degrees', $ CHARSIZE=2.5, XTICKS = 4 ; add error bars plot_errors, xs, xs, xs, open_angs - open_errs, $ open_angs + open_errs ; plot the XRCF average opening angle and error range oplot, [0.,n_elements(open_angs)], ave_open*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=2 oplot, [0.,n_elements(open_angs)], (ave_open - ave_open_err)*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=1 oplot, [0.,n_elements(open_angs)], (ave_open + ave_open_err)*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=1 ; label the points for il=0,n_elements(leg_angs)-1 do begin ytext = open_offset - 0.75*ang_range xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(xrcf_grat(il)).dataset, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 ytext = open_offset - 0.92*ang_range xyouts, il+0.5, ytext, results(xrcf_grat(il)).source, $ ALIGNMENT = 0.5 end end device, /close SPAWN, 'cp' SPAWN, 'rm' set_plot, 'X' !p.multi = 0 RETURN END