LR - NIST Analysis

LR - NIST Analysis

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NIST Reference Measurements and LR Setup Calibration

The gratings on the flight HETG were each measured in the LR setup. The locations of the reflected and diffracted beams are measured from the grating under test and also from a fixed-in-the-instrument reference grating. Thus, all gratings are measured relative to fixed reference gratings (HEG or MEG). The periods of these reference gratings were assigned based on the laser wavelengths and the absolute diffraction angles (as measured by the NEAT rotation stage.) The LR system has a high differential sensitivity and repeatability, however, its assigned periods are not expected to be absolutely accurate.

In order to set the absolute period of our reference gratings, we sent HEG and MEG calibration samples (on Silicon wafers) to John Kramar et al. at NIST (jkramar@NIST.GOV). They measured these HEG and MEG samples. Then, these samples were measured by Dick Elder in the LR setup. From these measurements a calibration factor establishing the absolute period of our LR data is obtained:
SampleNIST PeriodNIST Error (1 sigma) LR PeriodCalibration FactorError
-nmnm A[LR]A/A[LR]ppm
NIST MEG400.8000.010 4007.741.0000625.
NIST HEG200.0110.005 2001.430.99934025.

LR-NIST Flight and TOGA Periods

These calibration factors and errors are applied to the measured average periods of the flight HETG and TOGA gratings:
GratingLR Average PeriodLR-NIST Period LR-NIST Error
Flight MEG4001.17 4001.410.10
Flight HEG2002.13 2000.810.05
TOGA MEG4000.72 4000.960.10
TOGA HEG2002.36 2001.040.05