PRO xrcf_beam_cen_werr, file_name, LPR = lpr ; This procedure reads in beam cen information from a ; file and i) displays the data, ii) fits the data to ; get grating angles, and iii) determines changes needed in ; period and/or Rowland diameter. ; ; The current parameters are gotten from ; ; 12/20/96 dd ; 7/2/97 dd Modified to use errors for Y and Z and output ; angle and period errors too. ; Input file is rdb format also. ; read the data file bc_data = rdb_read(file_name) beam_grat = bc_data.grating beam_order = bc_data.order beam_Y = DOUBLE(bc_data.Y) beam_Z = DOUBLE(bc_data.Z) beam_E = DOUBLE(bc_data.E) beam_Yerr = bc_data.Yerr beam_Zerr = bc_data.Zerr nbeam = n_elements(bc_data) ; open an output file out_file_name = 'beam_cen.txt' OPENW, out_unit, out_file_name, /GET_LUN ; print out the input data printf, out_unit, '' printf, out_unit, ' Output from , '+SYSTIME() printf, out_unit, '' printf, out_unit, ' Input data file : '+file_name printf, out_unit, '' printf, out_unit, 'Grating Order Prime Y' + $ ' Z' + $ ' Energy Y_err(um) Z_err(um)' printf,out_unit,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'+$ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' for ib=0,nbeam-1 do printf, out_unit, beam_grat(ib)+' '+ $ STRING(beam_order(ib)) + STRING(beam_Y(ib)) + $ STRING(beam_Z(ib)) + $ STRING(beam_E(ib)) + $ STRING(beam_Yerr(ib)) + STRING(beam_Zerr(ib)) printf,out_unit,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'+$ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' ; if keyword LPR is set then create postscript plot if KEYWORD_SET(LPR) then begin ; set plot device to postscript pre_print_landscape end ; plot the raw data plot, beam_Y, beam_Z, PSYM = 4, $ XRANGE = [MIN(beam_Y),MAX(beam_Y)], $ YRANGE = [MIN(beam_Z),MAX(beam_Z)], $ TITLE = 'Beam_cen data Plot, from '+file_name, $ XTITLE = 'Prime Y (microns)', YTITLE = 'Z (microns)' ; Get information and parameters... xrcf_params, NAM = names xrcf_params, ANG = angles xrcf_params, PER = periods xrcf_params, ROW = rowland xrcf_params, HC = hc printf, out_unit, '' printf, out_unit, ' Calculate Angles and Periods to best-fit the data:' printf, out_unit, ' (keeping the Rowland distance at'+$ STRING(rowland)+' )' printf, out_unit, '' ; Arrays for results calc_angles = DBLARR(n_elements(names)) - 100.0 calc_angles_err = DBLARR(n_elements(names)) calc_rowland = DBLARR(n_elements(names)) calc_period = DOUBLE(periods) ; initial guess calc_period_err = DOUBLE(periods) ; go through the grating types for ig=0,n_elements(names)-1 do begin these_grats = where(STRPOS(beam_grat, names(ig)) GE 0, nthese) if nthese GE 2 then begin ; calculate the angles ; find the best fit line for Y and Z ; Use LINFIT routine result = LINFIT( beam_Y(these_grats), $ beam_Z(these_grats), $ SDEV=beam_Zerr(these_grats), SIGMA = sigmaA) Z_fit = result(0) + result(1)*beam_Y(these_grats) oplot, beam_Y(these_grats), Z_fit, LINESTYLE=1 calc_angles(ig) = ATAN(result(1))/!DTOR ; Angle error calc_angles_err(ig) = ATAN(result(1)+sigmaA(1))/!DTOR - calc_angles(ig) ; print the measured and current angles ang_fmt = '(F8.4)' printf, out_unit, ' '+names(ig)+' angle = ' + $ STRING(calc_angles(ig),FORMAT=ang_fmt)+ $ ' +/-'+STRING(calc_angles_err(ig),FORMAT=ang_fmt) + $ ' [ currently = '+STRING(angles(ig),FORMAT=ang_fmt)+']' ; Adjust the period to have the Rowland value be the value in 'params change = 1.10 while ABS(change-1.0) GE 1.E-8 do begin ; calculate the Rowland distance if the period is accurate ; Rowland is the slope between big_mess and Yprime big_mess = 0.5*SIN(2.0*ASIN( $ beam_order(these_grats)*(hc/beam_E(these_grats)) / $ calc_period(ig)) ) big_mess = big_mess/SQRT(1.0+(TAN(!DTOR*calc_angles(ig)))^2) ; Use LINFIT routine result = LINFIT( big_mess, $ 1.E-3*beam_Y(these_grats), $ SDEV=1.E-3*beam_Yerr(these_grats), SIGMA = sigmaA) Z_fit = result(0) + result(1)*big_mess calc_rowland(ig) = result(1) ; modify the period to get Rowland back to set value change = rowland/calc_rowland(ig) ; approximation this_period = calc_period(ig) calc_period(ig) = change * this_period ; error estimate for period err_rowland = result(1) + sigmaA(1) err_change = rowland/err_rowland ; approximation calc_period_err(ig) = calc_period(ig) - err_change * this_period end ; . . . . . . ; this calculation for paranoid individuals! - skip it if 1 EQ 0 then begin ; calculate the Rowland distance if the period is accurate ; (double check that the rowland distance is back where ; it should be ; Rowland is the slope between big_mess and Yprime big_mess = 0.5*SIN(2.0*ASIN( $ beam_order(these_grats)*(hc/beam_E(these_grats)) / $ calc_period(ig)) ) big_mess = big_mess/SQRT(1.0+(TAN(!DTOR*calc_angles(ig)))^2) result = LINFIT(big_mess , 1.E-3*beam_Y(these_grats), $ SDEV=1.E-3*beam_Yerr(these_grats), SIGMA = sigmaA) calc_rowland(ig) = result(1) ; print the measured and current Rowland distance printf, out_unit, ' '+names(ig)+' rowland = '+ $ STRING(calc_rowland(ig))+ $ ' [ currently = '+STRING(rowland)+']' end ; . . . . . . . ; print the measured and current Period per_fmt = '(F8.2)' printf, out_unit, ' '+names(ig)+' period = '+ $ STRING(calc_period(ig),FORMAT=per_fmt) + $ ' +/-'+STRING(calc_period_err(ig),FORMAT='(F5.2)') + $ ' [ currently = '+STRING(periods(ig),FORMAT=perfmt)+']' printf, out_unit, '' printf, out_unit, ' Errors between measured '+ $ 'and calculated Y,Z (microns):' mlamp = beam_order(these_grats)* $ (hc/beam_E(these_grats))/calc_period(ig) xrcf_disp_calc, mlamp, rowland, calc_angles(ig), 0.0,0.0,0.0, $ Xpred, Ypred, Zpred ; convert predictions to um and shift to have same averages Ypred = 1000.0*Ypred + $ TOTAL(beam_Y(these_grats))/n_elements(these_grats) Zpred = 1000.0*Zpred + $ TOTAL(beam_Z(these_grats))/n_elements(these_grats) for it = 0,n_elements(these_grats)-1 do begin printf, out_unit, ' Y: ',beam_Y(these_grats(it)), ' -' , $ Ypred(it) , ' = ', $ STRING(beam_Y(these_grats(it)) - Ypred(it),FORMAT='(F6.1)') end for it = 0,n_elements(these_grats)-1 do begin printf, out_unit, ' Z: ',beam_Z(these_grats(it)), ' -' , $ Zpred(it) , ' = ', $ STRING(beam_Z(these_grats(it)) - Zpred(it),FORMAT='(F6.1)') end printf, out_unit, ' - - - - -' printf, out_unit, '' end end printf,out_unit,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'+$ ' . . . . . . . . . .' ; determine the common period change ; print the recommended new rowland value and the recommended ; new period values ; print instructions for updating the constants ; close the output file CLOSE, out_unit FREE_LUN, out_unit ; if LPR then print the file and plot if KEYWORD_SET(LPR) then begin ; set plot device to postscript post_print SPAWN, 'enscript -fCourier9 '+out_file_name end RETURN END