PRO heg_level1_spec ; ; execute at IDL command line with @heg_level1_spec ;-------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------- ; Use SAOSAC ray file 8.04778_000_000.fits as ; flight prediction and calculate expected ; line profile... ; MARX run output in /spectra/d7/heg_level1_sim/saosac xye_image, x, y, e, MARX='/spectra/d7/heg_level1_sim/saosac' r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) ; Measure fractions in 1,3,10 arc sec diameter print, '' print, ' HRMA Encircled fraction, SAOSAC 8.04 keV' print, ' Diameter Fraction' dias = [1.,3.,10.] for id=0,2 do begin inside = where(r LT 50.E-3*dias(id)/2.0) print, dias(id), FLOAT(n_elements(inside))/FLOAT(n_elements(r)) end print, '' ;window,0 pre_print_landscape !p.multi=[0,3,1] print, ' FWHM vs Other blur' blurs = [0.,10.6, 14.5] ; um btitles = ['SAOSAC/Flight, 8.04778 keV', $ 'Optimistic, FWHM ~ 44 um',$ 'Conservative, FWHM ~ 52 um'] for ibs=0,2 do begin ;add gaussian blur to x values blur = fltarr(n_elements(x)) for ib=0,n_elements(x)-1 do blur(ib) = blurs(ibs)*0.001*g_rand(seed) xb = x+blur bin_width = 0.001 lin_hist, xb(where(ABS(xb) LT 0.1)),bin_width,bin_values_out, bin_counts_out plot, bin_width*bin_values_out*1000.0, bin_counts_out,PSYM=10, $ YRANGE=[0.,400.], $ title = btitles(ibs), CHARSIZE=1.8, XTITLE='Y location (um)',$ ytitle = 'counts' ; Measure FWHM maxofdist = MAX(bin_counts_out) maxofdist = bin_counts_out(where(bin_counts_out GE 0.8*maxofdist)) maxofdist = TOTAL(maxofdist)/FLOAT(n_elements(maxofdist)) oplot, [-0.05, 0.05], maxofdist*[1.,1.], LINESTYLE=2 oplot, [-0.05, 0.05], maxofdist*[1.,1.]/2., LINESTYLE=2 above = where(bin_counts_out GE maxofdist/2) print, STRING(blurs(ibs)),' um --> ', $ STRING(1000.*bin_width*(MAX(above)-MIN(above)),FORMAT='(F7.3)'), ' um' end device,/close set_plot, 'X' !p.multi=0 ;-------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------- ; Use ebrt routines to see current error budget inputs ; eb_reset, 0 ; eb_ps(eb_EkeV) = 8.0 ; eb_update ; eb_dump ; ; Find out that currently sigma_H at 8 keV is 32.6683 um ; and other sigmas are 10.6 (14.5) optimistic (conservative). ;-------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------- ; Try to analyze XRCF MC data set for as-measured E/dE at Cu-K ; ;;print, '' ;;print, ' Analyze XRCF test H-HAS-MC-3.001 for HEG E/dE at Cu-K (8.04 keV)' ;;print, '' ;-------------------------------------- ; Get the PSU, dd, processed data: ; (takes a while, comment it out after doing it once...) ;;restore, '/spectra/d6/ACIS_anal/H-HAS-MC-3.001_l1.idlsav' ; Plot an "image" of selected events: ;;sel = where( (l1.grade EQ 0 OR l1.grade EQ 3 or l1.grade EQ 4) AND $ ;; GT 6.0 AND LT 10.0 AND $ ;; ABS(l1.detx) GT 5.0 AND ABS(l1.detx) LT 9.0) ;;print, ' Number of selected events = ',n_elements(sel) ;;print, '' ; See where they are in time... ;;plot, l1(sel).detx, PSYM=3 ; Select a stable time period: ; with grade 0 only: ;;l1use = l1(sel(6000:10000)) ; including grades 3 and 4: ;;l1use = l1(sel(12000:20000)) ; or ;;l1use = l1(sel(21000:29000)) ; and plot the final selected ones ;;plot, l1use.detx, PSYM=3 ; Make histograms of the first orders ;;lin_hist, l1use.detx, 0.002, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out ;;plot, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out, PSYM=10,XRANGE=[6.1,6.4] ;;plot, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out, PSYM=10,XRANGE=[-7.4,-7.] ;------------------------ ; Need to figure out when NS and TB shutters are... ; Get the PSU and the l1 data... ;;psu_view, 'H-HAS-MC-3.001', psu=psu, l1=l1 ; EXPOSURE between 1500 2000 and 2350 2800 ;;sel1 = where( GT 6.0 AND LT 10.0 AND $ ;; (l1.grade EQ 0 OR l1.grade EQ 3 OR l1.grade EQ 4) AND $ ;; (psu.EXPOSURE GT 1500 AND psu.EXPOSURE LT 2000) ) ;;sel2 = where( GT 6.0 AND LT 10.0 AND $ ;; (l1.grade EQ 0 OR l1.grade EQ 3 OR l1.grade EQ 4) AND $ ;; (psu.EXPOSURE GT 2350 AND psu.EXPOSURE LT 2800) ) ;;print, n_elements(sel1) ;;print, n_elements(sel2) ;;pre_print_landscape ;;plot, l1(sel1).detx, PSYM=3, YRANGE=[-10.,10.] ;;plot, l1(sel2).detx, PSYM=3, YRANGE=[-10.,10.] ;;plot, l1(sel1(2000:14000)).detx, PSYM=3, YRANGE=[-10.,10.] ;;xvals = l1(sel1(2000:14000)).detx ;;lin_hist, xvals(where(ABS(xvals) LT 10.)), 0.002, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out ;;;pre_print_landscape ;;plot, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out, PSYM=10,XRANGE=[6.1,6.4], $ TITLE='EXPOSURE 1500 2000' ;;plot, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out, PSYM=10,XRANGE=[-7.3,-7.], $ TITLE='EXPOSURE 1500 2000' ;;;post_print ;;plot, l1(sel2(2500:12000)).detx, PSYM=3, YRANGE=[-10.,10.] ;;xvals = l1(sel2(2500:12000)).detx ;;lin_hist, xvals(where(ABS(xvals) LT 10.)), 0.002, $ ;; bin_values_out, bin_counts_out ;pre_print_landscape ;;plot, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out, PSYM=10,XRANGE=[6.3,6.6], $ ;; TITLE='EXPOSURE 2350 2800' ;;plot, bin_values_out, bin_counts_out, PSYM=10,XRANGE=[-7.2,-6.9], $ ;; TITLE='EXPOSURE 2350 2800' ;post_print ;;device,/close ;;set_plot, 'X' RETURN END