From Thu Jan 30 15:49:47 1997 Received: from by wiwaxia AA23764; Thu, 30 Jan 97 15:49:46 EST Received: from Mac-mailer (NE80AT6B-DYN-03.MIT.EDU) by AA10000; Thu, 30 Jan 97 15:49:45 EST Date: Thu, 30 Jan 97 15:49:13 EST From: (Dick Elder) To:,, Subject: mis-aligned gratings Status: R Using poly monitor HA 2032 I measured the apparent roll angle created when the film is inserted in the alignment beam between the PEM and the gold grating bars. This polyimide monitor was chosen because it seemed to be stretched in one direction during mounting. I tested with grating ME1404 because it showed little polyimide effect, MD1300 and ME1401 because they shifted relatively large amounts in one direction and ME1414 because it shifted some in the opposite direction. In all cases, H2032 created a peak shift of 1.5 arc minutes. The poly film behaves like a grating with four nulls and peaks as it is rotated through 360 degrees which would explain why only some gratings were affected. Pushing on the frame to increase or decrease the film stress causes the offset to increase and decrease. The film has no effect when inserted into the beam between the grating and the detector. The only M polyimide monitor available appears to be stress free and causes no offset when inserted into the beam. Jane has the poly wafer from lot 7. Let me know if you want it tested. Dick