- Academic Software at Huge Discounts
- Academic Software Discounts
- adding custom C/FORTRAN codes to ISIS
- binned data
- combine_datasets
- combined_datasets questions
- conf_map_counts and C statistics
- errors on fit parameters in isis
- fakeit command for multiple RMF/ARFs
- If you can help me,I will be very grateful!
- installing Isis with precompiled binaries
- is this possible?
- list is now moderated
- making an overplot of a curve function
- Misleading chi-square
- phased spectra for input into isis
- reading a fits file header
- region_flux in ergs?
- Simultaneous fit
- Last message date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 11:32:11 EST
- Archived on: Wed Aug 06 2014 - 08:25:19 EDT