Hi, I am new to ISIS. I have ISIS 1.4.3 binary version and heasoft 6.1.2 installed. I can use xspec11 models within ISIS. I have complied xspec11 local models which work perfectly. However, when I try to load these into ISIS, it says: isis> load_xspec_local_models("/soft/xspec_loc_model"); loading /soft/xspec_loc_model/libxspec_lfn_6.1.so failed loading nthcomp/nthcomp failed loading warmabs/fwarmabs failed loading hotemis/fhotems failed loading hotabs/fhotabs failed loading kdblur/kdblur failed loading kdblur2/kdblur2 Any help? -gulab ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Tue Feb 20 2007 - 21:47:57 EST
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