What does "fit_flux" do? Suppose I load a grating spectrum C(h) grating ARF A(E), and RMF R(h,E), where in this context h represents the grating wavelength. If I flux_corr the spectrum I will get some quantity denoted by F(h). Then does fit_flux assume that F(h) related to the model s(E) by F(h) = \int dE R(h,E) s(E) , independent of the kernel? I "googled" this but did not find the answer except for this comment: % Now do the fit... ('fit_counts' folds the model % through the instrument response; 'fit_flux' % would fit the model directly to flux-corrected % data if such is available -- the latter is sometimes % appropriate for high-resolution data.) Finally, I noticed that the mailinglist archives are not publically available. Are there any plans to make them accessable? Thanks, --John ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Thu Feb 22 2007 - 12:32:54 EST
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