John Houck <houck_at_email.domain.hidden>On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 10:47 -0500, John E. Davis wrote: >> What does "fit_flux" do? >> >> Suppose I load a grating spectrum C(h) grating ARF A(E), and RMF >> R(h,E), where in this context h represents the grating wavelength. >> If I flux_corr the spectrum I will get some quantity denoted by F(h). >> Then does fit_flux assume that F(h) related to the model s(E) by >> >> F(h) = \int dE R(h,E) s(E) , >> >> independent of the kernel? > >Yes and no. The standard kernel is linear, so in that case, >your interpretation (which is the one isis uses) seems >reasonable. I realise that "flux_corr" depends upon the kernel. However, is "fit_flux" kernel-dependent? [...] > isis> flux_corr(1); > Not Implemented:operation not supported by assigned kernel > >That should strongly suggest that it's not a good idea to >use fit_flux with piled-up CCD data. Why? Couldn't I use "put_data_flux" to assign a flux to a dataset and then fit that, independent of the kernel? >The isis distribution does also contain the gpileup kernel >(no doubt you're familiar with it, since you wrote it). >However, because that kernel has remained experimental, the >issue of how it should interact with 'fit_flux' has never been >fully resolved. Is this a good time to revisit that? I think fit_flux should be independent of the kernel and assume F(h) = \int dE R(h,E) s(E) is the relation between the model-flux s(E) and the data-flux F(h). Of course R(h,E) should not include the ARF. [...] >Did you try looking at the help page?: > > isis> help fit_flux Yes, but that did not tell me anything about the kernel or provide an equation such as the above one. [...] >> >> Finally, I noticed that the mailinglist archives are not publically >> available. Are there any plans to make them accessable? >> > >I hadn't considered it, but it seems like a good idea. I think that would also give isis a somewhat larger web presence. Thanks, --John ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Thu Feb 22 2007 - 13:23:24 EST
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