Re: prob. with headas 6.2

From: John Houck <houck_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:40:06 -0400
On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 17:09 +0530, Nilay Bhatt wrote:
> Dear John,
> As u suggested , i built isis-1.4.4 from source.
> but now when i give command 'isis' it says,
> "initialization failed.."
> for ur ref. following is the procedure i followed to install,
> $ ./configure --with-headas=$HEADAS   (o/p config.log)
> $ make               (o/p build.log)
> $ make check         (o/p check.log)
> $ sudo  make install (o/p install.log)
> all these 4 files are attached herewith.

I received no attachments. Perhaps they got stripped off
somewhere along the line.

Let's try to resolve this via direct email.  If necessary,
I can summarize the outcome for others on the list.

Please try this:
  % strace -o trace.log isis -v -n --batch >& init.log

and send me the output files 'trace.log' and 'init.log',
along with the other logs you've created.

In case attachments are getting stripped off, you might want to
include the logs in one file and send that as part of your

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