>So I'm guessing that I've run up against some compiler stack? Am I doing >something wrong? rgibson_at_email.domain.hidden>I see this error occasionally with ISIS 1.3.0 when running "evalfile(...);" > >isis> evalfile("mDOSA.sl"); >S-Lang Error: Syntax Error: Token list stack size exceeded: found '??', line 3, >file: ./convertDegToSDSSName.sl What is in F1.sl? Would you mind sending it to me? Thanks, --John ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Fri Apr 20 2007 - 16:16:36 EDT
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