On May 4, 2007, at 3:51 PM, juan luna wrote: > Thanks for the function and help. I have one more > question about the EW: > > -I'm getting different values using Sherpa and ISIS. > In Sherpa my data are HEG+-1 using add_grating_orders. > In ISIS I'm using HEG+-1 and MEG+-1, and I haven't done extensive tests against old Sherpa, and I don't know how it stacks up. In general, however, barring me making a programming error in the S-lang code, I would be wary of Sherpa. It wouldn't be the first bug we found there. In as much as I've tested it head-to-head, my code seems to agree with the XSPEC definition of equivalent width. > match_dataset_grids([3,1,2]); > variable g = combine_datasets([1:4]); > > where 1 and 2 are HEG+-1 and 3,4 are MEG+-1. > > -I'm using a model like: > fit_fun("powerlaw(1)+gaussian(1)+gaussian(2)+gaussian(3)"); > > Using your EW function, I'm doing : > > eqw=eqw(g,3) for the gaussian(1). And technically speaking, that is comparing to dataset 1, the HEG dataset. I *don't* have this code set-up to use the combined data sets per se. However, I don't think that should make any difference. Also, note in the above that it should be: (eqw_ma, eqw_ev) = eqw(1,3) Since I'm having it output in both eV and mA. > -The EW that Sherpa is calculating are ~2 times the > ones from ISIS. Any help with this? I'd have to go and look at Sherpa again to see what's going on there. If I get a chance to run a test case, I'll let you know. Cheers, Mike ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Mon May 07 2007 - 12:25:25 EDT
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