Re: isis startup error

From: Roderick Johnstone <rmj_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 17:33:36 +0100
John E. Davis wrote:
> Roderick Johnstone <rmj_at_email.domain.hidden>> So there seems to be more than one version of slsh in the ciao 3.4 
>> release. The version I'm picking up is 1.4.9, although I built isis 
>> against --with-slang=/data/soft3/cxc/v3.4/linux/ots/slang which seems to 
>> contain
> If I were you, I would not use the version of slang that is
> distributed in ciao.  Rather, I would download the slang source code
> (see <>) and install it in
> /usr/local, i.e.,
>     cd slang-2.x.x
>     ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
>     make elf
>     sudo make install-elf
> Then rebuild isis against this version of slang.  This will also
> permit you to use isis in a ciao-independent manner.
> I hope this helps.
> Thanks,
> --John

I tried that back in January, but it broke various things in ciao. I 
can't remember what, now though.

Do you have experience of running ciao and the latest isis, side by 
side? If it can be made to work I'm more than happy to go that route, 
but I have some reservations based on previous experience!


Roderick Johnstone                          Email: rmj_at_email.domain.hiddenX-ray Astronomy Group                       Phone: +44 1223 766656
Institute of Astronomy                      Mobile:   07989 809095
Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK       Fax:   +44 1223 337523
Received on Thu May 31 2007 - 12:33:36 EDT

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