Dear Chandra grating users: The first public release of the S-Lang tool "findzo" is now available from: The "findzo" package contains an algorithm for detecting a centroid position of a zeroth order image of Chandra HETGS and LETGS (i.e., zero wavelength position) by finding an intersection between grating arms and a data transfer streak. The findzo tool is useful for those targets which the zeroth order image is severely piled or blocked out due to their brightness in X-rays. The tool has been tested rigorously by MIT SDS and Chandra pipeline prcessing group for its accuracy in determining an improved reference point for zero wavelength. Please visit the link above to learn more about how the tool works and how to install the package. Best regards, Kazunori "Bish" Ishibashi and David P. Huenemoerder PS. if you are attending X-ray grating spectroscopy meeting in Boston next week, you should check out Joy Nichols' poster on the findzo tool: -- "Bish" K. Ishibashi, Ph.D. NorthWest Research Associates, Inc. e bish_at_email.domain.hiddenCoRA Division w 303-415-9701 x241 3380 Mitchell Lane f 303-415-9702 Boulder, CO 80303 U.S.A. h ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Sat Jul 07 2007 - 13:25:19 EDT
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